Ukrainian Tractors (under 100 HP) Market Research Report. 2017

Ukrainian Tractors (under 100 HP) Market Research Report. 2017
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2017 year
Number of pages: 31, Arial 10
Graphs and charts: 19
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: English
15600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General description of the market
1.1. Analysis of market trends in 2016-1st half of 2017 (specific problems, factors influencing the market)
1.2. Tractor fleet in Ukraine (by capacity, use) in 2016
1.3. Purchasing of new tractors by agricultural companies in Ukraine in 2016 (by capacity, use, brands)
2. Government regulation (import duties, benefits and programs for agricultural companies)
3. Dynamics of production in 2016-1st half of 2017
3.1. Production in 2016-1st half of 2017 (in pcs)
4. Major market players
4.1. Major market players and their description (manufacturers and importers)
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main operators of the market (by tractor power, brands, regionally)
4.3. Shares of major market operators (whole market)
4.4. Competition and risks
5. Imports of production in 2016-1st half of 2017 (volume, structure by power, brands, prices, geography of supply by the countries, major importers)
6. Price and pricing on the market
6.1. Current average prices (import prices)
7. Consumption of products on the market
7.1. Consumer preferences regarding products, consumer portrait
7.2. Segmentation and structure of consumption (by number of active agricultural companies, large/small enterprises)
8. Sales channels at the market (directly from official distributors or resellers – estimated according to the foreign trade)
9. Conclusions and recommendations. Expected indicators of market development in 2017-2019
10. Tax incentive for manufacturers tractors in Ukraine (SKD/CKD etc.)

List of Tables:

1. Purchase of new tractors by agricultural enterprises (by capacity of tractors and brands) in Ukraine, 2016
2. The degree of localization of machinery and equipment produced in Ukraine
3. Duties on import of tractors
4. Production of tractors in Ukraine, 2016-1st half of 2017, pcs
5. Segmentation and structuring of the main operators on the Ukrainian tractor market
6. Risks on the tractors market
7. Import of tractors to Ukraine in 2016-1st half of 2017, pcs
8. Import of tractors to Ukraine in 2016-1st half of 2017, mln UAH
9. Import of tractors to Ukraine in 2016-1st half of 2017, USD mln
10. Average import prices*, thousand UAH per 1 pcs
11. Average import prices, thousand USD per 1 pcs
12. The quantity of enterprises (by the type of economic activity and sizes of enterprises), 2016, units
13. Top-10 importers (senders) of new tractors in 2016, %

List of graphs and charts:

1. Export and import of tractors (HS code – 8701)* in 2013-2016, pcs
2. The quantity of tractors (by category of farms) in Ukraine, 2016, pcs
3. The quantity of tractors on agricultural enterprises in Ukraine, 2014-2016, pcs (at the end of year)
4. The quantity of tractors (by different forms of business organization) in 2016, %
5. The quantity of tractors on agricultural enterprises in Ukraine (by capacity), in 2016, %
6. The quantity of tractors on farms in Ukraine (by capacity), in 2016, %
7. The quantity of tractors on agricultural enterprises in Ukraine (by regions), 2016, pcs
8. The quantity of tractors on farms in Ukraine (by regions), 2016, pcs
9. Purchase of new tractors by agricultural enterprises in Ukraine (by regions), 2016
10. The shares of major market operators (importers and producers), in 2016, %
11. The dynamics of import to Ukraine in 2016-1st half of 2017, pcs
12. Structure of import (by types of tractors) in 2016, pcs, in %
13. Structure of import (by the engine power of tractors) in 2016, %
14. Structure of import (by brands of tractors), %
15. Average import prices, thousand UAH per 1 pcs
16. Average import prices, USD per 1 pcs
17. Geographical structure of import (by countries), %
18. Major importers of tractors in Ukraine, %
19. The segmentation of the tractor consumers

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