Published market research reports: information doping for an enterprise

Published market research reports: information doping for an enterprise

We offer you to get acquainted with the catalog of finished projects on our website, which presents published market research reports – more than 1,700 reports on various market areas of Ukraine and  the world. Today it is unlikely that there will be a business direction that is not covered at some point by the attention of Pro-Consulting. All published market research reports were conducted in order to provide client companies with an analysis of market conditions and trends in which they operate. Based on the conclusions, forecasts and recommendations contained in the reports, strategies for development, competition, interaction with consumers and other roadmaps for strengthening market positions and maximizing profits were developed.

There is a high probability that Pro-Consulting has already researched your market – check the catalog of published market research reports

Published market research reports: relevance remains

Although published market research report is more retrospective, it has value for the business of the here and now. The fact is that any goods and services market is a complex system, and it rarely changes dramatically immediately. Influence factors and development trends persist in the market for a long time, and market research contains an analysis of these factors and trends, recommendations for minimizing the associated risks, the use of available opportunities and benefits. Retroanalysis approaches are applicable not only to chess, but also to another game – business. Published market research report will help to understand how the current market situation has developed and what strategy will be most effective in these economic conditions.

                We recommend material with a more extensive description of market analysis as a service

Published market research reports: content

Published market research report is a peculiar information doping for your company in a period of instability caused by economic uncertainty. Now it's time to find out what information is usually contained in published research reports by Pro-Consulting, performed according to ESOMAR standards.

In the standard version, published market research report reflects a holistic picture of the market situation, consisting of the following blocks:

  1. General characteristics of the market:
  • market description;
  • major indicators;
  • structure;
  • characteristic market trends;
  • features of state regulation.
  1. Market participants and their activities:
  • list and description of significant operators;
  • segmentation of participants by sales, goods, specialization, regions and other characteristics;
  • direct and indirect competitors, their market position;
  • marketing strategies used by competitors.
  1. Consumers:
  • portrait and consumer preferences;
  • analysis of the need for a particular product and service;
  • consumer satisfaction with the existing supply;
  • public sector consumption, tender procurement research;
  • online consumer audience.
  1. Conclusions, forecasts, recommendations:
  • identified market trends;
  • hypotheses of changes and forecast indicators of the market in different time perspectives;
  • recommendations for business development.
  1. Attractiveness of the market for bringing a new participants:
  • SWOT analysis;
  • PEST analysis;
  • possible strategies to avoid risks and overcome barriers.


One of the published market analyzes prepared - market research for agricultural machinery in Ukraine (2019) in Ukraine. Check out the detailed report structure as an example – it can be used in your market research

In addition to the above blocks, published market research reports may include other sections of interest to client companies, such as:

  • quantitative and cost indicators of sales in the market;
  • sales volumes, segmented by goods, operators, price range and other categories;
  • characteristics of the foreign trade contour;
  • prices and pricing factors;
  • analysis of existing sales channels in the market.

Published market research report contains a large amount of information, but all of it is presented in a clear and convenient for your analysis form – in descriptions, tables, graphs, charts and other forms.

We also recommend familiarize with the full list of Pro-Consulting services in market research and strategic consulting field

Visiting the published market research reports store on the site Pro-Consulting and selecting the section "market research reports", you will see examples of market research reports. There is also a simple but functional form of search, with which you can find published market research reports by industry, year of preparation and keywords.

If published market research reports still can not fully meet your information needs, you can always order market research from us. Please note that any published market research report presented in the catalog can be updated and adapted to the objectives of your business.

If you are not sure which method of market research is right for you, just contact Pro-Consulting and ask your questions to a consultant.

Date of placement: 17.07.2020

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