Phone surveys: we learn opinions quickly

Phone surveys: we learn opinions quickly

Feedback from the target audience is important both for the client's business and for structures that interact with people in other areas of public life: political, cultural, informational, educational, etc. Pro-Consulting offers its clients organization of such feedback through the "phone surveys" service using its own call center.

The main tasks solved by conducting opinion polls by phone are:

  • finding out public opinion on issues of interest to the customer;
  • making a portrait of the target group of consumers;
  • identification of motives for the decision to purchase the target product;
  • determining the consumers’ attitude to the client's brand and ways to improve it;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of various types of influence on the audience: advertising campaigns, campaigning, socio-political actions and others.

Due to their advantages, phone surveys don’t lose their effectiveness even in the era of rapid development of Internet technologies.

Read the material on market analysis as a tool for obtaining analytics of your market and forming forecasts for it

Conducting sociological polls by phone: strength 

The main advantages of phone surveys with the help of the Pro-Consulting call center are:

  1. Speed ​​of receiving and processing information

Of course, you can try to conduct phone surveys of the population or consumers instructing to call the target audience by employees of your company or organization. In the case of a large sample, they will have to spend a huge amount of time on calls and the quality of the received result will be questionable.

The Pro-Consulting call center, equipped with CATI - Computer Assisted Telephone Interview and staffed by a trained and experienced team of operators and analysts, will conduct phone surveys and process questionnaires in a much shorter period of time and with high quality.

If you need to measure customer satisfaction, read about the method of researching and estimation customer loyalty

  1. Relatively low costs for conducting opinion polls by phone

Phone surveys with the help of an outsourced call center are much cheaper for the initiator than a private survey in public places. And even the example of a phone survey described above requires much more money than conducting opinion polls by phone using the Pro-Consulting call center. Phone surveys lose in price only to the option of posting questionnaires on Internet sites or social networks, but no online survey can compete in effectiveness with the conduct of sociological surveys by phone.

We recommend reading the material on demand analysis as part of market research

  1. Coverage of all segments of the target audience

Nowadays, everyone has a phone, what can you say about access to the Internet. For example, the elderly are quite active consumers of goods and services or participants in socio-political life, and regular Internet users among them are few. And the younger generation is more likely to agree to quickly answer a few questions from a live operator than to spend time on a questionnaire online. Thus, if you want to get objective information on the most relevant sample, order phone surveys.

Population surveys by phone: stages

Qualitative conducting of opinion polls by phone requires a professional approach and consists of the following stages:

  • formation of a specifications, in the process of which specific goals and objectives of the survey are determined;
  • compiling a questionnaire;
  • determining of the respondents sample;
  • test survey and correction of the questionnaire if necessary;
  • statistical processing and analysis of the obtained data;
  • preparation of an analytical report with all graphs and tables.

Phone surveys conducted by Pro-Consulting can be monitored by the customer in real time for the purpose of external audit of the quality of the survey process.

Our call center will provide you with such tools for measuring public opinion as:

  • in-depth phone surveys of the population;
  • political science and sociological phone surveys;
  • a "mystery calling" service to test your customer service.

Phone surveys will provide you with the information you need to develop an effective strategy for your chosen field of activity.

We also recommend familiarize with examples of structures and annotations to published market research reports of industry markets by Pro-Consulting – the probability that we have already researched your market is 90%. Go to the published market research reports catalog.

Date of placement: 15.09.2020

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