Analysis of the market for grain cleaning and drying equipment in Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan in 2018-1 semi. 2019

Analysis of the market for grain cleaning and drying equipment in Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan in 2018-1 semi. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2019 year
Number of pages: 51, Arial, 1 Interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 38
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
21950 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of the development trends of the grain cleaning and drying equipment market in 2018-1 half 2019 (development specifics, problems, factors influencing the market)
1.2. Overall market indicators, market capacity calculation in 2018-1 half 2019
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (by origin, by type)
2. Dynamics of equipment production in Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan in 2018-1 half of 2019 in kind (estimation according to enterprise reporting data, installed equipment, etc.)
3. Major market operators
3.1. Major market operators and their description (manufacturers and importers)
3.2. Segmentation and structuring of major market operators (by segments, groups, specializations and regionally)
3.3. Major operators Market shares in the researched countries (In Ukraine - according to production and import data, in Moldova and Kazakhstan - estimation according to the financial statements of market operators, foreign trade)
4. Foreign trade in the market
4.1. Export of products in 2018-1 half 2019 (volumes, structure, geography of deliveries, in Ukraine - exporters shares)
4.2. Imports of products in 2018-1 half 2019 (volumes, structure, geography, in Ukraine - importers share)
5. Price and pricing in the market
5.1. Average current product prices by types (according to supplier price charts by countries)
6. Consumption of products in the market
6.1. Analysis of the major indicators of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan in 2018-2019 (grain yield, number of elevators and granaries)
6.2. Segmentation and structuring of consumption (large, medium and small agricultural companies)
7. Conclusions and recommendations
7.1. Forecast trends and market development indicators in 2019-2022
7.2. Recommendations for development in the market of Ukraine (in terms of the current positions of the customer), entry into the market of Kazakhstan and Moldova
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT - analysis of the customer company (Zernotik-Agro) in terms of goals and objectives
8.3. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Indicators of grain cleaning and drying equipment market capacity in Kazakhstan in 2018, in kind, pcs.
2. Indicators of grain cleaning and drying equipment market capacity in Moldova in 2018, in kind, pcs.
3. Segmentation of the major operators on the seed drying and cleaning equipment market in Ukraine
4. Segmentation of the major operators on the seed drying and cleaning equipment market in Kazakhstan
5. Current prices for the main grain cleaning equipment in Kazakhstan presented on the market
6. Current prices for the main grain drying equipment in Kazakhstan presented on the market
7. Current prices for the main grain cleaning equipment in Ukraine presented on the market
8. Current prices for basic grain drying equipment in Ukraine presented on the market
9. Dynamics of grain yield by kinds in 2018 - 1 half 2019, 100 kilos per 1 hectare
10. Dynamics of the forecast grain yield by kinds in 2018-1 half 2019, 100 kilos per 1 hectare
11. SWOT - analysis of the customer company in terms of goals and objectives

12. Market risk segmentation
13. Grain Equipment Market Risk Map

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of Grain cleaning Equipment Market Capacity in Ukraine in 2018-1 half 2019, in kind,%
2. Dynamics of the grain drying equipment market capacity in Ukraine in 2018-1 half 2019, in kind,%
3. Structure Dynamics of the grain equipment market in Kazakhstan in 2018, in kind,%
4. Structure Dynamics of the grain cleaning and drying equipment market, by origin in Kazakhstan in 2018, in kind,%
5. Structure Dynamics of the grain equipment market in Moldova in 2018, in kind,%
6. Structure Dynamics of the grain equipment market in Ukraine in the 1 half 2018 - 1 half 2019, In ​​kind,%
7. Structure Dynamics of grain cleaning equipment market by origin in Ukraine in the 1 half 2018-1 half 2019, in kind, %
8. Structure Dynamics of grain drying equipment market by origin in Ukraine in the 1 half 2018-1 half 2019, in kind, %
9. Production Dynamics of grain cleaning and drying equipment in Kazakhstan for 2018 - 1 half 2019 years, pcs.
10. Production Dynamics of grain cleaning and drying equipment in Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 2019 years, pcs.
11. Major operators Shares of grain drying and cleaning equipment market in Ukraine in 1st half 2019, %
12. Grain equipment Export structure, by type in 2018, in kind,%
13. Export structure of grain cleaning equipment by countries in 2018, in kind,%
14. Dynamics of grain cleaning equipment export from Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 2019 years, units
15. Dynamics of grain drying equipment export from Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 2019 years, units
16. Dynamics of grain equipment export structure from Ukraine by type in 1 half 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind,%
17. Dynamics of the grain cleaning equipment export structure from Ukraine by countries of destination in 1 half 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind,%
18. Dynamics of the grain cleaning equipment exporters structure from Ukraine in the 1st half 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind,%
19. Dynamics of the grain drying equipment exporters structure from Ukraine in the 1st half 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind,%
20. The structure of grain equipment Imports by types into Kazakhstan in 2018, in kind,%
21. The structure of grain equipment imports by countries in Kazakhstan in 2018, in kind,%
22. The structure of grain equipment Import by type into Moldova in 2018, in kind,%
23. Import structure of grain equipment by countries to Moldova in 2018, in kind,%
24. Dynamics of grain cleaning equipment imports into Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 2019 years, pcs.
25. Dynamics of grain drying equipment imports into Ukraine for 2018 - 1 half 2019 years, pcs.
26. Dynamics of the grain equipment imports structure into Ukraine by types in 1 half 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind,%
27. Dynamics of the grain cleaning equipment imports structure into Ukraine by sender countries in the 1st half 2018-1 half 2019, in kind,%
28. Dynamics of the grain drying equipment imports structure into Ukraine by sender countries in the 1st half 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind,%
29. Dynamics of the grain cleaning equipment importers structure in Ukraine in the 1st half 2018-1 half 2019, in kind,%
30. Dynamics of the grain drying equipment importers structure in Ukraine in the 1st half 2018-1 half 2019, in kind,%
31. Structure of the granaries capacity in Ukraine,%
32. Structure of the existing elevator capacities of Ukraine by regions, mln t
33. Dynamics of regional structure of grain and leguminous crops productivity in Kazakhstan in 2018-2019 * years, in kind,%
34. Structure of agricultural companies number, by size, by countries, in kind,%
35. Structure of agricultural enterprises net profit by size, by countries, in kind,%
36. Forecast indicators of the grain equipment market development in Kazakhstan, in kind, pcs.
37. Forecast indicators of the grain equipment market development in Moldova, in kind, pcs.
38. Forecast indicators of the grain equipment market development in Ukraine, in kind, pcs

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