Market research report on fitness services in Nikolaev. 2017 year

Market research report on fitness services in Nikolaev. 2017 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2017 year
Number of pages: 26, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 7
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
7900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the development of the fitness services market in Nikolaev
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the fitness services market in Ukraine and in the city of Nikolaev (trends, problems, factors influencing the market, etc.). Macroeconomic indicators and well-being of the population of Nikolaev as a factor influencing the development of the fitness services market in this region
1.2. The capacity of the fitness services market in Nikolaev in 2016 is estimated
2. Analysis and structure of demand for sports services
2.1. The level of attendance at fitness clubs in Nikolaev for the last 3 years - estimated by the desk method
2.2. Portrait of fitness club clients, consumer preferences, according to such characteristics (based on data from open sources, data on the analysis of interests in social networks, on requests in the search and internal database of the company)
3. The main operators in the market of fitness services in Nikolaev:
3.1. List and description of fitness clubs (number of gyms and pools, allocation of gyms with a pool and their footage (from 25 m2), distribution of halls and pools by district (map), name, opening date, address, short description, format, area, photo )
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators - based on data from operators for 2015
4. Price and pricing in the market of fitness services in Nikolaev
4.1. Prices for subscriptions and by types of services of fitness centers in Nikolaev at the moment, promotional programs - in the context of the TOP-5 largest operators
5. Investment attractiveness of the industry:
5.1. SWOT-analysis of the market of fitness clubs in Nikolaev
5.2. Risks of entering this market
6. Conclusions and forecast indicators of market development in 2017-2019

List of Tables:

1. Reasons why Ukrainians do not renew their subscription
2. State budget expenditures for the sphere of physical culture and sports in 2015-2017 in monetary terms
3. The structure of the market capacity of fitness services in Nikolaev in 2016
4. Dynamics of the number of visits to fitness clubs in Nikolaev in 2014-2016
5. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by gender
6. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by age
7. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by marital status
8. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by education
9. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by employment
10. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by the purpose of training
11. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by visiting time
12. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev by the duration of one visit
13. The structure of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev according to the criteria for choosing a club
14. Distribution of districts of Nikolaev on the map.
15. Distribution of fitness clubs in Nikolaev by districts in quantitative terms.
16. Shares of the main operators of the market of fitness services in Nikolaev
17. Forecast indicators of the development of the Nikolaev fitness services market in 2017-2019 in monetary terms, mln.

List of graphs and charts:

1. The main factors of influence on the development of the sports services market in Ukraine
2. Analysis of macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine and Mykolaiv region in 2016
3. Calculation of the number of visitors to fitness clubs in Nikolaev in 2016.
4. The main players in the market of fitness services in Nikolaev
5. Prices for classes in the fitness clubs of Nikolaev.
6. Average prices for classes in fitness clubs in Nikolaev.
7. SWOT-analysis of the market of fitness clubs in Nikolaev

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