Business management plan of crisp cookies production

Business management plan of crisp cookies production
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2012 year
Number of pages: 64 pages, including 18 applications, 24 tables, 22 figures (document prepared in Russian)
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: digital Word + financial model in Excel
18999 UAH
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The concept of the project:

This project presented a plan of cookies production. The project describes the phases of the business, the time run interval, the volume of the initial financial investment and payback period.         

Plan includes the location of production in the southern regions of the country. This will provide an opportunity to reduce the number of competitors. 

One of the main parts of the project is thr market analysis. This section describes the capacity of the market within five years, foreign economic indicators, import and export. During the development of the project was a study of consumer preferences in this area. According to the research for this period decreased imports and exports increased rapidly. The main exporting country is Russia. As for the quality of cookies, the Ukrainian producers can compete with the leading Russian suppliers. Considerable amount of the market value indicates that the Ukrainian market as there is a demand for this product. It is also important to consider that experts predict growth in the market and in the financial and physical equivalents.     

As for financing of production, it can be as personal funds implementer of the project and loan funds raised to purchase of equipment.      

The financial part of the business plan includes: staffing, projected sales plan, profit and loss statement, cash flow and break-even point calculation. In order to justify the investment attractiveness of the project were calculated such indicators: internal rate of return, net present cash flow, discounted payback period, return on investment, production, sales and other indicators. The project also includes a description of the options for the development of business, which takes into account changes in the initial value of the goods, sales volumes and prices.    





2.1. Goals and objectives of the Project  
2.2. Parameters of the business  
2.3. Sources of funding. Targeted investment direction 
2.4. Network Diagram of implementation and financing of the Project  
3.1. Location map of the Project  
3.2. Description of manufacturing process and services  
3.2. Characteristics of equipment  
3.3. Raw material and production costs  
3.4. Human Resources Policy of the Project  
3.5. Legal regulation of the market  
4.1. Overview of shortbread in Ukraine  
4.2. Indicators biscuit in Ukraine. The main producers and their output  
4.3. An analysis of the competitive environment in the confectionery market  
4.4. Forecast for shortcake market in Ukraine  
5.1. Prerequisites for the calculations and reasoning  
5.2. The sales forecast for the Project  
5.3. Generation of profits for the Project  
5.4. Forecast cash flow for the Project  
5.5. The breakeven point for the Project  
5.6. Indicators of investment attractiveness  
5.7. Scenarios for the Project development
6.1. Factor analysis of Project the risks 
6.2. Risk reduction strategies  
6.3. SWOT-analysis  


Appendix 1. Aggregates for Project

Appendix 2. Project Settings  
Appendix 3. Sources of financing and the total cost of the Project  
Appendix 4. Network Diagram of the Project  
Appendix 5. Repayment of the loan and the interest payment 
Appendix 6. Service Schedule Credit Project  
Appendix 7. Calculation of depreciation on the Project  
Appendix 8. Staffing of the Project  
Appendix 9. Project Cost
Appendix 10. Sales forecast plan (for each project year)  
Appendix 11. Projected profit and loss statement for the project (for each project year)  
Appendix 12. Projected statement of cash flows (for each project year)  
Appendix 13. The scheme operating costs for the Project  
Appendix 14. Profitability Analysis of the Project  
Appendix 15. The calculation of the break-even for 1-4 year  
Appendix 16. The calculation of the internal rate of return and performance measures for the project's net present value of the project, discounted payback period, profitability of investments, its profitability  
Appendix 17. The calculation of the discounted payback period  
Appendix 18. Evaluation scenarios for the Project


List of Tables:

Table 1. Project Summary

Table 2. General Settings on the Project  
Table 3. The parameters of the enterprise  
Table 4. Taxation Project  
Table 5. Targets for investment  
Table 6. Financial schedule of the project  
Table 7. Possible storage space for rent  
Table 8. Summary recipe sand and spritz cookies  
Table 9. Suppliers of raw materials
Table 10. Staffing of the Project  
Table 11. The market capacity of shortbread in the dynamics of Ukraine 2008-2011 gg., In kind, thousand tons  
Table 12. The main exporters / importers during 2008-2011.  
Table 13. Calculation of the costs of raw materials in the production of biscuits  
Table 14. Depreciation on all fixed assets  
Table 15. Sales Structure of the Project  
Table 16. Formation profit of the Project  
Table 17. Profit and Loss Statement for the Project  
Table 18. Profitability of the Project  
Table 19. Operating expenses for the project  
Table 20. Break-even volume of business in 1 - 4 years  
Table 21. Performance Indicators  
Table 22. The sensitivity of the project to change prices  
Table 23. The sensitivity of the project to change the volume of sales  
Table 24. Sensitivity to changes in the cost of the project


List of graphs and charts:

Figure 1. The structure of investments

Figure 2. Implementation Schedule and financing of the Project  
Figure 3. Map of Ukraine, which separates the region of distribution and production capacity  
Figure 4. Flow sheet of sand and spritz butter biscuit  
Figure 5. Organizational Project  
Figure 6. The market capacity of shortbread in Ukraine  
Figure 7. The main exporting countries  
Figure 8. The main importing countries  
Figure 9. Manufacturing shortcake in Ukraine in 2007-2011, the dynamics
Figure 10. Share cakes / pastries in a candy structure in Ukraine  
Figure 11. The volume of production of the main market operators  
Figure 12. The share of major market operators  
Figure 13. Rating of TM biscuits, according to consumers on the basis of 2012  
Figure 14. Forecast of market volume in 2012-2014  
Figure 15. Formation profit of the Project  
Figure 16. Size of gross revenues and gross profit margin for the Project  
Figure 17. The net profit and return on sales for the Project  
Figure 18. The internal rate of return  
Figure 19. The discounted payback period  
Figure 20. Correlation of NPV and price change  
Figure 21. Correlation of NPV and changes in the volume of sales  
Figure 22. The correlation of changes in the cost and NPV


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