Analysis of the solar power plant market for own consumption in Ukraine. 2020 year

Analysis of the solar power plant market for own consumption in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2020 year
Number of pages: 47, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 22
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
22600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of market development trends in dynamics: determination of the main trends in the market, market features, construction of stations for own consumption in Ukraine (implemented projects), identification of problems and factors influencing the market, including determination of weather conditions (number of sunny days) by regions of Ukraine for most efficient battery placement
2. Dynamics of the volume of capital investments in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity in Ukraine. Structure of electricity production by types of sources. Dynamics of electricity consumption, highlighting the share of consumption in the industrial sector. Renewable types of energy in the energy balance of Ukraine
3. State regulation of the industry according to such characteristics:
• Funding programs
• Tariffs for solar energy for B2B and B2C (frequency of government tariff changes)
• Taxation
• Norms and requirements for the installation of batteries for own consumption, the minimum size of the site
3.2. Energy policy and feed-in tariff
4. The main market operators that are engaged in the installation of solar power plants for their own consumption in Ukraine
4.1. The main market operators in Ukraine: their list, description, contacts, examples of some implemented projects in brief - according to the availability of information
4.2. Segmentation of the main market operators (up to TOP-10 in general) (by segments: equipment, types of services, regionally)
4.3. Financial indicators of the main market operators in 2017-2018 (revenue, margin, profitability)
5. Foreign trade in the inverter market (in order to determine the development of the market):
5.1. Export of products in dynamics for 2017-5 months 2020 (volumes, average prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporters and their shares)
5.2. Import of products in dynamics for 2017-5 months 2020 (volumes, average prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main importers and their shares)
6. General market indicators, calculation of the inverter market capacity for 2017 - 5 months. 2020 (production + import-export) in Ukraine in dynamics in kind (pcs) and in monetary terms (USD)
7. Prices in the SPP market: a comparative table of prices for a complex installation from 500 kW to 9 MW (in the context of TOP-5 companies), which includes the following information: + complex installation
8. Dynamics of electricity tariffs for industrial consumers in Ukraine
9. Analysis of the potential and prospects in the SPP market for own consumption
9.1. Important sectors of the Ukrainian economy, their shares in GDP. Identification of industrial sectors for which the most promising is the development of solar power plants for their own consumption
9.2. Comparative characteristics of the use of own solar power plant and the purchase of electricity
9.3. Risks and barriers for installing SPP for own consumption. Availability of grants and subsidies for the installation of solar power plants for own consumption
9.4. Identification of regions of Ukraine, the most optimal for the placement of solar power plants. Assessment of the SPP market potential for own consumption in monetary terms
10. Conclusions and forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022 Prerequisites for the development of the solar power plant market for own consumption
11. Investment attractiveness of the industry
11.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
11.2. PEST - Market Direction Analysis

List of Tables:

1. Supply of electricity produced by solar power plants in 2017-2019, million kWh
2. Number of clear days per month in the regional centers of Ukraine
3. Feed-in tariff coefficient for facilities commissioned or to be commissioned before 2029 (until 1.08.2020)
4. Add-ons to the "green" tariff for the use of Ukrainian equipment, %
5. The main operators of the SPP market for own consumption in Ukraine
6. Segmentation of the main market operators by types of equipment
7. Segmentation of the main market operators by types of services offered
8. Segmentation of the main market operators by regions
9. 9. Financial indicators of market operators in 2017-2018, UAH million.
10. Financial performance of Sonyachna Energiya in 2019, mln hryvnia.
11. Top 10 Ukrainian companies exporting inverters in 2017 and 2019.
12. Top 10 importers of inverters to Ukraine in 2017 - the first half of 2020.
13. Inverter market capacity, in real terms
14. Inverter market capacity, in monetary terms
15. Prices for ready-made SPP offers depending on capacity (equipment + installation), thousand dollars.
16. Changes in electricity tariffs for non-residential consumers (before the introduction of the "new market"), in 2017-2018 at the end of the year, cop. kWh without VAT
17. Electricity distribution tariffs for non-residential consumers in 2019-2020 (excluding VAT), UAH/MWh
18. Tariffs for the services of universal service providers for non-residential consumers in 2019-2020 (without VAT)
19. Comparison of using your own solar power plant and buying electricity
20. Potential of the solar power plant market for own consumption in monetary terms, mln. USD (cumulative indicators)
21. SWOT – analysis
22. PEST – analysis

List of graphs and charts:

1. 1. The structure of electricity producers from RES under the "green tariff" in 2019 in Ukraine, by the amount of installed capacity
2. Dynamics of installed capacity of solar energy producers according to the "feed-in tariff" in 2015-2019 in Ukraine, MW
3. Dynamics of the volume of capital investments in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity in Ukraine in 2017-2019, UAH bln.
4. Dynamics of investments in the electricity transmission system in 2017-2019 (excluding VAT), bln hryvnia
5. Dynamics of investments in the electricity distribution system in 2017-2019 (excluding VAT), bln hryvnia
6. Structure of electricity production by types of sources for 7 months of 2020, million kWh
7. Dynamics of electricity consumption in Ukraine in 2017-2020, billion kWh
8. Distribution of electricity use by consumers for 7 months of 2020, billion kWh
9. Distribution of electricity use in industry by industry for 7 months of 2020, billion kWh
10. Structure of production in the energy balance of Ukraine in 2018, million tons of oil equivalent
11. Inverter export dynamics from 2017 to 2019, in physical terms, pcs.
12. Average cost of an inverter for export from 2017 to 2019, thousand UAH.
13. Top 10 export destinations for inverters in 2017 and 2019, in kind
14. Dynamics of imports of inverters from 2017 to June 2020, in kind, thousand units.
15. Average cost of an imported inverter from 2017 to June 2020, UAH thousand.
16. Top 10 countries importing inverters to Ukraine in 2017 and the first half of 2020, in kind
17. Gross domestic product in actual prices for the 1st quarter of 2020 by type of economic activity, mln hryvnia.
18. Forecast capacity of solar power plants at the end of the year, MW

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