Market research report on building materials market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on building materials market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 42, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 10
Tables: 36
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
52000 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of the consequences of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine in 2022-2023
1.1. Changes in shelling and intensity of impact on real estate
1.2. Quantitative assessment of losses from hostilities
- Number and area of destroyed buildings. Structuring by region
- Segmentation by types of buildings and structures with a focus on industrial and logistics infrastructure
- Number of restored infrastructure facilities in 2022-2023.
- Estimation of the monetary equivalent of losses
1.3. Analysis of trends in new construction in the segment of infrastructure facilities
1.3.1 Features of construction works in 2022-2023
1.3.2. The volume of renewed construction
1.3.3. Construction of new facilities (started after 24.02)
1.4. Analysis of construction materials markets
1.4.1. Main changes in the construction materials market in Ukraine in 2022-2023 (factors of influence, exit of large producers)
1.4.2. Key market indicators. Changes in the production of basic building materials in Ukraine during 2022-23
2. News of the operators of the studied markets
2.1. Construction companies
2.1.1. Companies that left the market and analysis of their projects
2.1.2. Companies that continued to work and increased their volumes
2.1.3. Changes implemented by companies (including a focus on changes that may be of interest to ArcelorMittal)
2.2 Producers of building materials (including corrugated board)
2.2.1. Companies that have left the market, lost capacity and/or are located in the occupied territories
2.2.2. Companies that continue to operate and the changes they have implemented
2.2.3. Volumes of companies in the studied markets and changes during 2022-2023
3. Analysis of industries using construction infrastructure
- Agriculture and storage of agricultural products
- Warehouse real estate
- Processing industry (food, light industry, machine building)
- Infrastructure (including airports)
3.1 Trends that determined the situation on the markets
3.2. Destruction of industry capacities
3.3. Changes in key industry indicators (contribution to GDP, sales of products (goods and services))
3.4. Distribution of sales of building materials by channels (direct sales, distribution, e-commerce) - general assessment with comments on the types of materials
4. Forecast trends in the market
4.1 Scenarios of development of events in Ukraine in terms of infrastructure
4.2 Analysis of regional, national and international programs aimed at reconstruction
4.3. Formation of a baseline scenario of expectations and relevant trends and indicators in the studied markets

List of Tables:

1. Number of apartments in residential buildings commissioned by type and month in 2022-2023, units
2. Average price per m2 in a new building in November 2022 and 2023, UAH
3. Number of destroyed infrastructure facilities in the most affected regions, units
4. Estimated direct losses of Ukrainian real estate as a result of the war as of June 2023
5. Total estimate of direct and indirect losses to Ukraine's infrastructure as of June 2023, billion US dollars
6. Total estimate of direct losses by region as of June 2023, USD million
7. Resumption of housing construction, 9 months. 2021, 2022 and 2023, million m2, thousand units
8. Distribution of construction products by type of construction as of the beginning of January 2022 and December 2022, %.
9. Distribution of volumes of construction products by the nature of construction for the period January - June 2022 and January - June 2023, %.
10. The largest logistics centers of Ukraine under construction in 2023
11. Production volumes of aerated concrete in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in quantitative terms, mln. m3
12. Production volumes of aerated concrete in Ukraine in 2022 - 2023, in monetary terms, billion UAH
13. Production volumes of drywall in Ukraine in 2022 - 2023, in quantitative terms, million m2
14. Production volumes of drywall in Ukraine in 2022 - 2023, in monetary terms, billion UAH
15. Production volumes of blocks and bricks made of cement, concrete and artificial stone for construction in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in quantitative terms, thousand tons
16. Production volumes of blocks and bricks made of cement, concrete and artificial stone for construction in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in monetary terms, UAH billion
17. Production volumes of non-fireproof bricks in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in terms of quantity, thousand m3
18. Production volumes of nonrefractory bricks in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in monetary terms, UAH million
19. Production volumes of corrugated board for construction in Ukraine in 2022 -2023, in terms of quantity, thousand tons
20. Production volumes of corrugated board in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in monetary terms, UAH billion
21. Production volumes of sandwich panels in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in quantitative terms, thousand tons
22. Production volumes of sandwich panels in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in monetary terms, UAH million
23. Production volumes of crushed stone in Ukraine in 2022 -2023, in terms of quantity, million tons
24. Production volumes of crushed stone in Ukraine in 2022-2023, in monetary terms, billion UAH
25. Market shares of the main operators of the drywall market in Ukraine for 8 months. 2023, thousand m3, %.
26. Capacity of the main operators in the brick market in Ukraine in 2023, thousand tons, %.
27. Capacity of the main operators in the market of building metal structures and parts of structures in Ukraine in 2023, thousand tons, %.
28. Market shares of the main operators in the corrugated board market in Ukraine in 2022, thousand tons, %.
29. Market shares of major operators in the sandwich panel market in Ukraine in 2022, thousand tons, %.
30. Market shares of the main operators in the crushed stone market in Ukraine in 2022, thousand tons, %.
31. Volumes of industrial products sold (food, light industry, mechanical engineering) in September 2022 and September 2023, UAH billion excluding VAT
32. Estimated direct losses of Ukraine's infrastructure as a result of the war as of June 2023, units, billion USD
33. Estimated direct losses of Ukraine's housing and utilities sector as a result of the war as of June 2023, units
34. Estimated direct losses in the energy sector of Ukraine as a result of the war as of June 2023, billion US dollars
35. Countries that have agreed to join the reconstruction of Ukraine's regions, as of November 2023
36. Countries that have received offers to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine's regions, as of November 2023

List of graphs and charts:

1. Regional distribution of the number of destroyed or damaged housing objects as of June 2023, thousand units
2. Resumption of construction in residential complexes of Ukraine, December 2023, %.
3. The number of new residential complexes that began construction after 02/24/2022 in Ukraine by region, units
4. Indices of construction products in 2022 - June 2023, %.
5. Production of building metal structures and products by metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine for 10 months. 2022 - 10 months. 2023, mln tons
6. Production of building metal structures and products in Ukraine for 9 months of 2022 - 9 months of 2023, UAH mln excluding VAT
7. Production of building metal structures and products by Zaporizhstal JSC for 11 months 2022 - 11 months 2023, thousand tons
8. Market shares of aerated concrete producers in Ukraine in 2022 by volume, in physical terms, %.
9. Distribution of sales of building materials in wholesale and retail trade, %.
10. Index of construction works in Croatia in 1996-2007*, %.

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