Market research for agricultural machinery in Ukraine. 2019

Market research for agricultural machinery in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 52 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 25
Tables: 41
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
14600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of the development of the Mounted agricultural machinery for low-power tractors market tendencies (factors of influence on the market, the dynamics of the agricultural market in the segment of small farmers, the dynamics of the low-power tractors market)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity
1.3. Assessment of the shadow market
2. State regulation of the industry. Import duties on Mounted machinery
3. Production of Mounted agricultural machinery for low-power tractors in 2017-1 half 2019.
3.1. Production volume in kind (by type)
3.2. Major manufacturers' shares (in the frame of product groups, without subdivisions break-down)
4. Major market operators (manufacturers and importers) 4.1. List of major market operators and their description
4.2. Operators Structuring (by specialization, types of products, regional presence)
4.3. Major Market Operators' Market Share (Overall in the Market)
5.1 Import of Mounted machinery in 2017-1st half 2019. (Volumes, structure by types and branches, trademarks, average import prices, geography, importers' shares)
5.2. Mounted machinery Export in 2017-1st half 2019. (Volume, structure by types and branches, trademarks, average export prices, geography, importers' shares)
6. Consumers and their benefits (farmers, community services)
6.1. Quantity and regional structure of small farmers and agricultural enterprises (maize, wheat) - with restriction on sowing area
6.2. Number of low power tractors imported
6.3. Tenders by community companies for the purchase of tractors and Mounted machinery Analysis
7. Conclusions. Forecasts
7.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of the market development
7.3. Market Development Advice for "Fregat"

List of Tables:

1. Tractors received by enterprises throughout the year, depending on the tractor power, units.
2. Equipment received at agricultural enterprises throughout the year., units.
3. The equipment for tractors with a capacity of up to 40 kW received at the enterprise throughout the year in Ukraine in 2015-2019, units.
4. Mounted agricultural machinery for tractors of low power Market capacity, in kind, units
5. Market capacity of mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors , in monetary terms, mln. UAH
6. Evaluation of the shadow market
7. Conditions for compensating the cost of agricultural machinery at the expense of state support
8. State support programs and the level of their harness in 2018-2019.
9. Import duties on agricultural machinery in Ukraine,%
10. Mounted agricultural machinery for low-power tractors Production in 2017-1st half of 2019, units.
11. Manufacturers of agricultural machinery, whose assortment includes Mounted agricultural machinery for low-power tractors
12. Importers of agricultural machinery, the range of which includes Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors
13. Structuring of manufacturers by specialization
14. Structuring of producers by regions
15. Structuring of importers by regions
16. Structuring of manufacturers by types of product
17. Imports volume of Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp to Ukraine, for 2017-1st half of 2019, in monetary terms, millions USD
18. Import structure of Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp to Ukraine, for the 2017-1 half 2019, in kind, units,%
19. TM Structure of imported Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in kind, units,%
20. Average prices of imported Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in monetary terms, USD. \ units.
21. Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp Importers' Shares, in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half 2019, in kind, units.
22. Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp Importers' Shares (mounted excavators, captures, forks, loaders) in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half 2019, in kind, units.
23. Export structure of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in kind, units.
24. Export structure of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
25. Average export prices of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp, in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in kind, units.
26. Mounted machinery for tractors of low power up to 50 hp exporters' Shares, in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in kind, units.
27. Mounted machinery for tractors of low power up to 50 hp exporters' Shares, in Ukraine, for 2017-1st half 2019, in kind, units.
28. The number of enterprises Dynamics, in Ukraine in 2016-2018
29. Farm Areas occupied by wheat and corn
30. The activities of farmers, depending on its area
31. Farmers' preferences when choosing equipment, depending on the type of activity of the enterprise
32. Households' Provision with Mounted agricultural machinery, in Ukraine, in 2017 and 2018,%
33. The purchase by agricultural enterprises of new agricultural tractors Dynamics in 2015-2018, in kind, units
34. The purchase by agricultural enterprises of new agricultural tractors Dynamics according to the customs classifier in 2015-2018, in kind, units
35. Import of agricultural tractors (new) to Ukraine in 2015-5 months of 2019, in kind, units.
36. Open tenders for the purchase of low power tractors and Mounted machinery as of October 16, 2019
37. Open and completed lots for the purchase of tractors and mounted agricultural machinery in 2017-2019.
38. Canceled lots for the purchase of tractors and mounted agricultural machinery in 2017-2019.
39. The main utility companies - customers of equipment in tenders
40. Supplier-Enterprises of tractors and mounted agricultural machinery that won in tenders in 2017-2019.
41. Forecast indicators for the mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors market, units.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of real GDP of Ukraine in 2014-2018, billion. $
2. Agriculture Share in the structure of GDP of Ukraine,%
3. Sown area of ​​agricultural crops in Ukraine in 2014-2018, thousands hectare
4. The volume of crop production in Ukraine in 2014-2018, thousand tons
5. Agricultural products exports' share in the total volume of exports from Ukraine,%
6. Agricultural lending volume in Ukraine in 2018, mln. UAH
7. Structure of profitable and unprofitable enterprises in agriculture in 2010-2018,
8. Availability of tractors in agriculture in Ukraine in 2015-2019, units
9. Production of mounted agricultural machinery in 2017-1 half 2019, Art.
10. Agricultural machinery manufacturers Shares in 2017
10. Agricultural machinery manufacturers Shares in 2018
12. Major operators in the agricultural machinery market for low-power tractors Shares in 2017
13. Major operators in the Low Power Tractor Market Shares in 2018
14. Import volume of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half fo 2019, in kind, units.
14. Import volume of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half fo 2019, in monetary terms, units.
16. Geography of imported Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half 2019, in kind,%
17. Import Volume of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp (Mounted excavators, grippers, forks, forklifts) in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half 2019, in kind, units.
18. Export volume of Mounted machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half 2019, in kind, units.
19. Mounted agricultural machinery for low power tractors up to 50 hp Export in Ukraine, for 2017-1 half 2019, in monetary terms, mln. USD
20. Amount of agricultural and farming enterprises in Ukraine in 2018, pcs.
21. Amount of agricultural and farming enterprises in Ukraine in 2018, pcs.
22. Structure of farms depending on the amount and total area of different size enterprises ​​groups
23. Structure of farms depending on the amount and total area of different size enterprises ​​groups
24. Structure of households based on the amount and total area of different size farms ​​groups
25. The share of tractors up to 40 kW in different types of enterprises

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