Market analysis of hazardous waste in Ukraine 2019

Market analysis of hazardous waste in Ukraine 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2019 year
Number of pages: 81 Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 32
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian
15800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of market development trends in 2016 - 1st half of 2019 (specifics, problems, factors of influence on the market)
2. Analysis of market segments capacity indicators in 2016 - 1st half of 2019.
* By number of companies (in segments by available license)
* By volume of hazardous waste generation (requests for information from the Ministry of Ecology and calculation through estimation of production volumes in relevant sectors of the economy)
* Agricultural wastes (greenhouse film, drip irrigation film, fertilizer packaging and PPP, etc.)
* Other hazardous waste segments contaminated with PCBs, PCTs, PCNs, PBBs (identification and search)
* By the number and volume of tenders in the Prozorro system
* The cost of certain types of hazardous waste utilization (potential market volume due to hazardous waste generation capacity) - estimation of the shadow market due to the difference between the actual and the reporting indicator
3. Major market operators
3.1. List of manufacturing enterprises licensed by their own hazardous waste management - by major activity
3.2. List and description of the largest companies in the hazardous waste prossessing market (specialized licensed players)
3.3. Segmentation and structuring of market operators
* by type of hazardous waste
* by type of hazardous waste management (disposal, treatment (recycling), neutralization and disposal, sorting, transportation, storage, extraction, etc.)
* regionally, by place of activity
3.4. Specialized companies' hazardous waste management Shares (according to the official financial statements in 2016 - 2018, 2019 - estimate)
4. Analysis of foreign economic activity
4.1. Hazardous waste for neutralization and disposal imports in 2016-2018 (Volume, structure estimate, structure by cargo receivers and senders)
4.2. Hazardous waste for neutralization and disposal exports in 2016-2018 (Volume, structure estimate, structure by cargo receivers and senders)
5. Prices for neutralization, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste in order to determine the most cost-effective raw materials for the plant work
6. Potential services consumers in the market
* owners and keepers of hazardous waste, such as local governments (of unowned waste), state and private ownership enterprises and agricultural producers that import pesticides and agrochemicals into the territory of Ukraine (packaging and wrapping and unusable leftovers) waste generating and storage enterprises, waste management market operators which do not carry out disposal and utilization operations (with their own waste processing, recycling, storage), States which do not have their own disposal (neutralization) facilities under the Basel Convention.
* large manufacturing companies without a license and a related legal entity with a license (production companies database according to the 2017 financial statements, partly based on products manufacturing based on polymers) that produce products that can be utilized on the customer's equipment
* hazardous waste exporters (potential for enlist)
* importers of products which waste to be disposed of in accordance with the customer's equipment technical parameters (PPP, fertilizers, etc.)
7. Market development prospects
7.1. Analysis of Possible Changes in Legislation and Policy on Hazardous Waste Management in Ukraine - Analysis of News and Bills Filed
7.2. Analysis of foreign companies' plans for market entry and availability of recycling / disposal plant projects on financing platforms (applications)
7.3. Potential market volume (difference between existing volume and real) with segments features.
7.4. Official market capacity development Forecast for 2019-2024
7.5. Market entry guidelines (by product segment)

List of Tables:

1. Number of companies and companies revenues (with valid licenses for waste management) by major activity (as of 26.06.2019)
2. Number of companies and companies revenues (with revoked licenses for waste management) by sub-activity (as of 26.06.2019)
3. Structure of waste generating by hazard classes I-IV in Ukraine in 2018, in kind
4. Volumes of hazardous generated (1-3 class hazard) waste in Ukraine, in 2016-2018, in kind, thousand tons
5. Volume of hazardous (1-3 hazard class) waste incineration in Ukraine, for 2016-2018, thousand tons
6. Hazardous (1-3 class) waste incineration, by type of waste, for 2016 and 2017, tons.
7. Classification of PCBs according to the European waste catalog
8. Classification of PCBs content sources according to the Ukrainian classifier DK-005-96
9. Quantity and cost of Hazardous Waste Management Services state procurements in Prozorro, 2016-6 months 2019
10. The largest participants of waste management in the public procurement tenders system, for 2016 - 1-7 months 2019
11. List of enterprises with a valid waste management license by major activity as of 26.06.2019
12. List and description of the major market players, with a valid waste management license, as of 06/26/2019
13. Segmentation of major hazardous waste management operators in Ukraine, operators presented in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2.
14. Volume and shares of waste imports by type, in Ukraine for 2016-5 months 2019 in kind, thousand tons
15. Average waste import cost in Ukraine for 2016 - 5 months 2019. In kind, by type, UAH / ton.
16. Shares of companies importing certain types of waste for 2016 - 5 months 2019. In kind
17. Shares of companies exporting certain types of waste into Ukraine in 2016-5 months 2019. In kind
18. Waste export volumes and shares in Ukraine for 2016-5 months 2019. In kind
19. Average cost of waste export to Ukraine for 2016-5 months 2019 In kind, by type, UAH/ ton
20. Waste export volumes by exporting companies, in Ukraine for 2016 - 5 months 2019 In kind, by waste groups
21. Ukrainian products imports Volumes by companies for 2016 - 5 months 2019 in kind, by waste groups
22. Prices for the hazardous waste utilization, by state procurements, in the period 2016 - 6 months 2019.
23. Average prices for the hazardous waste utilization of state procurement, according to Table 5.1
24. Analysis of pending tenders in the state procurement system Prozorro, in the field of waste management (agrochemical waste) for 2016 - 6 months 2019.
25. Analysis of pending tenders in the state procurement system Prozorro, in the field of hazardous waste management (rocket fuel waste) for 2016 - 6 months 2019.
26. Hazardous waste disposal prices by companies as of August 2019.
27. Average prices for some types of hazardous waste, UAH.
28. Volumes of hazardous waste generation by state waste classifier, by sectors of economy
29. Largest waste producing Companies by revenue for 2017, by type of activity
30. Waste generation and management capacity by type of operations, 2016-2018, tons
31. Volume of the waste incineration market in monetary terms, mln.UAH for 2016-2018

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of waste generation by hazard classes I-IV in Ukraine in 2018, in kind
2. Hazardous waste management by type of operations, 2016 and 2018.
3. Distribution of Transformers with Content of Pivdenna Zaliznytsia by Administrative Section, for the 1st quarter of 2006.
4. Distribution of Transformers with Content of Pivdenna Zaliznytsia by Administrative Section, for the 1st quarter of 2006.
5. Distribution of synthetic liquids with contents of Pivdenna Zaliznytsia by administrative section, for the 1st quarter of 2006
6. The process of accumulators recycling at specialized enterprises
7. Market diagram of accumulators recycling process
8. The amount of hazardous waste by groups according to Table 5.1
9. Ukrainian operators Shares in the PPP market in Ukraine in 2018.
10.Car batteries production indicators in Ukraine in 2013-2017.
11. The structure of the polymer wastes market in Ukraine, till 2017, in kind

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