Market analysis of fitness (wellness) centers in Kiev. 2019

Market analysis of fitness (wellness) centers in Kiev. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2019 year
Number of pages: 30, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 8
Tables: 17
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
12500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the fitness (wellness) services market development in Ukraine and in Kyiv
1.1. Trends analysis of fitness centers market, which position themselves as wellness clubs and "new format" fitness in Ukraine and Kyiv in 2016-1 half 2019 The average area of a fitness club in Ukraine and Kyiv. Provision of wellness services and "new format" fitness on the territory of hotels in Kyiv. Mass media analysis of plans to launch similar complexes in Kyiv (with open source information availability)
1.2. Overall market indicators of Kyiv:
* the volume of the fitness market of Ukraine and Kyiv in monetary terms in 2016-2018 (based on the estimate). Selection of Kyiv's share in the overall structure of fitness clubs of Ukraine.
* Number of fitness centers that position themselves as wellness clubs and "new format" fitness in Kyiv (based on information resources)
2. Macroeconomics and well-being indicators of households Analysis in Ukraine and Kyiv as a factor influencing the development of the fitness services market, incl. wellness services.
3. Consumer preferences and demand structure for fitness services
3.1. The number of visitors to the fitness clubs of Ukraine and Kyiv in 2016-2018
3.2. Seasonality analysis and demand dynamics of search queries in Kyiv for 2016-1 half 2019 (based on Google Analytics)
4. Major market operators
4.1. List and description of the fitness centers market major operators, which position themselves as wellness clubs and "new format" fitness in Kyiv (up to 10 operators)
4.2. Competitive analysis of major market operators. Formation of multifactor analytical model with estimation of parameters of companies' work with the subsequent calculation of overall estimation
4.3. SWOT Analysis of Major Companies According to Competitive Analysis of paragraph 4.2.
5. Financial indicators of the major market operators (if information about the name of a fitness center legal entity is available) for 2017-2018.
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Current average prices for the "new format" wellness and fitness services components in Kyiv, the average price of an annual visit to the fitness club in Kyiv in 2016-2018.
6.2. Market structure in terms of price segments
7. Conclusions and market forecast trends (market development prospects). Market launch guidelines
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT analysis of market direction
8.2. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Fitness market capacity of Ukraine and Kyiv in monetary terms in 2016-2018, mln.USD
2. Macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine in 2016-1 half 2019
3. Household welfare indicators of Ukraine and Kyiv in 2016-1 half 2019
4. The number of visitors to the fitness clubs of Ukraine and Kyiv calculation, thousand people.
5. Market operators Types of services
6. Market operators Location and time
7. Market operators Pricing policy and bright competitive features
8. Market operators Additional services
9. Market operators Channels of promotion
10. Market operators work parameters Estimation
11. SWOT analysis of major companies according to competitive analysis
12. Financial indicators of sports clubs and fitness centers of Kyiv in 2017-2018, thousand UAH.
13. Current prices for the components of the wellness and "new format" fitness services in Kyiv
14. Current prices for wellness components outside of fitness clubs
15. SWOT-analysis of market orientation
16. Market risk segmentation
17. Risks Map of the fitness services market of Kyiv

List of graphs and charts:

. The network and non-network fitness clubs ratio in Ukraine,%
2. Dependence of the club average area from the city population, m2
3. Selection of Kyiv's share in the overall structure of Ukrainian fitness clubs in 2018, by number,%
4. Distribution of fitness consumers in Ukraine by gender,%
5. Fitness club selection factors,%
6. Seasonality of "fitness club" requests in Kyiv in 2016-2018, relative data
7. Fitness clubs Share in Kyiv by annual visit cost,%
8. Kyiv population growth in 2016-2018, thousand people.

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