Business plan of medical clinic of Urology / Gynecology

Business plan of medical clinic of Urology / Gynecology
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2012 year
Number of pages: 12 pages, including 16 applications, 32 tables, 17 figures (document prepared in Russian)
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: digital in Word + financial model in Excel     
17999 UAH
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The concept of the project:

The project envisages the organisation of a medical gynecology and urology clinic. The project is not tied to a specific place and can be implemented in any region of the country. Project cost can vary depending on the spatial location of its implementation. Obviously, the rental value of premises, for example, in the capital will be orders of magnitude higher than in a city-satellites.   
Market demand of paid medical services in Ukraine is quite high, but experts define it as one of the most promising markets in the country. This situation has developed as a consequence of the fact that public health facilities are not able to provide high quality services. Significant changes have occurred in the market after the crisis of 2009, when the situation in the country affected the health of the population. In the same period, the population came to realize that medical services are not worth saving, because of these circumstances, the market paid services began to develop rapidly.   
The project contains a detailed timetable for the necessary investments painted by month. Calculated payback period and different scenarios depending on changes in the average ticket cost of service or change most of their value. Also calculated the forecast profit and loss and cash flow forecast. The project stipulates the required number of their employees salaries and bonuses.  





2.1. Goals and objectives of the Project  

2.2. Parameters of business  

2.3. The total cost of the Project. Sources of financing of the Project  

2.4. Network diagram of implementation and financing of the Project  


3.1. Production processes and characteristics of the services provided. The list of necessary equipment

3.2. Necessary staff and personnel policies of the Project  

3.3. Licensing documentation  


4.1. Overall evaluation of health market  

4.2. Market indicators, the calculation of market size  

4.3. Segmentation and market structure  

4.4. Competitive Environment segment gynecology and urology  

4.5. Market forecast  


5.1. Initial data for the calculations and their reasoning  

5.2. The sales forecast for the Project  

5.3. Generation of profits for the Project  

5.4. Forecast cash flow for the Project  

5.5. Break-Even Point Project  

5.6. Evaluation of investment attractiveness and profitability of the project: NPV, IRR, DPP, PI ETC.  

5.7. The script for the project  


6.1. Factor analysis of the risks of the Project  

6.2. Fundamental idea lies behind risk reduction  

6.3. SWOT-analysis  



Annex 1. Aggregates for Project  

Annex 2. Project Settings  

Annex 3. Sources of financing and the total cost of the Project  

Annex 4. Network Diagram of the Project  

Annex 5. Calculation of depreciation of Project  

Annex 6. Human resource for the Project  

Annex 7. Seasonality of production and sales  

Annex 8. Project cost

Annex 9. Projected sales plan  

Annex 10. Projected profit and loss statement for the Project  

Annex 11. Projected statement of cash flows  

Annex 12. The scheme of operating costs for Project  

Annex 13. Profitability of  Project  

Annex 14. The calculation of the break-even for 1-7 years  

Annex 15. The calculation of the internal rate of return and performance measures for the project's net present value of the project, discounted payback period, profitability of investments, its profitability  

Annex 16. Evaluation scenarios for the Project

List of Tables:

Table 1. Project Summary  

Table 2. General Settings of the Project  

Table 3. The parameters of the enterprise  

Table 4. Taxation of Project  

Table 5. Destinations of investing  

Table 6. Work on the project and the schedule of investments  

Table 7. Accounts Project  

Table 8. A list of necessary furniture for reception and waiting area patients  

Table 9. A list of furniture in the office urologist  

Table 10. Such furniture gynecologist's office  

Table 11. A list of furniture in the office of the chief doctor  

Table 12. A list of the necessary equipment and furniture in the office ultrasound and observation  

Table 13. A list of necessary furniture for nursing  

Table 14. A list of necessary furniture for the sterilization room  

Table 15. A list of necessary additional equipment  

Table 16. Organizational Project  

Table 17. HR policy  

Table 18. Main participants of the gynecological services  

Table 19. Costing consulting gynecologist with colposcopy and conducting ultrasound  

Table 20. The sales forecast for the project  

Table 21. Projected profit and loss statement for the project  

Table 22. Formation of profit on the project  

Table 23. Profitability of the project  

Table 24. Operating expenses for the project  

Table 25. Break-even volume 1 - 4 year project  

Table 26. The minimum size of the average check for a break-even point 1 - 4 year project  

Table 27. Stock of financial strength 1 - 4 year project  

Table 28. Performance indicators  

Table 29. The sensitivity of the project to reduce the number of patients  

Table 30. The sensitivity of the project to change the average ticket  

Table 31. Sensitivity to changes in the cost of the project  

Table 32. SWOT-analysis Project

List of graphs and charts:

Figure 1. The structure of investments  

Figure 2. Implementation Schedule and financing of the Project  

Figure 3. Algorithm for patient care  

Figure 4. The ratio of public and private clinics in Ukraine  

Figure 5. The factors that influence the choice of health care  

Figure 6. The average wage in Ukraine in 2002 - 2011 years. (by one full-time employee)  

Figure 7. The distribution of private medical clinics in Ukraine on activity in 2011  

Figure 8. Segmentation consumption of private medical services in Ukraine by region in 2011  

Figure 9. Formation of profit on the project  

Figure 10. Size of gross revenues and gross profit margin for the project  

Figure 11. The net profit and return on sales for the project  

Figure 12. Operating expenses of the medical clinic  

Figure 13. The internal rate of return  

Figure 14. The discounted payback period  

Figure 15. Correlation of NPV and changes in the number of patients  

Figure 16. Correlation of NPV and change the size of the average ticket  

Figure 17. The correlation of changes in the cost and NPV

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