Analysis of reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine. 2019 year

 Analysis of reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2019 year
Number of pages: 41, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
15950 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the reinforced concrete products market (slabs (coatings, ceilings), bar jumpers) in Ukraine in 2016-8 months 2019
1.1. Analysis of market trends in reinforced concrete products (market problems; factors affecting market development, development of cottage and low-rise construction as a whole, as one of the key factors influencing the market)
1.2. Overall market indicators, calculation of the reinforced concrete products market capacity in Ukraine in 2016-2018 - estimated on the basis of production and foreign trade data
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market by type of products (estimation based on consumption (construction, etc.), foreign economic activity):
* Plate cover;
* Overlapping plates;
* Bar jumpers.
2. Production in the reinforced concrete products market (slabs (coatings, ceilings), bar jumpers) in Ukraine in 2016-2018.
2.1. The volume of production and sales of products in kind
2.2. Segmentation of reinforced concrete products market production (plates (coatings, ceilings), bar jumpers) - estimation on the basis of consumption
3. The major operators of the reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine
3.1. List of the major market operators and their description (manufacturers, importers) - TOP-10 operators: list, contacts, range
3.2. Major Market Operator Shares - estimate based on Companies' 2018 Financial Statements
3.3. Competition and market development risks
4. Price and pricing in the reinforced concrete products market (slabs (coatings, ceilings), bar jumpers) in Ukraine
4.1. Current average foreign trade prices and current wholesale product prices by type - at company's request or based on public information
4.2. Current retail prices for products, by type - at company's demand or based on public data
4.3. Description of factors affecting pricing
5. Sales channels in the reinforced concrete products market (slabs (coatings, ceilings), bar jumpers) in Ukraine
* major channels, their characteristics,
* advantages and disadvantages of major sales channels;
* identifying the major sales channels used by major market operators
6. Conclusions. Reinforced concrete products market Forecasts indicators (slabs, ceilings, jumpers) in Ukraine
6.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of market development
6.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forcast Market Indicators for 2019-2021
6.3. Determination of the customer's share of the company and recommendations for further market development
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. SWOT analysis of market orientation
7.2. PEST analysis of the impact factors on the reinforced concrete products market
7.3. Building a risk map of reinforced concrete products market

List of Tables:

1. The capacity of the concrete market in Ukraine in 2017-2018 in kind (thousand tons) and monetary terms (million UAH)
2. Change in the major macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine in 2018 and 1 half 2019,% (to the same period last year)
3. Capacity of commodity concrete market in Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind, thousand tons
4. The market capacity of the cement, concrete or artificial stone structures for construction of Ukraine in 2018 - 1 half 2019, in kind, thousand tons
5. Capacity of the reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine in 2016-8 months 2019, thousand tons
6. Reinforced concrete products market major operators in Ukraine
7. Commodity concrete and armature market Major operators in Ukraine (TOP-5 in these segments)
8. Researched building materials market Major operators Segmentation, by product segments and regions
9. Average current wholesale prices for reinforced concrete products, depending on the types of goods, UAH / piece
10. Average current foreign trade prices for reinforced concrete products, depending on the type of goods, UAH / piece
11. Average current retail prices for reinforced concrete products, depending on the type of goods, UAH / piece
12. Advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect sales methods for reinforced concrete products in the Ukrainian market
13. Building a forecast model for forecasting the capacity of reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine
14. SWOT-analysis of reinforced concrete products market
15. PEST - analysis of reinforced concrete products market of Ukraine
16. Risks and barriers to development of reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine
17. Market risks segmentation
18. Risk map for reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of commissioning of residential real estate in Ukraine in 2010-2018, million m²
2. Structure of the real estate market of Ukraine (new construction) by type at the beginning of construction in 2018, m2,%
3. Dynamics of GDP at actual prices in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 months 2019, UAH billion
4. Gross Value Added Structure in 2018,%
5. Consumer price index for the period 2018 - 6 m. 2019 (till the same last year period),%
6. Dynamics of changes in consumer prices for the period from 2018 to 6 months 2019 (till December of previous year),%
7. Structure of the total area of ​​commissioned housing in new buildings in Kyiv based on exterior wall materials in 2017,%
8. Structure of the total area of ​​commissioned housing in new buildings based on materials of external walls in Ukraine in 2017,%
9. Reinforced concrete products market structure by product types in 2017,%
10. Production volume in the reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine in 2016-8 months 2019, in kind, thousand tons
11. Structure of the of reinforced concrete products market by types of products in 2017,%
12. Reinforced concrete products market structure by product types in 2018,%
13. Market shares of the reinforced concrete products market major operators in 2018, in kind,%
14. Market shares of commodity concrete market major operators in Ukraine in 2018, in kind,%
15. Armature for Concrete Major operators ' Market Share of 2018, in kind,%
16. Cost structure of the reinforced concrete production in Ukraine,%
17. Estimated capacity of the reinforced concrete products market in Ukraine in 2019-2021, in kind, thousand tons

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