Market research report on attachments in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on attachments in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2024 year
Number of pages: 38, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 15
Tables: 26
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
36700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the attached machinery market (factors of market influence, dynamics of the agricultural market in the segment of small farmers, dynamics of the market of low-power tractors)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2019-2023.
1.3. Evaluation of the shadow market
2. Production of mounted equipment in 2019-2023.
2.1. The volume of production in natural terms (by species)
2.2. Shares of the main producers (by species)
3. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
3.1. List of main market operators and their description
3.2 Structure of operators (by specialization, types of products, regional presence)
3.3. Market shares of the main market operators (overall by market)
4. Foreign trade
4.1. Export of mounted equipment in 2019-2023 (Volumes, structure by types and subtypes, trademarks, average export prices, geography, shares of exporters
4.2. Import of mounted equipment in 2019-2023. (Volumes, structure by species and subspecies, trademarks, average import prices, geography, shares of importers)
5. Consumers and their preferences (farmers, communal services)
5.1. The number and regional structure of small farmers and agricultural enterprises (corn, wheat) - with restrictions on the area of sowing
5.2. The number of imported tractors and combines
Shares of importers (until 2023)
5.3. Analysis of the number of tractors in comparison with the dynamics of the attached machinery market (identification of the most saturated market segments)
5.4. Analysis of tenders of utility companies for the purchase of tractors and attachments
6. Conclusions. Predictive indicators
6.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
6.2. Forecast indicators of market development in 2024-2026.
7. Investment attractiveness of the market
7.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats
7.2. PESTLE analysis of factors affecting the market
7.3. Risks and barriers to market development

List of Tables:

1. Agricultural machinery market capacity, 2017-2022, in monetary terms, $ million
2. Dynamics of the volume of production of attached equipment in the customer's field of activity in 2019-2023 in natural indicators, units of equipment
3. Dynamics of the volume of production of other attached equipment in natural indicators (units of equipment) in 2019-2023
4. Market shares of the main manufacturers of mounted equipment by type in 2021-2023.
5. TOP-10 bucket importers according to the results of 2023
6. The main manufacturers (competitors) in the product group of parts for loading gas equipment
7. TOP-10 manufacturers of other attachments based on the results of 2023
8. Structuring operators
9. Market shares of the main operators (manufacturers and dealers) in 2022-2023.
10. The structure of the export of mounted equipment in monetary terms ($ million) by product group in 2019-2023.
11. Average export prices of mounted equipment by product group in 2022-2023.
12. Shares of exporters of attached machinery (TOP-10 exporters for 2023)
13. The structure of the import of mounted equipment in monetary terms ($ million) by product group in 2019-2023.
14. Average import prices of mounted equipment by product group in 2022-2023.
15. Shares of importers of attached machinery (TOP-10 importers for 2023) by codes 843120 and 843139
16. Shares of bucket importers in 2023
17. Shares of importers of attached equipment (TOP-10 importers for 2023)
18. List of the main largest agricultural enterprises in Ukraine
19. Shares of importers of tractors for 2023 in monetary terms, thousands of $
20. Update of the tractor fleet in 2019-2023, units
21. Dynamics of production volumes of attached machinery in Ukraine in 2022-2023, units
22. Dynamics of the volume of import of mounted equipment to Ukraine in 2022-2023, expressed in kind by weight, thousand tons
23. Volumes of purchases by utility companies (in monetary terms) and the average price per unit of attached equipment
24. Forecast of the capacity of the attached equipment market in 2024-2026.
25. PEST LE analysis of factors affecting the tractor market
26. Market risk map

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of export volumes of mounted equipment in 2019-2023 million $
2. The structure of the export of mounted equipment in 2022-2023 by brand
3. Geography of export of mounted equipment in 2022-2023 in monetary terms
4. Dynamics of import volumes of mounted equipment in 2019-2023, million $
5. The structure of the import of mounted equipment in 2022-2023 by brand
6. Main trading partners of Ukraine (by import share)
7. Structure of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine among wheat and corn producers by land area, 2022, %
8. Structure of production (wheat and corn) by land area, 2022, %
9. Geography of wheat and corn cultivation by farms in 2022, in thousand tons
10. Dynamics of import of tractors in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in monetary terms, million $
11. Dynamics of import of tractors in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in natural terms, million tons
12. Import volumes of tractors by capacity, 2020 - 6 months. 2023 in monetary terms, $ million
13. Geography of import of tractors to Ukraine, 2023, in monetary terms, $ million
14. Dynamics of tractor production, 2017-2022, in natural terms, units per year
15. Distribution of completed tenders for the purchase of attached equipment by types of equipment


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