Market research report on frozen croissants msrket in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research report on frozen croissants msrket in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2020 year
Number of pages: 55, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 37
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
17500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends of frozen puff pastry croissants in 2018-H1. 2020 in Ukraine (specifics, problems, factors of influence, development process)
1.2. The capacity of the Ukrainian market in 2018-1 half. 2020 (production + import - export) of frozen puff pastry croissants - estimate based on information on producers and consumption of final products.
2. Main market operators
2.1. List and description of the main market operators (manufacturers, importers, including retail chains))
2.2. Structuring operators (regionally, by type of product, by the presence of points of sale of the finished product)
2.3. Market shares of the main operators for the production and import of the studied products
2.4. Shadow market
2.5. Degree of competition and risks
2.5.1. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors
3. International trade
3.1. Export of frozen puff pastry croissants in 2018-H1 2020
(volumes, structure, prices, geography of supplies by country)
3.2. Imports of frozen puff pastry croissants in 2018-H1 2020 (volumes, structure, prices, geography of deliveries by countries)
4. Price and pricing in the market
4.1. Product price dynamics
4.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
5. Consumers and their preferences
5.1. Estimation of consumption volumes of frozen croissants (through an assessment of points of sale of ready-made croissants: gas stations, coffee shops.)
5.2. Portrait of a consumer of frozen croissants. (in the B2B segment, in B2C - end-users)
5.3. Structuring and segmentation of consumption
6. Sales channels in the frozen croissants market (own closed production cycle, sales through wholesale and retail distributors - Retail, HoReCa, Petrol Station - the potential of each channel)
7. Product range on the market
8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
8.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development
8.3. Recommendations for development in the market
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction
9.2. PEST-analysis of factors of influence on the market
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry
9.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The market capacity of frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine in 2018 is 6 months. 2020, in kind tons
2. The market capacity of frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine in 2018 is 6 months. 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
3. Structuring operators (regionally, by type of product, by the presence of points of sale of the finished product)
4. Market shares of the main operators for the production and import of the studied products in 2018-6 months. 2020, in monetary terms, %
5. Market shares of frozen croissant producers in Ukraine in 2019 in real terms, т
6. Factor analysis of market share dynamics
7. Geographical structure of exports of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine in 2018 - 2019, in kind, %
8. The structure of exports of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine by TM in 2018 - 2019, in physical terms, %
9. Export prices for frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine by TM without VAT in 2018 - 1 half. 2020, USD/kg.
10. Shares of exporters of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine in 2018 - H1. 2020, in kind, %
11. Shares of exporters of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine by TM in 2018 - H1. 2020, in kind, %
12. Shares of importers of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine in 2018 - H1 2020, in kind, %
13. Geographical structure of imports of frozen puff pastry croissants to Ukraine in 2018 - 1st half of 2018 2020, in kind, %
14. The structure of imports of frozen croissants from puff pastry to Ukraine by TM in 2018 - 1 half. 2020, in kind, %
15. Import prices for frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine by TM without VAT in 2018 - 1 half. 2020, USD/kg.
16. Shares of importers of frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine in 2018 - H1 2020, in kind, %
17. Shares of senders of frozen puff pastry croissants to Ukraine in 2018 - H1 2020, in kind, %
18. Shares of importers of frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine by TM in 2018 - H1 2020, in kind, %
19. The volume of consumption of frozen croissants in 2019 through different distribution channels, in kind, tons
20. List and description of potentially main consumers of the B2B market in Ukraine by groups
21. Consumption structure of frozen croissants by flavorings (based on imports), in physical terms, %
22. Shares of the TOP-10 largest hotel companies (legal entities) in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, %
23. Regional segmentation of large hotels in Ukraine
24. Hotels scheduled to open in 2020-2022
25. Number of catering establishments in Ukraine by regions in 2020, in kind, %
26. Shares of the TOP-10 largest companies providing catering services (legal entities) in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, %
27. Regional segmentation TOP 20 restaurants in Ukraine
28. Shares of the TOP-15 largest companies providing catering services (legal entities) in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, %
29. Shares of the TOP-10 largest companies owning a network of gas stations (legal entities) in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, %
30. Regional segmentation TOP 20 filling stations in Ukraine by revenue in 2017
31. Sales volume in the retail market of mainly consumer goods of daily demand through corporate-type retail chains (FMCG-retail) in Ukraine in 2017-2019, in monetary terms, UAH billion.
32. Shares of FMCG retailers by number of points in Ukraine for 2017-2019.
33. Product range of major operators in the frozen croissant market in Ukraine
34. SWOT analysis of the market direction
35. PEST-analysis of the market of frozen croissants in Ukraine
36. Segmentation of market risks
37. Risk map of the frozen croissants market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Shares of the official and shadow market of frozen croissants in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, tons, %
2. Export of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine in 2018 - 2019, in kind, tons
3. Export of frozen puff pastry croissants from Ukraine in 2018-2019, in monetary terms, UAH million
4. Import of frozen puff pastry croissants to Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half. 2020, in kind, tons
5. Import of frozen puff pastry croissants to Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half. 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
6. Import prices of frozen puff pastry croissants in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half. 2020, USD per kg
7. Dynamics of world prices for wheat FOB, USD per metric ton
8. The structure of general production costs of production, in monetary terms, %
9. Segmentation of consumption of frozen croissants through different distribution channels, in monetary terms, %
10. Structure of consumer selection criteria for croissants, %
11. The number of catering establishments in Ukraine in 2018-2020, with a forecast until 2023, in physical terms, шт.
12. The structure of sales in public catering establishments in Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, %
13. Segmentation of the main networks of filling stations by the presence of cafes or restaurants, %
14. Forecast of the frozen croissants market in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in real terms, т

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