Market Research Report on Solar Energy in Gulf region. 2022 year

Market Research Report on Solar Energy in Gulf region. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2022 year
Number of pages: 45, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 5
Tables: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
44900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Gulf countries
1.1 United Arab Emirates
1.2 Saudi Arabia (KSA)
1.3 Oman
1.4 Qatar
1.5 Kuwait
1.6 Bahrain
1.7 Comparison of performance trends in Gulf countries
4. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
4.1. Conclusions and Forecast Trends in the Development of the Private SPP Market in the Countries Under Study
4.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2022-2026 (in general in terms of capacity and development of the industry as a whole) by country
5. Investment attractiveness of the industry
5.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction

List of Tables:

1. Investments in SES projects in the UAE
2. Capacity of SPP projects in the UAE
3. Prices for electricity produced by solar power plants in the UAE
4. The main operators of the UAE solar energy market and their characteristics
5. Representation of companies by country and main projects, shares in projects
6. The roles of the main participants in the implementation of the project
7. Investment in solar projects in Saudi Arabia
8. Power projects in Saudi Arabia
9. Prices for electricity produced by solar power plants in Saudi Arabia
10. The main operators of the solar energy market in Saudi Arabia and their characteristics
11. Representation of companies by country and main projects, shares in projects
12. Investment in SPP projects in Oman
13. Capacity of SPP projects in Oman
14. Prices for electricity produced by solar power plants in Oman
15. The main operators of the solar energy market in Oman and their characteristics
16. The share of participation of companies in the Ibri 2 project
17. Investment in SPP projects in Qatar
18. Capacity of SPP projects in Qatar
19. Prices for electricity produced by solar power plants in Qatar
20. The main operators of the solar energy market in Qatar and their characteristics
21. The share of participation of companies in the Al Kharsaah project
22. The main operators of the solar energy market in Kuwait and their characteristics
23. The main operators of the solar energy market in Bahrain and their characteristics
24. SWOT analysis of the market direction (recommended Gulf countries - UAE, KSA, Oman)

List of graphs and charts:

1. Capacity structure of installed RES stations in the world
2. The ratio of private and public solar power capacities in the UAE, GW
3. The share of companies in the installed capacity of photovoltaic solar power plants in Bahrain
4. Dynamics of changes in indicators by countries (Gulf region), MW
5. Forecast indicators of the solar energy market in 2022 - 2026

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