Market research report on bulgarian hotel market. 2021-2023 years

Market research report on bulgarian hotel market. 2021-2023 years
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2023 year
Number of pages: 35, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 26
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
34200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market characteristics
1.1 Analysis of trends in the development of the cottage market and its description (hotel business, suburban, Varna, Bulgaria)
1.2 Segmentation and structuring of the market (types of hotels and cottages)
1.3 Calculation of market capacity, market volumes (number of hotels, beds, revenue)
1.4 Technologies used in the market (traditional obvious and innovative, if hotels position themselves as such)
2. analysis of competitors
2.1 Main players in the market, brief information about them
2.2 Structuring of players (by segments, specialization, by regions)
2.3 Analysis of the level of competition
3. Price and pricing in the market
3.1 Price dynamics (apart-hotels) and average current prices in different segments
3.2 Analysis of pricing factors and their structure 1
4 Analysis of promotion channels, their structure and features
5. Consumer analysis
5.1 Consumer portrait, behavioral and consumption characteristics (for key segments). Structuring and segmentation of consumption
5.2 Analysis of the Internet audience in the market (analysis of queries and search results of competitors) and demand (dynamics and forecast of queries)
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1 SWOT analysis of the customer concept
6.2 PESTLE analysis of factors influencing the market
6.3 Risks and barriers to entry and operation in the market
7. Conclusion. Market development forecasts
7.1 Conclusions and forecast of trends and indicators of market development
7.2 Recommendations for further development in the market

List of Tables:

1. Breakdown of tourists in 2022 by number of arrivals and nights spent in Bulgaria (share of the month relative to the whole year), %.
2. Number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria (purpose of visit - tourism) in 2021-September 2023, thousand people
3.The number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria for work purposes in 2021-September 2023, thousand
4 Activity of accommodation in Varna region in August, 2020-2023
5.Types of tourist accommodation in Varna region in 2022
6. Number of beds in the most popular accommodation in the Varna region in 2022
7. Number of transactions registered in the AV Varna service in 2021-2022
8. Classification of tourist accommodation from Rokytnik to Kranevo, 2023, units.
9. Classification of apartments from Rakytnyk to Kranevo by the number of stars, 2023, units.
10.Classification of business hotels from Rakytnyk to Kraneve by the number of stars, 2023, units.
11.Location of business hotels from Rakytnyk to Kraneve, 2023, number of rooms.
12.Average prices per night in apartments of different formats on the coast of resorts from Rokytnyk to Kraneve, Q4 2023 - Q1 2024, USD per night USD
13.Dynamics of average prices per night in hotels in Varna in 2023, USD. USD
14.Dynamics of average prices per night in hotels in Varna in 2023 by days of the week, USD USD
15.Main Buyer Persona of services of large hotel cottage complexes from Rakitnik to Kranevo
16.Popular Google searches for hotel business in Bulgaria from foreign tourists who visit the country most often in 2022-Q3 2023
17.Popular Google searches for entertainment and treatments in the countries whose residents most often visit Bulgaria, 2022-Q3 2023
18.General SWOT-analysis of the construction of a large cottage complex from Rakitnik to Kranevo
19.PESTLE - analysis of the hotel market in Bulgaria
20.Segmentation of market risks
21.Risk map of the construction of a large hotel cottage complex from Rakitnik to Kranevo

List of graphs and charts:

1. Breakdown of tourists in 2022 by number of arrivals and nights spent in Bulgaria (share of the month relative to the whole year), %.
2.Number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria (purpose of visit - tourism) in 2021-September 2023, thousand people
3.The number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria for work purposes in 2021-September 2023, thousand
4 Activity of accommodation in Varna region in August, 2020-2023
5.Types of tourist accommodation in Varna region in 2022
6. Number of beds in the most popular accommodation in the Varna region in 2022
7. Number of transactions registered in the AV Varna service in 2021-2022
8. Classification of tourist accommodation from Rokytnik to Kranevo, 2023, units.
9. Classification of apartments from Rakytnyk to Kranevo by the number of stars, 2023, units.
10.Classification of business hotels from Rakytnyk to Kraneve by the number of stars, 2023, units.
11.Location of business hotels from Rakytnyk to Kraneve, 2023, number of rooms.
12.Average prices per night in apartments of different formats on the coast of resorts from Rokytnyk to Kraneve, Q4 2023 - Q1 2024, USD per night USD
13.Dynamics of average prices per night in hotels in Varna in 2023, USD. USD
14.Dynamics of average prices per night in hotels in Varna in 2023 by days of the week, USD USD

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