Market research report on concrete and reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on concrete and reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2021 year
Number of pages: 50 Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 23
Tables: 27
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of trends and prospects for the development of the ready-mixed concrete and ferrous construction products market in Ukraine
1.2. General market indicators, market capacity of ready-mixed concrete and commercial concrete 5
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the commercial concrete market
2. State regulation of the industry (legislative regulation, availability of support programs, prospects of demand from road construction, state strategy, etc.)
3. Dynamics of production and sale of ready-mixed concrete and concrete in 2017-1st half of 2021.
3.1. Volume and dynamics of production of commercial concrete
3.2 The volume and dynamics of production of ZBV in quantitative indicators and in value indicators
4. Main market operators
4.1. List and description of the main operators of the market of ready-mixed concrete and concrete in Ukraine
4.2. Structure of operators (regionally, by product groups and specialization)
4.3. Market shares of the main operators
4.5. Analysis of activities and competitive advantages of the main market players
4.6 Analysis and allocation of production capacities in Ukraine (owned and leased), including suspended ones
4.7. Financial indicators of the largest market players by segment
5. Main indicators of foreign trade in 2017-2021.
5.1. Export of natural gas (volumes in monetary and physical terms, structure by types, prices, geography of supplies, main exporting companies)
5.2. Import of natural gas (volumes in monetary and physical terms, structure by types, prices, geography of supplies, main exporting companies)
6. Price and pricing on the concrete market
6.1. Dynamics of product prices in 2017 - 6 months. 2021
6.2. Description of factors affecting price formation, structure
7. The main areas of application of PPE and comparative characteristics of consumer characteristics of types of PPE
8. Assortment of products by brands, types and purpose
8.1. Concrete (commercial concrete and mortars)
8.2 Reinforced concrete products
9. List of product sales channels and their description
10. Conclusions regarding the prospects of investing in the considered markets
10.1 Analysis of the development potential of the concrete market in Ukraine
10.2 Analysis of the potential for the development of the UAV market in Ukraine
10.3 Impact of energy efficiency on the development of the studied markets
10.4 Forecast trends and indicators of the development of concrete and concrete markets in 2021-2031
10.5. Recommendations for market development

List of Tables:

1. Capacity of the ready-mixed concrete market, 2017 – 1st half of 2021, in natural and monetary terms, thousand m³, million UAH.
2. Capacity of the market of ZBV, 2017 – 1st half of 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
3. The capacity of the ZBV market, 2017 – 1st half of 2021, in monetary terms, UAH million
4. Penal system of sanctions on the market of ready-mixed concrete and concrete
5. The main operators of the market of ready-mixed concrete and concrete in Ukraine
6. Segmentation of the main operators by product groups and regions
7. Car park of operators
8. Production capacities of the main operators of the ready-mixed concrete market and their workload in 2020
9. Main financial indicators of market operators, 2017-2020, UAH thousand, %
10. Structure of reinforced concrete exports in physical terms by main commodity groups, 2017 - 2020, thousand tons,%
11. Main exporting companies of reinforced concrete products, 2017-2020, thousand tons, %
12. Structure of reinforced concrete imports in physical terms by main commodity groups, 2017 - 2020, thousand tons,%
13. Main importing companies of reinforced concrete products, 2017-2020, thousand tons, %
14. Prices for summer and winter concrete by type, UAH / m³, 2019 - 1 sq. 2021
15. Comparison of consumer characteristics of monolithic and precast concrete structures
16. The main types of ready-mixed concrete
17. Segmentation of consumption in the market of reinforced concrete products (in the whole context of the studied product groups) in Ukraine in 2018-2020, in monetary terms, %
18. Building a predictive model for predicting the capacity of the ready-mixed concrete market in Ukraine
19. Building a predictive model for forecasting the capacity of the concrete goods market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volume of completed construction works by type of buildings and structures in Ukraine, 2017-2020, billion UAH
2. Total area of buildings at the start of construction, 1p 2020-1p 2021, million m²
3. Dynamics of the construction index and producer price index for 2020 - 1H 2021.
4. Volume and dynamics of ready-mixed concrete production in quantitative terms, thousand m³
5. Volume and dynamics of ready-mixed concrete production in terms of value, UAH million
6. The volume and dynamics of production of ZBV in quantitative indicators, thousand tons
7. The volume and dynamics of production of ZBV in terms of value, million UAH
8. Market shares of the main operators of the ready-mixed concrete market in 2020, %
9. Market shares of the main operators of the ZBV market in 2020, %
10. Dynamics of the export of natural gas in monetary and physical terms, 2017-3m 2021, million UAH, thousand tons
11. Geographical structure of the export of natural gas in natural terms, 2017-2020, thousand tons
12. Average export prices for ZBV, 2017-2020, UAH/kg
13. Dynamics of imports of ferrous metals in monetary and physical terms, 2017-3m 2021, million UAH, thousand tons
14. Geographical structure of the import of ZBV in natural terms, 2017-2020, thousand tons
15. Average import prices for LBW, 2017-2020, UAH/kg
16. Dynamics of the average price of produced commercial concrete in Ukraine, 2017-2020, UAH/ton
17. The structure of general production costs of concrete producers in Ukraine, in monetary terms, %
18. Forecast growth rates of the construction market (by volume of construction works) and the concrete market, 2021-2024, %
19. Indicator of business confidence in construction, 2015-2021, %
20. Segmentation of buildings constructed in 2020 by construction technology, %
21. Potential structure of the construction market by production technologies
22. Forecast of the capacity of the ready-mixed concrete market in Ukraine in 2021-2031, in natural terms, thousand m³
23. Forecast of the capacity of the storage and disposal market in Ukraine in 2021 - 2031, in natural terms, thousand tons

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