Analysis of the concrete products market in Ukraine. 2024 year

Analysis of the concrete products market in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2024 year
Number of pages: 32, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 25
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
29800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market size
1.1. Volume of construction works by segments
1.2. Share in GDP
1.3. The largest projects
1.4. Regional structure and indicators
- New construction, available area under construction
- Issued permits for construction works
- Volume of reconstruction works
- Volume of active construction (including private and apartment buildings, social buildings, industrial premises, warehouses and other infrastructure)
- Trends in demand
- Prices for end users (current)
- Sales volumes (m2 and in monetary terms)
- Cost of construction and its change since 2020
- Analysis of the structure and sources of financing
1.5. Design companies (total number, how they operate, number of staff, how many of them are abroad (if any), share of foreign companies in the market, typical range of services)
1.6. Analysis of construction market operators
- List of companies, identification of foreign players, share by players and countries
- Level of market concentration
2. Potential of the construction market
2.1. The need to restore destroyed facilities
2.2. Potential for modernisation of existing buildings
2.3. Basic forecast of market development
3. Concrete (beams and columns, hollow core slabs, solid slabs, wall elements)
3.1 Market volume of ready-mixed concrete and reinforced concrete products by type
3.2. List of concrete products manufacturers and their capacities
3.3 Plans to build new concrete products plants, locations and investors
4. Conclusions and forecasts of the studied markets

List of Tables:

1. New construction (total area of residential and non-residential buildings for which permits were issued) in Ukraine by region, in 2021-1Q2024, thousand m2, %.
2. Regional distribution of issued building permits, % 3.
3. Main operators in the market of designing residential and non-residential buildings
4. Main operators in the market of design of industrial facilities
5. The main operators in the market of infrastructure design
6. Key operators in the field of oil and gas facilities
7. Major operators in the segment of residential and non-residential construction (except for industrial facilities)
8. Main operators in the segment of construction of industrial facilities (plants)
9. Key operators in the construction of engineering structures (roads, bridges, railways, etc.)
10. Key operators in the segment of other engineering facilities
11. The largest construction companies with foreign capital
12. Level of concentration and competition in the construction market by segments in 2023, concentration ratio CR4 and competition intensity ratio (calculated based on the degree of similarity of competitors' shares), %
13. Major producers of concrete products in Ukraine as of 2023

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volume of construction works in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion
2. Volume of construction works by segments in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, billion UAH
3. Volume of construction works by type in 2023, in monetary terms, %.
4. Distribution of construction works by the nature of construction in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in monetary terms % 5.
5. Nominal GDP of Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in UAH terms, billion UAH
6. The share of the construction market in the GDP of Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in UAH terms, %.
7. Volume of new construction (total area of residential and non-residential buildings for which permits were issued) in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, thousand m2
8. Share of new construction (total area of residential and non-residential buildings for which permits were issued) in Ukraine by type, in 2021-2023, thousand m2, % 9.
9. Number of issued permits for construction works, units
10. The volume of reconstruction construction works in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in monetary terms, billion UAH
11. Total area of residential buildings commissioned in 2020-1Q2024, thousand m2
12. Share of commissioned residential buildings by type in 2020-2023, m2, %.
13. Total area of non-residential buildings commissioned in 2020-1Q2024, thousand m2
14. Share of commissioned non-residential buildings by type, in 2020-2023, thousand m2, %.
15. Housing price index (to December of the previous year) in Ukraine in 2020-2023, %.
16. Average prices for residential property in the primary market by region as of July 2024, thousand UAH/m2
17. Sales of apartments in new buildings in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in physical terms, thousand m2
18. Sales volume of apartments in new buildings in Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in monetary terms, UAH million
19. Price index in construction (to December of the previous year) in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, %.
20. Number of design companies in Ukraine in 2020-2023, units
21. Number of employees in design companies in Ukraine in 2020-2023, persons
22. The volume of the construction market in Ukraine in 2020-2026, in monetary terms, billion UAH
23. Market capacity of ready-mixed concrete in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in physical terms, million tonnes
24. Market capacity of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2020-1Q2024, in physical terms, thousand tonnes
25. Market structure by types of concrete products in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %

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