Market research report on private medical centers in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on private medical centers in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2023 year
Number of pages: 23, Arial,1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 6
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
44800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Detailed description of the private medical services market in Kiev
1.1 Description of the market structure of private medical centers (market structure by type of service, size, description of research methodology)
1.2. Analysis of trends in market development (factors that have entered the market and those that have developed over the period under review, and problems of development) in addition to the segments of the private medicine market and related segments; the outbreak of war, the restructuring and renewal of private health protection provisions, the establishment of the insurance medicine market
1.3. Market indicators, market capacity expansion in 2019-2023.
1.4. Segmentation and structure of the market (behind the main directions, regions and places)
2. State regulation. The current stage of medical reform and possible changes that will accommodate changes in Galusa (the part of the reform will involve additional measures, updated); Entrepreneurship support programs
3. Main market operators (main directives)
3.1. Market parts of the main market operators
4. Price and pricing on the market. Average line prices for services by type (initial, repeat consultations, laboratory investigations, basic manipulations and packages of services in additional segments by segment)
5. Analysis of market activity
5.1. Change the behavior of residents to the market (exit/return)
5.2. Evaluation of the experience based on the follow-up service of private clinics at the same level with government clinics
5.3. Analysis of sound queries and types of competitors behind them
6. Branding and advertising. Analysis of competitors entering the market. Development of integrated marketing communications (PR, advertising)
7. Visnovki. Forecast indicators
7.1. Updates and forecast trends in market development in Ukraine (plans for new entrants to enter the market)
7.2. Pobudova hypothesizes the development of the market in the studied area. Forecast for the market of private medical services in 2023-2027.
7.3. Development of segments (recommendations)

List of Tables:

1. Index of live prices by category for 2019-2023 rubles. (increase in recent years,%)
2. The number of damaged medical facilities as a result of military operations, in the period from 2022-2023 (6 months), in kind
3. Commitments to the market of private medical services in Ukraine for 2018–2022, billion UAH.
4. Segmentation and structure of the market for the largest cities in Ukraine, in penny terms, %
5. The largest private medical mortgages in Kiev, which were entered into contracts with the National Health Insurance Fund, in penny terms, million UAH. in 2023 (6 months) birth.
6. Market share of the main operators of the private medicine market by segment, in the world, %
7. Change of the average price in lieu of regional distribution for the services of a family doctor, in penny terms, UAH.
8. The results of sociological research on the choice of species, in natural terms, %
9. Positive forecast for the private medicine market for 2023-2027, in the world,%
10. Pesimistic forecast for the private medicine market for 2023-2027, in the world,%

List of graphs and charts:

1. Distribution of Ukrainians who fled beyond the cordon after the beginning of a large-scale invasion over the last century, in physical terms, %
2. Segmentation and structure of the market for the main directions in 2020 growth in penny terms, billion UAH, %
3. Global dynamics of the number of sound drinks for 2020-2023 rubles, in natural terms
4. The number of the most popular searches in Ukraine was on sale from 01.10.2023 to 31.10.2023, in kind
5. Number of the most popular search queries in Ukraine from 10/01/2023 to 10/31/2023, in kind
6. Write down what grew during the period 01.08.23-01.11.23, in natural terms, %

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