Kyiv cafe - confectionery Market Analysis. 2020 year

Kyiv cafe - confectionery Market Analysis. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2020 year
Number of pages: 39, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 5
Tables: 23
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
17100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the cafe market - confectionery in Kyiv
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in Kyiv in 2017 - 2019 (Specificity, problems, factors of influence)
1.2. A list and a brief description of all cafes - pastry shops in Kyiv, located within a radius of 3 km from Independence Square
2. State regulation of the cafe - confectionery market in Kyiv
2.1. Taxation in the industry and other features of doing business
2.2. Permits Needed to Run a Catering Business
3. Main market operators
3.1. List and description of the TOP 10 main operators of the confectionery cafe market in Kyiv (TOP 5 in Kyiv in general and TOP 5 located within a radius of 3 km from Independence Square based on data on search queries, ratings and financial reporting, with an emphasis on prestigious locations, for example , "Paul", Good Wine and Intercontinental confectionery, Bassano confectionery-bakery)
3.2. Segmentation of the main operators:
- by the number of points
- by point type (shopping center, food court, facade room, separate room, etc.)
- by location areas
- at the price of a cup of coffee (cappuccino)
- at the cost of croissants and macaroons
- by working time
- by the number of tables
- by the size of the average check (based on specialized catering resources)
3.3. SWOT-analysis of the main cafes - confectionery according to the competitive analysis data p. 3.2
3.4. Degree of competition and risks. Indicators of financial statements of companies for 2017-2018, which are registered as LLC
4. Price and market pricing
4.1. Average prices for products in cafes and confectionery segments are above average within a radius of 3 km from Independence Square (for pastries, drinks, breakfasts)
4.2. The main factors influencing the price, structure (based on the assessment)
5. Availability of vacant space and analysis of rental rates for cafes and confectioneries in Kyiv, located within a radius of 3 km from Independence Square, about 150 sq. m.
6. Branding and advertising
6.1. General pros and cons of the main cafes and confectioneries (which are presented in clause 3.1) - based on reviews on specialized sites, social networks. networks
6.2. Use of promotion channels - social. networks (frequency of posts), publications in publications, other channels
7. Analysis of the target audience of the cafe-pastry segment above average and premium (based on desk research). Estimation of the number of people living in Kyiv with an income above the average and the dynamics of the number of foreign tourists visiting Kyiv
8. Conclusions and forecast trends in the development of the cafe-confectionery market in Kyiv
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT-analysis of the market direction in Kyiv
9.2. PEST-analysis of factors influencing the market in Kyiv
9.3. Market entry risks and barriers
9.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The main factors influencing the development of the cafe-confectionery market
2. List and brief description of cafes - pastry shops within a radius of 3 km from Independence Square, as of the beginning of 2020
3. Taxation systems for individuals and legal entities
4. List of permits required for the operation of a public catering establishment
5. Evaluation of the main operators of the cafe-confectionery market on the Internet
6. Description of the main market operators
7. Segmentation of the main market operators by the number of points and the type of point of the cafe-confectionery
8. Segmentation of the main market operators by location areas
9. Segmentation of the main market operators by cappuccino price
10. Segmentation of the main market operators by the price of croissant and macaroon
11. Segmentation of the main market operators by opening hours, number of tables and average ticket size
12. Peak periods of visits to cafes of the main operators of the market
13. SWOT analysis of the main cafes - pastry shops
14. Financial results of companies registered as LLCs for 2017-2018
15. Prices for breakfasts, pastries and drinks in patisserie cafes
16. Availability of free space for rent within a radius of 3 km from Independence Square
17. Pros and cons of the main cafes - pastry shops
18. Population with income above UAH 25 thousand / month in 2019 in Kyiv
19. Portrait of the target audience of the cafe-confectionery
20. SWOT-analysis of the cafe-confectionery market in Kyiv
21. PEST-analysis of the cafe-confectionery market in Kyiv
22. Segmentation of market risks
23. Map of risks of the market of cafes and confectioneries in Kyiv

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of changes in the average wage in Kyiv in 2017 - 2019
Fig. 2. Dynamics of household expenses in Kyiv for eating out, UAH.
3. The main factors influencing the formation of prices for products
4. Pricing structure
5. Dynamics of the number of domestic and foreign tourists visiting Kyiv, million people

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