Market research report on prestressed concrete products in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on prestressed concrete products in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2021 year
Number of pages: 30, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 13
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Estimation of the market capacity of prestressed concrete products
1.1. Consumption volume
1.2. Structure of consumption by types of products
1.3. Consumption structure by segments
1.3.1. Residential construction
1.3.2. commercial building
1.3.3. Infrastructure
1.4. Structure of allocation by regions (with allocation of the South)
2. Analysis of competitors
2.1. Capacities and capabilities of competitors in the context of the production of prestressed reinforced concrete (information about equipment, production areas, capacity - according to the availability of information, on request, or according to the analysis of imports of production lines)
2.2. Real volumes of production and sales of prestressed reinforced concrete structures (bridge structures, building elements, columns, fortifications of ports and embankments, etc.) in 2019-2020
2.3. Sales structure by:
2.3.1. Products
2.3.2. Buyers
2.3.3. Regions (with the allocation of the South of Ukraine)
2.3.4. Segments (residential, non-residential construction, infrastructure)
3. Analysis of the competitive formwork segment
3.1. Dynamics of import of metal formwork for the formation of prestressed concrete products
3.2. Structure by importers
3.3. Comparison of the cost of construction using formwork with construction using reinforced concrete
4. Consumption of prestressed reinforced concrete elements
4.1. List of facilities for which the test items were produced and supplied
4.2. The volume of commissioning of facilities where the test products are used
4.3. Assessment of satisfaction of demand for reinforced concrete products due to the studied modernized products
4.4. Analysis of new construction plans
4.4.1. State infrastructure projects (bridges, buildings)
4.4.2. Private construction (new factories, renovation of existing ones)
5. Conclusions and forecasts for the development of the industry
5.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of the industry development
5.2. Prestressed concrete products market forecast in Ukraine in 2021-23
5.3. Recommendations for development in the market

List of Tables:

1. The structure of consumption of prestressed concrete products by types of products in Ukraine in 2019-2020, in quantitative terms, pcs.
2. The structure of consumption of prestressed concrete products by regions of Ukraine in 2019-2020, in quantitative terms, pcs.
3. The volume of sales of neglected concrete products of the main manufacturers in Ukraine in 2019-2020, in quantitative terms, pcs.
4. The volume of sales of neglected concrete products by the main manufacturers in Ukraine in 2019-2020, in monetary terms, mln hryvnia.
5. Sales structure of the main manufacturers
6. Structure of sales of precast concrete products by manufacturers by segments in 2019-2020
7. The main differences between floor slabs with the use of formwork (PC) and prestressed without the use of formwork (PB)

8. List of the main objects in which prestressed concrete products were used
9. State construction projects that received DABI permits in 2020
10. Private construction projects that received DABI permits in 2020

List of graphs and charts:

1. The volume of consumption of prestressed concrete products in Ukraine in 2019-2020, in kind, pcs.
2. The volume of consumption of prestressed concrete products in Ukraine in 2019-2020, in monetary terms, UAH
3. The structure of consumption of prestressed concrete products in Ukraine in 2019-2020 by segments, in quantitative terms, pcs.
4. Consumption of prestressed concrete products in the segment of residential construction in 2019-2020 in Ukraine, in quantitative terms, pcs.
5. Consumption of prestressed concrete products in the commercial construction segment in 2019-2020 in Ukraine, in quantitative terms, pcs.
6. Consumption of prestressed concrete products in the infrastructure segment in 2019-2020 in Ukraine, in quantitative terms, pcs.
7. Sales structure of prestressed concrete products market players
8. Dynamics of imports of metal formwork to Ukraine for 2019–2020, in physical terms, thousand tons
9. Dynamics of imports of metal formwork to Ukraine for 2019 - 2020, in monetary terms mln hryvnia
10. The main importers of formwork to Ukraine for 2019-2020, in kind, kg
11. The total area of residential buildings accepted for operation in Ukraine, thousand sq.m.
12. The total area of non-residential buildings accepted for operation in Ukraine, thousand sq.m.
13. Forecast indicators of the prestressed concrete products market 2021-2023 in Ukraine, in quantitative terms, pcs.

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