Analysis of the bakery products market in Ukraine. 2021-I quarter of 2024

Analysis of the bakery products market in Ukraine. 2021-I quarter of 2024
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2024 year
Number of pages: 34, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 31
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
30500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the market and analysis of trends in its development (factors influencing the market and their manifestation during the researched period: macro factors (taking into account the influence of military operations), problems faced by manufacturers of bakery products; problems and prerequisites for the development of the market as a whole)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2021 - I quarter of 2024 (production + import - export). Rating.
2. Main market operators (including manufacturers, importers and exporters) 9
2.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring (general information, product groups, trademarks and assortment)
3. Production of products in 2021-I quarter of 2024.
4. Foreign trade and foreign trade
4.1. Dynamics of the volume of exports of bakery products from Ukraine in 2021-I quarter of 2024 (geographical structure, main exporters)
4.2. Dynamics of the volume of imports of bakery products to Ukraine in 2021-I quarter of 2024 (geographical structures, main importers)
5. Analysis of the range of products presented on the market. Novelties and trends in the assortment
6. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
6.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development from the point of view of the supplier of equipment for the production of bakery products 33
6.2. Construction of market development hypotheses . Forecast indicators of market development in 2024-2025.

List of Tables:

1. The bakery products market in Ukraine, 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural and monetary terms, thousand tons, billion UAH.
2. Segmentation of the bakery products market in Ukraine 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, %
3. Assortment and trademarks of Kyivkhlib
4. Assortment and trademarks of Kulinichi
5. Assortment and trademarks of Hlibinvest
6. Assortment and trademarks of Kviten
7. Assortment and trademarks of Vatsak
8. Assortment and trademarks of Hlibprom Concern
9. Assortment and trademarks of Biscotti
10. Assortment and trademarks of Zaporizhzhya bread factory No. 1
11. Assortment and trademarks of Odesa bread factory No. 4
12. Assortment and trademarks of Cherkasykhlib
13. Assortment and trademarks of Ligos
14. Assortment and trademarks of Roshen
15. Assortment and trademarks of the Kharkiv biscuit factory
16. Assortment and trademarks of Lukas
17. The bakery products range produced by Fozzy Group
18. The bakery products range produced by ATB-market
19. Assortment and trademarks of the Family Bakery
20. Assortment and brands of Lviv croissants
21. Assortment and trademarks of Malenka Pekarnia
22. The bakery products range produced by MarketOpt
23. The bakery products range produced by Retail Group
24. The bakery products assortment produced by Auchan
25. The bakery products range produced by Novus
26. The bakery products range produced by Metro
27. Geography of export of bakery products from Ukraine, 2021-1st quarter of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
28. The main exporters of bakery products from Ukraine, 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
29. Geography of import of bakery products to Ukraine, 2021- I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
30. The main importers of bakery products to Ukraine, 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
31. Assortment of bakery products presented on the market of Ukraine, as of May 2024.

List of graphs and charts:

1. The number of companies that relocated by region of departure since the beginning of the war as of October 23, 2023
2. The number of companies that relocated by region of entry since the beginning of the war as of October 27, 2023
3. The number of IDPs by region as of October 2023, thousands of people.
4. Segmentation of the bakery products market in Ukraine 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
5. Production of bakery products in Ukraine 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Geography of export of bakery products from Ukraine, 2021-1st quarter of 2024, in natural terms, %
7. The main exporters of bakery products from Ukraine, 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, %
8. Geography of import of bakery products to Ukraine, 2021- I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, %
9. The main importers of bakery products to Ukraine, 2021-I quarter of 2024, in natural terms, %
10. Structure of the market of researched bakery products by types (by the number of offers on the market), %
11. The structure of the market of investigated bakery products by companies (by the number of offers on the market), %
12. Structure of the market of the studied bakery products by brands (by the number of offers on the market), %
13. Forecast indicators of the market of bakery products in Ukraine in 2024-2025 according to the pessimistic scenario, in natural terms, thousand tons
14. Forecast indicators of the market of bakery products in Ukraine in 2024-2025 according to the optimistic scenario, in natural terms, thousand tons

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