Market research report on microfertilizers in Ukraine. 2020-2023 MY

Market research report on microfertilizers in Ukraine. 2020-2023 MY
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2023 year
Number of pages: 21
Graphs and charts: 13
Tables: 26
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
24500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General analysis of the microfertilizer market
- Volume, l/kg
- Volume, $;
- Main suppliers (import, domestic production)
- Groups of microfertilizers (complex, monoproducts)
- Import / Ukrainian ratio. manufacturer
2. Import
- Volume, l/kg
- Volume, $
- Main suppliers
- Groups of microfertilizers (complex, monoproducts)
3. Domestic production
- Volume, l/kg
- Volume, $
- Main suppliers (estimation based on revenue and reporting) - generally by group
- Groups of microfertilizers (complex, monoproducts) - assessment of the overall market structure
4. Share of AHC
- Volume, l/kg
- Volume, $
- Groups of microfertilizers (complex, monoproducts)

List of Tables:

1. Import volumes of goods of major foreign manufacturers, in value, million $
2. Volumes of production of goods of the main Ukrainian manufacturers, in value, million $
3. Volumes of the microfertilizers market, divided by main operators (foreign and Ukrainian producers), in value, million $
4. Volumes of microfertilizers on the market of Ukraine by type in 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $
5. The ratio of goods of Ukrainian and foreign production, in value, million $
6. Change in average prices from the largest foreign producers on the market of liquid fertilizers in Ukraine
7. The main products of the Doktor Tarsa company
8. The main products of Valagro company
9. The main products of PRO FARM TECHNOLOGIES company
10. The main products of the YARA SUOMI company
11. The main products of the INTERMAG company
12. Main products of PPC "ADOB" company
13. The main products of the PLANTIN company
14. Main products of Unifer International company
15. The main products of the AGROTECNICA company
16. The main products of the Plant Designs International company
17. The main products of the EKOPLON company
18. The main products of the AGLUKON company
19. Volumes of imported microfertilizers by type in 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $
20. The main products of the RPC Kvadrat company
21. The main products of the Oriy company
22. The main products of the Fervita company
23. The main products of the Agrovit company
24. The main products of the Kharkiv Khimprom company
25. The main products of the of Agro-Zahist company
26. Volumes of produced microfertilizers by type in 2020-2023 m.y., in monetary terms, million $

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volumes of the market of liquid microfertilizers in Ukraine for 2020-2023 m.y., in volume, million liters
2. Volumes of the market of crystalline microfertilizers in Ukraine for 2020-2023 m.y., in volume, thousand tonnes
3. Volumes of the market of liquid microfertilizers in Ukraine for 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $
4. Volumes of the market of crystalline microfertilizers in Ukraine for 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $
5. Volumes of the microfertilizers market in Ukraine for 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $
6. Import volumes of liquid microfertilizers for 2020-2023 m.y., in volume, million liters
7. Import volumes of crystalline microfertilizers for 2020-2023 m.y., in volume, thousand tonnes
8. Import volumes of liquid microfertilizers for 2020-2023 , in value, million $
9. Import volumes of crystalline microfertilizers for 2020-2023 , in value, million $
10. Volumes of production of liquid microfertilizers for 2020-2023 m.y., in volume, million liters
11. Volumes of production of crystalline microfertilizers for 2020-2023 m.y., in volume, thousand tonnes
12. Volumes of production of liquid microfertilizers for 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $
13. Volumes of production of crystalline microfertilizers for 2020-2023 m.y., in value, million $

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