Market research report on market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2021 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 12
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
25750 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of products made of reinforced concrete in terms of the studied products in Ukraine in 2018 - 2020.
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the market for reinforced concrete products (market problems; factors influencing market development, development of road construction, development of cottage and low-rise construction in general, as one of the key factors influencing the market)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of the market capacity of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2018 - 2020 - estimated based on the construction of a multifactor model:
- production, import and export as a whole by commodity groups
- tenders
- consumption of certain types of construction materials (needs for curbs, slabs, etc.)
- volumes of works (tenders) performed with the use of the studied PPE (repair of roads, etc.)
- other approaches identified during the research
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market by type of products (estimation based on consumption (construction, etc.), foreign economic activity
2. Production on the market of products from reinforced concrete (as a whole in terms of the studied product groups) in Ukraine in 2018-2020.
2.1. Volume of production and sale of products in volume terms
2.2. Segmentation of production on the market of reinforced concrete products (in general across the studied product groups) - assessment based on consumption
3. The main operators of the reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine
3.1. The list of the main operators of the market and their description (manufacturers, importers) - TOP-10 operators: list, contacts, assortment
3.2. Shares of the main market operators - assessment based on production data, won tenders, financial statements of companies in 2019 (2020 if data is available).
3.3. Competition and development risks in the market
4. Foreign trade in 2018 - 2020
4.1. Import of products in 2018 - 2020 (Estimation - in general, in terms of the studied product groups)
4.1.1. Volumes and dynamics of imported products
4.1.2. Analysis of the product line of imported products (by brands)
4.1.3. Geographical structure of product imports (by country)
4.1.4. The largest companies importing products, their volumes and shares
4.2. Export of products in 2018 - 2020 (Estimation - in general, in terms of the studied product groups)
4.2.1. Volumes and dynamics of exported products
4.2.2. Analysis of the product line of exported products (by brands)
4.2.3. Geographical structure of product exports (by country)
4.2.4. The largest exporters of products, their volumes and shares
5. Price and pricing on the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine
5.1. Current average prices of foreign trade and current wholesale prices for products depending on the types - upon request from the company or on the basis of public data (in terms of the studied product groups)
5.2. Current retail prices for products depending on the types - upon request from the company or based on public data
5.3. Description of factors affecting price formation
6. Sales channels on the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine
- the main channels, their characteristics (in terms of the studied product groups)
- advantages and disadvantages of the main sales channels;
- determination of the main sales channels used by the main market operators
7. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
7.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2021-2023.
7.3. Determination of the share of the Customer's company and recommendations for further development in the market
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT analysis of market direction
8.2. PEST analysis of factors influencing the market of reinforced concrete products
8.3. Construction of a risk map on the market of reinforced concrete products

List of Tables:

1. Market capacity of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms
2. Market structure of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine according to state procurement data in 2018-2020, in volume terms
3. Segmentation of consumption on the market of products made of reinforced concrete (as a whole by the studied product groups) in Ukraine in 2018-2020, in value terms, %
4. Shares of the main manufacturers of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2020, in volume terms, t
5. Market shares of manufacturers of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2020 (competitive analysis)
6. The structure of imports of reinforced concrete products to Ukraine by assortment and brands in 2018-2020, in volume terms, tons
7. Geographical structure of import of reinforced concrete products to Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms, tons
8. The largest companies importing reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms, tons
9. The structure of the export of reinforced concrete products from Ukraine by assortment and brands in 2018-2019, in volume terms, tons
10. Geographical structure of export of reinforced concrete products from Ukraine in 2018-2019, in volume terms, tons
11. The largest companies exporting reinforced concrete products from Ukraine in 2018-2019, in volume terms, tons
12. Current wholesale prices for products depending on the types at the time of the research, UAH/pc.
13. Current retail prices for products depending on the types at the time of the research, UAH/pc.
14. Advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect methods of selling reinforced concrete products on the market of Ukraine
15. SWOT analysis of the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine
16. PEST analysis of the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine
17. Risks and barriers to development in the market of reinforced concrete products of Ukraine
18. Segmentation of market risks
19. Market risk map of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of commissioning of residential buildings in Ukraine in 2016-2020, thousand square meters
2. Segmentation of residential buildings in 2020, %
3. Volumes of road construction (repair and construction) in Ukraine in 2016-2020, thousand km
4. Price indices of consumers and producers of non-metallic products for 2018-2020 (to the same period of the previous year), %
5. Volumes of production of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of import of reinforced concrete products to Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms, thousand tons
7. Dynamics of imports of reinforced concrete products to Ukraine in 2018-2020, in value terms, UAH million
8. Dynamics of export of reinforced concrete products from Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms, thousand tons
9. Dynamics of export of reinforced concrete products from Ukraine in 2018-2020, in value terms, million UAH
10. The structure of general production costs in the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine, in value terms, %
11. Distribution system on the market of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine
12. Forecast of the market capacity of reinforced concrete products in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in volume terms, thousand tons

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