Market research report on confectionery products in Ukraine. 2023

Market research report on confectionery products in Ukraine. 2023
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 18, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 4
Tables: 20
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
74200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market capacity. The volume of sales of ready-made and frozen confectionery products in kind and monetary indicators for 2023.
2. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
2.1. The list of the main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activities and specialization; product groups (construction of assortment maps according to the structure of sales), regional representation)
2.2. Market shares of the main market operators in terms of the studied segments
2.3. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors (dynamics of changes in shares during the year)
3. The assortment of products presented on the market (construction of assortment maps to determine the saturation of market segments)
4. Price and pricing in the market
4.1. Dynamics of product prices by operator
4.2. Description of factors affecting price formation, cost structure by main operators
5. Product sales channels (direct sales/distributors)

List of Tables:

1. Assortment and trademarks of the company 1
2. Assortment and trademarks of the company 2
3. Assortment and trademarks of the company 3
4. Assortment and trademarks of the company 4
5. Assortment and trademarks of the company 5
6. Assortment and trademarks of the company 6
7. Assortment and trademarks of the company 7
8. Assortment and trademarks of the company 8
9. Assortment and trademarks of the company 9
10. Assortment and trademarks of the company 10
11. Assortment and trademarks of the company 11
12. Assortment and trademarks of the company 12
13. Assortment and trademarks of the company 13
14. Assortment and trademarks of the company 14
15. Volumes of sales of the studied product categories by the main operators, in terms of value in thousand hryvnias, excluding VAT
16. Factor analysis of competitors' market shares, in terms of value, UAH million, January - October 2023.
17. Dynamics of changes in the market shares of the main market operators during 10 months. 2023 in value terms, UAH million, %
18. Assortment map of the main market operators
19. Dynamics of prices for confectionery products by main operators, in value terms, hryvnias, 10 months. 2023
20. Cost structure of the main market operators, 2022, in value terms, thousand UAH.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of sales of confectionery products by the main market operators,
2. 10 months. 2023, in terms of value, UAH billion, excluding VAT
3. The average cost structure of the main market operators, in value terms, thousand UAH, %, 2022.
4. Sales channels of the studied products, %

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