Production and sales analysis: define the space for your activities

Production and sales analysis: define the space for your activities

Analysis of production and sales is often part of an in-depth market analysis. On request, production and sales analysis can be conducted by Pro-Consulting in the format of an independent research as well. The result of such research is information on the volumes of specific goods or services production and sales in the market, segmented by types, operators, regions and other parameters. This provides the client business with data that interests him about the saturation of market niches and working conditions in them.

Production and sales analysis: content and report preparation terms

Production and sales analysis in the market is to obtain and process information from all available to Pro-Consulting sources. These can be:

  • official statistics;
  • information of relevant ministries, departments and associations;
  • information provided by market operators;
  • media publications;
  • Pro-Consulting and our partners’ databases.

If you are launching a new product / service or are interested in the activities of your market operators, read about the competitors analysis

Summary report of production and sales analysis basically contains the following blocks:

  1. Production and sales volume analysis:
  • production volumes by months in kind and in monetary terms;
  • production volumes by years in kind and monetary terms;
  • dynamics and direction of change in production and sales volumes at different time scales.
  1. Segmented analysis of production and sales:
  • by types of products:
  • volumes of production and sales of various types of products in kind and in monetary terms;
  • structure of production and sale of the researched types of products in the market;
  • by market operators:
  • volumes of production and sales of products by major operators in kind and monetary terms;
  • product operators’ market shares;
  • by regions:
  • volumes of production and sales in different regions of the country in kind and in monetary terms;
  • regional structure of production and sales of the researched products.

We also recommend reading the material on how to properly bring a new product / service to market

Production and sales analysis as part of market research is conducted in accordance with international standards ESOMAR; the report with the analysis results is also convenient for further internal analysis of your business.

We have conducted more than 1700 marketing research reports for more than 1000 customers, including corporations, SMEs, nonprofit organizations, individuals and international organizations in various markets. Strengthen the position of your business and its adaptation in the market in times of change with in-depth analysis of your market.

Pro-Cosnulting will form the optimal research structure for the goals and objectives of your business - just contact us

Date of placement: 24.07.2020

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