Market research report on confectionery in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on confectionery in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2024 year
Number of pages: 77, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 34
Tables: 86
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
32200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description, analysis of its development trends (factors influencing the market and their manifestation during the study period, problems and prerequisites for development)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2021 and Q1 2024 (production + import - export). Assessment.
1.3. Market segmentation by product origin
2. Government regulation of the industry
2.1. Key laws regulating the industry (list, brief summary and features of laws and licenses)
2.2. Taxes and fees in the market (general taxation of business; import and export duties, plans to change them (if any))
3. Key market operators (manufacturers and importers)
3.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activities and specialization; product groups, brands and assortment; regional representation)
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators. Assessment
3.3. Degree of competition and danger.
4. Assessment of production in 2021 - Q1 2024
4.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative indicators (for each category separately)
4.2. Dynamics of production in value indicators
5. Foreign trade and foreign economic activity (for each category separately)
5.1. Export of confectionery from Ukraine in 2021 - Q1 2024 (volumes, structure, shares of exporters)
5.2. Import of confectionery to Ukraine in 2021 - Q1 2024 (volumes, structure, geography, importer shares)
6. Product range presented on the market (creation of product range maps based on the main product characteristics to determine the saturation of market segments)
7. Price and pricing on the market
7.1. Product price dynamics
7.2. Average current product prices
7.3. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
8. Branding and advertising (analysis of competitors' positioning on the market, presence in promotion channels)
9. Analysis of consumption on the market
9.1. Consumer preferences for products, consumer profile (desk method)
9.2. Analysis of the online audience in the industry, search queries and competitors' results 68
9.3. Consumer satisfaction level (review analysis)
10. Product distribution channels (description and assessment of sales structure by channels)
11. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
11.1. Conclusions and forecast market development trends
11.2. Building market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2024–2026
11.3. Recommendations for market development
12. Investment attractiveness of the industry
12.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for further building of SWOT analysis
12.2. PEST LE – analysis of factors influencing the market and assessment of the probability and degree of their influence
12.3. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market.

List of Tables:

1. Confectionery market capacity (general for the studied segments) in Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, billion UAH
2. Cookie market capacity in Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, UAH billion
3. The capacity of the wafer market in Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, UAH billion
4. The capacity of the marshmallow market in Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, UAH billion
5. The capacity of the marmalade market in Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, UAH million
6. The capacity of the croissant market in Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, UAH billion
7. The capacity of the sticks market in Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, million UAH
8. Capacity of the cereal bars market in Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, million UAH
9. Market segmentation by origin of confectionery products on the Ukrainian market in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons, %
10. Customs rates for confectionery imports to Ukraine
11. Roshen product range and trademarks
12. Grona product range and trademarks
13. Yarich product range and trademarks
14. Mondelez product range and trademarks
15. Kharkiv biscuit factory product range and trademarks
16. Lagoda product range and trademarks
17. Lukas product range and trademarks
18. Ligos product range and trademarks
19. Svitoch product range and trademarks
20. Zhako product range and trademarks
21. Roshen product range and trademarks
22. Eco-Snack product range and trademarks
23. Kriolit-D product range and trademarks
24. Romensky plant product range and trademarks food products
25. Range and trademarks of Stimul
26. Range and trademarks of DKHK
27. Range and trademarks of Ukrcorn
28. Range and trademarks of Boomkorn
29. Range and trademarks of the beer country.
30. Range and trademarks of Lantmannen
31. Range and trademarks of New Products
32. Range and trademarks of Nestle
33. Regional representation of the studied companies (offices, factories)
34. Assessment of the competitive environment in the confectionery market using M. Porter's methodology
35. Dynamics of confectionery production for selected product categories in Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
36. Structure of cookie exports from Ukraine by type in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
37. Structure of cookie exports from Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons.
38. Structure of wafer exports from Ukraine by type in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons.
39. Structure of wafer exports from Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons.
40. Structure of marmalade exports from Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
41. Structure of marshmallow exports from Ukraine by type in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
42. Structure of marshmallow exports from Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
43. Structure of croissant exports from Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
44. Structure of biscuit imports by type to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
45. Structure of biscuit imports to Ukraine by country in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
46. Structure of biscuit imports to Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
47. Structure of wafer imports by type to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
48. Structure of wafer imports to Ukraine by country in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
49. Structure of wafer imports to Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
50. Structure of marmalade imports to Ukraine by countries in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
51. Structure of marmalade imports to Ukraine by companies in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
52. Structure of marshmallow imports to Ukraine by type in 2021- and Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
53. Structure of marshmallow imports to Ukraine by country in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
54. Structure of marshmallow imports to Ukraine by companies in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
55. Structure of croissant imports to Ukraine by country in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
56. Structure of croissant imports to Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
57. Structure of stick imports to Ukraine by countries in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
58. Structure of stick imports to Ukraine by companies in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
59. Structure of candy bar imports by countries to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
60. Structure of candy bar imports by companies to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
61. Assortment of cookies presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
62. Assortment of crackers presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
63. Assortment of wafers presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
64. Assortment of marshmallows presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
65. Assortment of marmalade presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
66. Assortment of croissants presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
67. Assortment of sticks presented on the Ukrainian market, as of July 2024
68. Assortment of bars presented on the market Ukraine, as of July 2024
69. Average current prices for confectionery in Ukraine as of July 2024, UAH with VAT
70. Result table of IMC application in the studied markets
71. Use of main advertising channels in the studied markets by operators
72. Comparative table of video advertising use by market operators by brands
73. PR activities of the main market operators and their cooperation with the media
74. Analysis of the presence of market operators in online communication channels
75. Analysis of the activity of market operators in online communication channels
76. Branding analysis of the main operators of the confectionery market
77. List and description of industry exhibitions
78. Analysis of search queries by types of confectionery in Ukraine, July 2024
79. Analysis of search queries under the name of companies in the confectionery market in Ukraine, July 2024
80. Analysis of search queries by trademarks in the confectionery market in Ukraine, July 2024
81. Consumer reviews and product assessment of the largest market operators as of July 2024
82. Confectionery sales structure assessment by channels, %
83. Opportunities and threats in the confectionery market in Ukraine
84. PEST LE – analysis of the confectionery market in Ukraine
85. Risk map of the confectionery market in Ukraine
86. Key barriers to new player entry into the confectionery market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Number of companies that have relocated to regions of departure since the beginning of the war,
as of October 23, 2023
2. Number of companies that have relocated to regions of entry since the beginning of the war, as of October 27, 2023
3. Number of IDPs by region, as of October 2023, thousand people
4. Shares of the main operators in the cookie market in 2023, %
5. Shares of the main operators in the wafer market in 2023, %
6. Shares of the main operators in the croissant market in 2023, %
7. Shares of the main operators in the marshmallow market in 2023, %
8. Shares of the main operators in the marmalade market in 2023, %
9. Shares of the main operators in the corn sticks market in 2023, %
10. Shares of the main operators in the cereal bars market in 2023, %
11. Dynamics of confectionery production by selected product categories in Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in value terms, UAH billion
12. Dynamics of cookie exports from Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
13. Dynamics of wafer exports from Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
14. Dynamics of marmalade exports from Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
15. Dynamics of marshmallow exports from Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
16. Dynamics of croissant exports from Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
17. Dynamics of stick exports from Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
18. Dynamics of candy bar exports from Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
19. Dynamics of cookie imports to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
20. Dynamics of wafer imports to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
21. Dynamics of marmalade imports to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
22. Dynamics of marshmallow imports to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
23. Dynamics of croissant imports to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
24. Dynamics of stick imports to Ukraine in 2021- Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
25. Import dynamics of candy bars in Ukraine in 2021-Q1 2024, in physical terms, tons
26. Dynamics of prices for cookies and wafers in Ukraine 2021-Q1 2024, UAH/kg
27. Dynamics of prices for marshmallows in Ukraine 2021-Q1 2024, UAH/kg
28. Dynamics of prices for marmalade in Ukraine 2021-Q1 2024, UAH/kg
29. Dynamics of prices for croissants in Ukraine 2021-Q1 2024, UAH/kg
30. Dynamics of prices for corn sticks in Ukraine 2021-Q1 2024, UAH/kg
31. Dynamics of prices for cereal bars in Ukraine 2021-Q1 2024, UAH/kg
32. Main expenses of confectionery companies in 2023, %
33. Forecast indicators (capacity) of the confectionery market in Ukraine 2024-2026 according to the pessimistic scenario, in physical terms, thousand tons
34. Forecast indicators (capacity) of the confectionery market in Ukraine 2024-2026 according to the optimistic scenario, in physical terms, thousand tons

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