Market research report on HoReCa in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on HoReCa in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2024 year
Number of pages: 57, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 22
Tables: 20
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the market (introductory paragraph describing research methodologies, sources of information, territorial and qualitative boundaries of the market), description of the project within which the research is conducted and the contractor
1.2. Analysis of market development trends
- Factors affecting the market and their manifestation during the study period
- Macro factors (military operations, energy, etc.)
- state of related industries (food supply, entertainment)
- socio-economic trends (staff, guests)
- regional breakdown of market changes (how trends differ in different cities)
- key conclusions about the current stage of market development, main problems and opportunities for development
1.3. General market indicators (calculated on the basis of available data and quantitative and qualitative surveys)
- Number of open and closed establishments
- Number of establishments by city (estimate in dynamics)
- Structure by type of establishment
- Number of guests, average check and revenue
1.4. Key indicators related to personnel
- Number of employees involved in the industry. Estimation of the shadow component in the market (unofficially registered staff)
- Staff turnover rate
2. Changes in government regulation and their impact on the market
2.1. Main restrictions for the industry as a whole
3. Analysis of the activity of market operators. Review of the activity of institutions that influenced regional markets (content analysis, interviews with experts)
- The largest network players
- Notable restaurant openings and closings in cities
- Initiatives in the context of the war that affected the market
3.1. All-Ukrainian context
3.2. Features and innovations in work related to personnel
4. Assortment and pricing in the market (analysis of menus and specialized publications)
4.1 Analysis of changes in the range of food and beverages in establishments (use of local products, reduction of menus, other possible trends)
4.2 Analysis of changes in prices for food and beverages, changes in food cost
5. Analysis of market consumption (analysis based on survey results)
5.1. Changes in consumer behavior in the context of wartime
5.2. Changes in the number of consumers (in relation to changes in the number of establishments)
5.3. To what extent do consumers experience problems with the staff of food establishments
6. Analysis of the situation with staff in the restaurant business
6.1. Current trends in staff relations (according to surveys)
6.2. Staff-related indicators with qualitative analysis based on interview results
6.3. Main challenges faced by institutions in the context of staff recruitment (based on survey results)
6.4. Main problems faced by job seekers in the sector (content analysis)
6.5. Analysis of salaries in the industry (based on job advertisements). Analysis of changes in wages in the context of changes in consumer prices
6.6. Analysis of education in the restaurant business. Analysis of the number and quality of current educational programs at universities, the number of private courses and feedback on them
6.7. Conclusions about the problems with personnel in the industry, their impact on the restaurant business
6.8. Possible ways to solve problems (based on the results of interviews)
7. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
7.2. Building hypotheses of market development based on the baseline, optimistic and pessimistic scenarios, indicating the main events that will contribute to the implementation of the scenario. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023-2025
7.3. Forecasts related to changes in the situation with personnel in the market
7.4. Recommendations for market development through staff development
- Developing curricula and strengthening education in universities
- Stimulating employers
- Other recommendations

List of Tables:

1. Change in the frequency of visits to catering establishments in 2022-2023 compared to 2021, million visits
2. Change in the frequency of visits to catering establishments during 2022-2023 compared to 2021, by city and type of establishment
3. The number of registered legal entities and individuals in the field of catering as of April 1, 2021-2024, units
4. Estimation of the number of catering establishments as of April 18, 2024, units
5. Number of establishments in the hospitality sector of Ukraine by type in 2023, units
6. The most popular formats of open catering establishments in Kyiv in 2022-2023, units
7. The largest chains by type of business in Ukraine in 2023
8. Number of visitors in the catering industry by type in 2023, million people
9. Comparison of the average check in public catering establishments in Ukraine in the second half of 2022 and the second half of 2023, UAH
10. Revenue of catering establishments by type in 2022-2023, UAH mln.
11. Revenue of catering establishments by region in 2023, units
12. Number of hired personnel in the industry in 2021-2023, people
13. The number of people in the team in the hotel and restaurant business, which has changed over the past six months, by format of establishments as of April 2024, people, %.
14. The largest network players in the HoReCa segment in Ukraine
15. Notable restaurant openings and closings in cities in 2023
16. The number of meals prepared by the largest partners of World Central Kitchen in Ukraine during 10 months of 2022
17. Consumer price index for main types of food products in 2022-2023 to December of the previous year, %.
18. Distribution of popular information sources for news by age of respondents, %.
19. Popularity of information sources for news depending on the income of respondents, %.
20. Comparison of the dynamics of the number of institutions and population in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the average occupancy rate in the hotel market in Ukrainian cities with a population of over one million in 2022-2023, %.
2. Changes in key positions (chef, director, administrator) during November 2023 - April 2024, %.
3. The share of active enterprises in the field of catering as of 2023 by regions of Ukraine, %.
4. Revenue growth in catering establishments in Ukraine in the second half of 2023 compared to the second half of 2022, %.
5. The number of people in the team in the hotel and restaurant business, which has changed over the past six months, as of April 2024, %.
6. Average annual inflation rate, %.
7. Popularity of information sources for news depending on the gender of respondents, % 8.
8. Changes in consumer behavior when visiting public catering establishments in 2023 compared to 2022, points
9. Number of consumers who feel the quality of service is low in April 2024, %.
10. Distribution of consumers experiencing poor quality of service in cities with a population of over one million in April 2024, %.
11. Availability of comprehensive staff training programs in April 2024, %.
12. Status of team training in April 2024, %.
13. Assessment of the level of candidates who come for an interview (according to representatives of catering establishments) in April 2024, %.
14. Difficulties of Ukrainians in finding a job in 2023, %.
15. Average time spent looking for a job by Ukrainians in 2023, %.
16. Dynamics of average salaries for vacancies and resumes in the hotel and restaurant business of Ukraine in June 2021-2023 and April 2024, %.
17. Dynamics of salaries for vacancies and resumes in the hotel and restaurant business in the cities with a population of over one million in Ukraine in April 2024, %.
18. Dynamics of search queries for vacancies in the hotel and restaurant business in Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa of Ukraine in April 2024, %.
19. The biggest problems related to personnel in Ukraine in 2023, %.
20. The main reasons that will force employees to change their jobs in 2024, %.
21. Factors influencing business in 2024-2025, %.
22. Projected number of staff, taking into account the shadow in 2024-2025, %.

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