Market research report on biogas market and raw materials for its production in the Vinnytsia region. 2024 year

Market research report on biogas market and raw materials for its production in the Vinnytsia region. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2024 year
Number of pages: 47, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 points
Tables: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
49700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Purpose and research methods
2. Analysis of the competitive environment of the production industry, the degree of competition and risks of the biogas market of the Vinnytsia region
3. Availability and location of enterprises that can provide their own production product - corn silage - as organic raw material for the operation of the biogas production plant
4. Availability and location of organizations that can provide their own production products - sunflower silage - as organic raw materials for the operation of the biogas production plant
5. Availability and location of enterprises that can provide their own production products - grain straw - as organic raw material for the operation of the biogas production plant
6. Availability and location of enterprises that can provide their own production waste - cattle and pig manure - as organic raw material for the operation of the biogas production plant
7. Availability and location of enterprises that can provide their own production waste - droppings of chickens, geese and ducks - as organic raw materials for the operation of the biogas production plant
8. Availability and location of sugar, alcohol and beer factories that can provide their own production waste - pulp, molasses, beer grist, alcohol mash - as organic raw materials for the operation of the biogas production plant
9. Availability and location of milk processing enterprises, meat processing plants and other food industry enterprises that can provide their own production waste as organic raw materials
10. Availability and location of landfills of household organic waste that can be used as raw material for the operation of the biogas production plant
11. Availability and location of other enterprises and companies that can provide organic raw materials for the operation of the biogas production plant
12. The largest owners of the land bank in the given study areas
13. Conclusions regarding the conducted research

List of Tables:

1. The structure of the physical boundaries of the study
2. Biogas/biomethane potential in Ukraine, billion m3 of CH4 per year
3. Characteristics of biogas market players in Vinnytsia region
4. Shares of competitors in the biogas market of the Vinnytsia region
5. Availability and location of corn silage producers within the physical framework of the study
6. Total potential volumes of raw materials by zones of distance from the object
7. Availability and location of sunflower silage producers within the physical framework of the study
8. Total potential volumes of raw materials by zones of distance from the object
9. Availability and location of grain straw producers within the physical framework of the study
10. Total potential volumes of raw materials by zones of distance from the object
11. List of manure harvesters by amount of organic substances
12. Total potential volumes of raw materials by zones of distance from the object
13. List of manure harvesters by amount of organic substances
14. Total potential volumes of raw materials by zones of distance from the object
15. Availability and location of sugar factories in the physical framework of the study
16. Availability and location of breweries within the physical framework of the study
17. Availability and location of distilleries within the physical framework of the study
18. Availability and location of milk processing enterprises in the physical framework of the study
19. Availability and location of meat processing enterprises in the physical framework of the study
20. Availability and location of enterprises for the production of compound feed in the physical framework of the study
21. Availability and location of flour production enterprises in the physical framework of the study
22. Availability and location of household organic waste landfills within the physical framework of the study
23. Availability and location of enterprises that provide organic raw materials for the operation of biogas production plants in Vinnytsia region, by types of fuel and by research areas
24. The largest owners of the land bank in the physical framework of the study, ha

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