Market research report on construction and building materials in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on construction and building materials in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2024 year
Number of pages: 64, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 75
Tables: 40
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
89600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market size
1.1. Volume of construction works by segments
1.2. Share in GDP
1.3. Largest projects
1.4. Regional structure and indicators 7
- New construction, available area under construction
- Permits for construction
- Volumes of reconstruction works
- Volume of active construction (separately private and apartment buildings, social buildings, industrial premises, warehouses and other infrastructure)
- Trends in demand
- Prices for final customers (current)
- Sales volumes (m2 and in monetary terms)
- Construction cost and its change from 2020
- Analysis of the structure and sources of financing
1.5. Design companies (total number, how they work, number of staff, how many of them are abroad (if available), share of foreign companies in the market, typical set of services)
1.6. Analysis of construction market operators
- List of companies, selection of foreign players, share by players and countries
- Level of market concentration
2. The potential of the construction market
2.1. The need to restore destroyed objects
2.2. Potential for modernization of existing buildings
2.3. Basic market development forecast
3. Wood Market
3.1. Trends and factors affecting the market
3.2. The main indicators of the market by product groups
3.2.1 Lumber
3.2.2 Planed products
3.2.3 Spliced components
3.2.4 Glued timber
3.2.5 Wooden floor
3.2.6 Wooden containers/pallets
3.2.7 Wooden furniture
3.2.8 Wooden doors
3.2.9 Wooden windows
3.2.10 CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber)
3.2.11 LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber)
4. Concrete and reinforced concrete products
4.1. Market volume of commercial concrete and reinforced concrete products by types
4.2. The list of manufacturers of reinforced concrete products and their production capacities
4.3. Plans for the construction of new plants, locations and investors
5. Metal structures
5.1. Market volume of metal structures for construction
5.2. Market structure by main types
5.3. List and shares of the main market operators
- Manufacturers of metal structures
- Design and installation services companies
5.4. Market consumption analysis. Structure of consumption by direction (bridges, buildings, etc.)
6. Paints
6.1. Market capacity
- Production, structure by manufacturers and product groups
- Import by countries and suppliers
- Export by countries and suppliers
6.2. Market prices
7. Conclusions and forecast indicators of the development of the studied market

List of Tables:

1. New construction (total area of residential and non-residential buildings for which permits have been issued) in Ukraine by region, in 2021-1 sq. 2024, thousand m2, %
2. The number of issued construction work permits, units
3. Regional distribution of issued construction work permits, %
4. The main operators in the design market of residential and non-residential buildings
5. The main operators in the market of designing industrial objects
6. The main operators in the market of designing infrastructure objects
7. Main operators in the field of oil and gas sector facilities
8. Main operators in the construction segment of residential and non-residential buildings (except industrial facilities)
9. Main operators in the construction segment of industrial facilities (plants)
10. The main operators in the construction segment of engineering structures (roads, bridges, railways, etc.)
11. Main operators in the segment of other engineering objects
12. The largest construction companies with foreign capital
13. The level of concentration and competition in the construction market by segment in 2023, the CR4 concentration coefficient and the competition intensity coefficient (calculated on the basis of the degree of similarity of competitors' shares), %
14. The main importers of lumber as of 2023
15. The main exporters of lumber as of 2023
16. The largest manufacturers of planed wood products in Ukraine
17. The largest importer of planed wood as of 2023
18. The main exporters of planed wood as of 2023
19. The largest producers of jointed wood components in Ukraine
20. The main importers of spliced components as of 2023
21. The main exporters of spliced components as of 2023
22. The largest manufacturers of glued beams in Ukraine
23. The volume of wooden floor production in Ukraine in 2020-1Q 2024,
in monetary terms, million UAH
24. The main manufacturers of wooden flooring in Ukraine as of 2023
25. The volume of imports of wooden flooring (parquet and laminate) to Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
26. The main importers of wooden flooring as of 2023
27. The volume of exports of wooden floors (parquet and laminate) from Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
28. The main exporters of wooden flooring as of 2023
29. The main manufacturers of wooden containers as of 2023
30. The main importers of wooden containers as of 2023
31. The main exporters of wooden containers as of 2023
32. The main importers of wooden furniture as of 2023
33. The main exporters of wooden furniture as of 2023
34. The largest producers of wooden windows in Ukraine as of 2023
35. The main producers of fire fighting equipment in Ukraine as of 2023
36. The main manufacturers of metal structures in Ukraine as of 2023
37. The main companies in the design and installation of metal structures in Ukraine as of 2023
38. The largest manufacturers of paints in Ukraine as of 2023
39. The largest importers of paints in Ukraine as of 2023
40. The largest exporters of paints from Ukraine as of 2023

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volume of construction works in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, in monetary terms, billion UAH
2. Volume of construction works by segments in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, billion UAH
3. Volume of construction works by types in 2023, in monetary terms, %
4. Distribution of the volume of construction works by the nature of construction in Ukraine in
2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, %
5. Nominal GDP of Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in hryvnias, billion hryvnias
6. The share of the construction market in the GDP of Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in hryvnias, %
7. Volumes of new construction (total area of residential and non-residential buildings for which permits have been issued) in Ukraine in 2020-1 sq. 2024, thousand m2
8. Share of new construction (total area of residential and non-residential buildings for which permits have been issued) in Ukraine by types, in 2021-2023, thousand m2, %
9. The volume of completed reconstruction construction works in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, in monetary terms, billion UAH
10. The total area of residential buildings put into operation in 2020-1 sq.m. 2024, thousand m2
11. Share of commissioned residential buildings by type in 2020-2023, m2, %
12. The total area of non-residential buildings put into operation in 2020-1 sq. 2024, thousand m2
13. Share of commissioned non-residential buildings by type, in 2020-2023, thousand m2, %
14. Housing price index (until December of the previous year) in Ukraine in 2020-2023, %
15. Average prices for residential real estate on the primary market by region as of July 2024, thousand UAH/m2
16. The volume of sales of apartments in new buildings in Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in natural terms, thousand m2
17. The volume of sales of apartments in new buildings in Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in monetary terms, million UAH
18. Price index in construction (until December of the previous year) in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, %
19. Number of design companies in Ukraine in 2020-2023, units
20. Number of employees in design companies in Ukraine in 2020-2023, persons
21. Volume of the construction market in Ukraine in 2020-2026, in monetary terms, billion UAH
22. The total volume of sales of wood and its products in Ukraine in 2020-1Q 2024, in monetary terms, million UAH
23. The total volume of sales of unprocessed wood (business roundwood) in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in natural terms, thousand m3
24. The average sale price of raw wood (business roundwood) in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/m3
25. The share of timber sales volumes in the regions in 2023, in natural terms, %
26. The volume of lumber production in Ukraine in 2020-1Q 2024,
in monetary terms, million UAH
27. The volume of lumber imports (UKTZED code 4404; 4407; 4408; 4409; 4410; 4413) to Ukraine in 2020-1q. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
28. The volume of lumber exports (UKTZED code 4404; 4407; 4408; 4409; 4410; 4413) from Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, in monetary terms, thousand UAH
29. Production volume of planed wood products in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
30. The volume of import of planed wood products to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
31. The volume of exports of planed wood products from Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
32. The volume of production of spliced components in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024, in monetary terms, million UAH
33. The volume of imports of spliced components (UKTZED code 4409) to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
34. The volume of exports of spliced components (code UKTZED 4409) to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
35. Volume of production of glued beams (code UKTZED 441881) in Ukraine in 2020-1Q 2024, in monetary terms, million UAH
36. The volume of exports of glued beams (UKTZED code 441881) from Ukraine in 2020-1Q 2024, in monetary terms, million UAH
37. The largest exporters of glulam from Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
38. The volume of production of wooden containers in Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024,
in monetary terms, million UAH
39. The volume of imports of wooden containers (UKTZED code 4415) to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
40. The volume of exports of wooden containers (UKTZED code 4415) to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
41. The volume of production of wooden furniture in Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024,
in monetary terms, million UAH
42. The largest manufacturers of wooden furniture in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
43. The volume of import of wooden furniture to Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024,
in monetary terms, million UAH
44. The volume of exports of wooden furniture from Ukraine in 2020-1 q. 2024,
in monetary terms, million UAH
45. The volume of production of wooden doors in Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in monetary terms, million UAH
46. The largest manufacturers of wooden doors in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
47. The volume of import of wooden doors (code UKTZED 44182) to Ukraine in 2020-1q. 2024, in monetary terms, mln UAH
48. Geography of the import of wooden doors to Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
49. The largest importers of wooden doors to Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
50. The volume of exports of wooden doors (UKTZED code 44182) from Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
51. Geography of export of wooden doors from Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
52. The largest exporters of wooden doors from Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
53. The volume of production of wooden windows in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, million UAH
54. The volume of import of wooden windows (code UKTZED 44181) to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
55. The largest importers of wooden windows in 2023, in monetary terms, %
56. The volume of export of wooden windows (UKTZED code 44181) from Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, millions of hryvnias
57. The largest exporters of wooden doors from Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
58. Production volume of CLT panels in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, million UAH
59. Volume of LVL production in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, million UAH
60. The volume of LVL wood imports (UKTZED code 44124) to Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
61. The volume of export of LVL wood (UKTZED code 44124) from Ukraine in 2023-1 q. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
62. Market capacity of ready-mixed concrete in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter. 2024,
in natural terms, million tons
63. The capacity of the storage tank market in Ukraine in 2020-1 quarter 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
64. The structure of the market in terms of the types of EMS in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
65. Market capacity of metal structures in Ukraine in 2020-2024,
in natural terms, thousand tons
66. Market structure of metal structures by main types, %
67. TOP-10 main manufacturers of metal structures in Ukraine as of 2023
68. The structure of consumption of metal structures in Ukraine in 2023, in natural terms, %
69. Production of paints for the construction market in Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in monetary terms, million UAH
70. Structure of paint production by type in Ukraine, %
71. The volume of imports of paints for the construction market to Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in monetary terms, million UAH
72. The share of the main countries exporting paints to Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
73. The volume of exports of paints for the construction market from Ukraine in 2020-2023,
in monetary terms, million UAH
74. The share of the main countries-importers of paints from Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
75. Price index (in hryvnias) for paints for the construction market in Ukraine in 2020-2023, %

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