Market research report on EU plasterboard. 2022-6 months 2024

Market research report on EU plasterboard. 2022-6 months 2024
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2024 year
Number of pages: 20, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 4
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
111900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General market characteristics
1.1. General analysis of the plasterboard market in the European Union. Market trends
1.2. State regulation of the market in the highlighted countries (Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Romania), analysis of differences in legislation in view of the location of production
1.2.1. Presence of state restrictions on the market
1.2.2. Taxes, duties on imported plasterboard products
1.2.3. Analysis of the investment policy of each country, in particular support for foreign investors, tax breaks and subsidies for industrial enterprises
1.3. Analysis of the available raw material base in Romania, Greece, Montenegro and Cyprus, and potential opportunities for its use
2. Market volume in physical and value (monetary) indicators
2.1. Estimated consumption volume of plasterboard on the European Union market as a whole and separately in the highlighted countries 2022- 6 months 2024
2.2. Estimated production volume of plasterboard on the European Union market as a whole and separately in the highlighted countries 2022- 6 months 2024
2.3. Export/import volumes of plasterboard within the EU and separately in the highlighted countries 2022- 6 months 2024
3. Main market operators in Romania, Greece, Montenegro and Cyprus
3.1. List of major market operators: addresses of production assets, design capacities, production volumes for 2022-2023, etc.
3.2. List of the largest network distributors/stores
4. Product range on the market
4.1. The most common items consumed (by size, thickness, purpose)
5. Price indicators
5.1. Average product prices
5.2. Description of factors influencing price formation (raw material base, energy resources, labor, logistics, etc.)
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats in the highlighted countries from the perspective of the organization of drywall production
6.2. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market of Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Romania
7. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends for the market development in the EU as a whole and separately for the highlighted countries
7.2. Forecast indicators for the development of the EU market in 2024-2027
7.3. Recommendations for market development. Selection of the most promising countries/countries (among the highlighted ones) for organizing the production of plasterboard

List of Tables:

1. Taxes and duties on the import of plasterboard into the studied countries
2. Dynamics of plasterboard consumption in the EU countries and Montenegro and selected countries, in monetary terms, million euros
3. Dynamics of plasterboard production in the EU countries and Montenegro and selected countries, in monetary terms, million euros
4. Dynamics of plasterboard exports from the EU countries and Montenegro and selected countries, in monetary terms, million EUR
5. Dynamics of gypsum board imports to the EU countries and Montenegro and selected countries, in monetary terms, EUR million
6. Foreign trade balance of gypsum board of the EU countries and Montenegro and selected countries, in monetary terms, EUR million
7. Main operators of the aerated concrete market in Romania, Greece, Montenegro and Cyprus
8. Main distributors/stores of the gypsum board market in Romania, Greece, Montenegro and Cyprus
9. Assortment of gypsum board in the studied countries by size (length), as of December 2024
10. Assortment of gypsum board in the studied countries by size (width), as of December 2024
11. Assortment of gypsum board in the studied countries by thickness, as of December 2024
12. Assortment of gypsum board in the studied countries by features, as of December 2024
13. Average prices for drywall in Ukraine in the studied countries, EUR/m2 with VAT
14. Opportunities and threats for the organization of drywall production in Romania, Greece, Montenegro and Cyprus
15. Barriers to entry into the drywall market in Romania, Greece, Montenegro and Cyprus

List of graphs and charts:

1. Location of gypsum deposits and paper (cardboard) factories in Romania
2. Location of gypsum deposits and paper (cardboard) factories in Greece
3. Location of gypsum deposits and paper (cardboard) factories in Montenegro
4. Location of gypsum deposits and paper (cardboard) factories in Cyprus

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