Market research report on characteristics of the grain handling in Ukraine. 2018 year

Market research report on characteristics of the grain handling in Ukraine. 2018 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2018 year
Number of pages: 35, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Tables: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
15300 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market characteristics
1.1 Industry profile
1.1.1 STEP/LE industry testing (PEST analysis)
1.2 Industry table
1.3 Seasonality table
1.4 Table Cultivation
1.5 Factors of project development - disclose the reasons (influencing factors, what the development may be due to)
1.6 Grain handling market in Ukraine (volume and players) - estimated according to the data of export (50% of the data by the type of transport are available, the rest is estimated)
1.7 Volumes of grain exports at Ukrainian ports in 2017 by different types of transport
1.8 Dynamics of grain handling volumes (export) from 2014-2018 (2017 by month) + forecasts (all grains without division) - estimated according to financial statements of companies (4 large white companies to see by month and identify fluctuations in the supply, as well as assess the volume of the shadow market)
1.9 Dynamics of average transshipment prices
1.10. The degree of competition and risks in the grain handling segment (5 forces of Porter)
"Work with the power of buyers: long-term contracts, price".
1.11. Price Dynamics (actual) - (forecast)
1.12. Strategic competitor group analysis (out of all terminals - identify a group to compete) - identification of a competitor group as agreed with the Client
"Description of each competitor of the strategic group: sales, price dynamics, profitability
1.13 Description of the key advantages of the new terminal over its competitors (location, infrastructure, prices and other characteristics) - subject to information about the terminal from the Client
1.14. Analysis of the actions to be taken by competitors in the event of the appearance of a new terminal
1.15. SWOT-analysis of the terminal of the customer in respect to the terminals of the strategic group
1.16. Sales
1.16.1 Buyers (TOP-10 companies potential consumers based on their financial performance and determining their shares)
1.16.2. Change in the Customer's market share in view of new terminals - assessment with regard to market impact factors (the format of the submission is determined at the stage of research preparation.

List of Tables:

1. Processing volumes of export dry bulk bread cargo by stevedoring companies at seaports in January - December 2017 compared to the same period in 2014, thousand tons
2. Calculation of the degree of influence of external environment factors on the industry of grain and oilseeds handling at seaports in Ukraine
3. Ranking of factors with respect to the weight of importance and description of their impact on the industry
4. Number of transshipment points of grains, tons of storage, dry cargo transshipment capacities and quantity of transshipped dry bulk cargo at Ukrainian seaports, mln. tons
5. Seasonality of grain and oilseeds transshipment at Ukrainian ports in 2017, mln tons
6. Main indicators of cultivation of investigated agricultural crops in Ukraine in 2014-2017 and their forecast for 2018 - 2029.
7. Grain handling market in Ukraine (volumes and players), in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons and thousand USD. US DOLLARS
8. Grain export volumes at Ukrainian ports in 2017 by different modes of transport, tons
9. Dynamics of exports of the 4 largest companies in 2014-2018 without dividing by crops and forecast for 2019-2029, thousand tons
10. Monthly dynamics of grain and oilseeds exports by the 4 largest companies in 2017, thousand tons
11. Dynamics of the shadow market of grain and oilseeds export from Ukraine in 2014-2017, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of average prices (export prices) by main crops by the top 5 main suppliers by directions, USD USD per ton
13. Main parameters of assessment of competitive environment in the market according to M. Porter's methodology
14. Evaluation of the competitive environment in the transshipment market of grain cargo in Ukraine
15. Results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the transshipment market of grain cargo in Ukraine
16. Dynamics of prices for transshipment of the studied crops in Ukrainian ports in 2014-2017 and forecast for 2018-2029
17. Dynamics of transshipment prices in Ukrainian ports in 2014-2017 and forecast for 2018-2029
18. Characteristics of the largest grain handling terminals in Ukraine
19. Criteria for evaluating competitor factors
20. Weight of factors for determining the strategic group of competitors
21. Determination of the strategic group of competitors
22. Analysis of financial performance of strategic group competitors based on financial statements*
23. SWOT-analysis of the terminal "Aventin" in relation to the terminals of a strategic group
24. Change in Aventin's share on the market taking into account the output of new terminals

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