Market monitoring: for business without surprises

Market monitoring: for business without surprises

Goods and services market monitoring allows you to create an information basis for the conscious and responsible decision making at the right time. Without relying on the results of market monitoring it is impossible to talk about successful entrepreneurship in modern conditions.

Pro-Consulting meets the highest qualification requirements of customers. Many of our clients managed to successfully pass the turning points of economic crises, thanks also to the timely ordering of our market monitoring and decisive actions based on the analytical report.

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Goods and services market monitoring: content of the market monitoring report

Pro-Consulting's experience proves that when ordering market monitoring clients can be guided by a variety of needs. Therefore, each published goods and services market monitoring report is exclusive and its structure is determined in advance together with the customer. However, there is a typical set of sections that can be included in market monitoring.

The basic sections of market monitoring are:

1. Description and general characteristics of the market:

  • capacity;
  • structure;
  • factors of influence;
  • development trends.

2. State regulation of the industry:

  • licensing;
  • taxation;
  • public procurement rules.

3. Market monitoring by production indicators and target products sales.

4. Leading market players:

5. Segmentation of foreign trade:

  • by geography;
  • by volumes;
  • by foreign markets margin.

6. Pricing factors and market monitoring by prices:

  • dynamics of price changes;
  • opportunities for conducting price maneuvers;
  • conditions of profitability.

7. Market monitoring by consumption:

  • characteristics of the target audience;
  • segmentation of consumption;
  • consumption in the corporate and public sectors.

8. Sales channels:

  • list and description;
  • segmentation by sales;
  • evaluation of the sales channels effectiveness.

9. Market monitoring by range of competing products.

10. Market monitoring in terms of investment attractiveness:

  • SWOT analysis;
  • PEST analysis;
  • opportunities and risks for new players.

11. Conclusions and recommendations based on implementation of the “market monitoring” service.

You can order your market monitoring – just contact Pro-Consulting

Market monitoring during the crisis: timeliness

In relatively calm times our clients plan to order goods and services market monitoring with a certain frequency. However, in times of dramatic economic change the winner is the one who takes the first steps to minimize damage and harness new opportunities. That’s why Pro-Consulting has developed a special anti-crisis package of market monitoring services.

  • express market monitoring – carried out within up to 5 working days;
  • in-depth market monitoring during a crisis – up to 14 working days.

Read the full description of the crisis market analysis service

By ordering a service from the anti-crisis market monitoring package, you can quickly obtain the necessary data for effective management in conditions of economic turbulence.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with examples of structures and annotations for published market analyzes reports by Pro-Consulting – the probability that we have already researched your market is 90%. Visit the published market research reports catalog.

Date of placement: 24.09.2020

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