Market report on DIY trade market in the UAE. 2022 year

Market report on DIY trade market in the UAE. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2022 year
Number of pages: 36, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 13
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
38250 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of the prerequisites for the development of the market for trade in goods for construction and home
1.1. Cultural characteristics and economic prerequisites for the development of the home repair market
1.2. UAE Retail Analysis - Key Features and Region-Specific Channels
2. Characteristics of the DIY retail market in the UAE
2.1. General indicators of the market.
2.2. Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and the issuance of competitors
3. Main market operators (retail trade in the DIY segment)
3.1. Description of the main operators
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators
3.3. Features of competition and risks
4. Sales channels
4.1. Analysis of the existing sales structure for construction and household goods in the UAE, the structure of the retail segment
4.2. Analysis of the wholesale channel for the sale of building materials (distributor companies): features of work in the market, trends in the work of operators in channels)
4.3. Analysis of tenders as a sales channel for building materials and household goods in the UAE (procedure, access of companies to tenders, bidding procedure)
4.4. Features of conducting public procurement (general principles and conditions for conducting, admission of participants)
5. Assortment and pricing in the market (analysis of the assortment presented in various retail channels in the UAE) and conclusions about the optimal assortment groups) Comparison of prices for individual product groups in various channels
6. Branding and advertising (analysis of the positioning of competitors in the market, presence in promotion channels)
7. Consumption of products in the DIY segment
7.1. Consumer preferences regarding the product, a portrait of the consumer in the segment
7.1.1. Buying goods for home repair
7.1.2. Purchase of goods by foremen and designers
7.2. Structuring and segmentation of consumption
7.3. Need for a product/service
7.4. Degree of customer satisfaction (analysis of consumer feedback)
8. State regulation of the industry
8.1. Key laws governing the industry
8.1.1. Legislation relating to starting a business in the country (including requirements for the form of ownership)
8.1.2. Restrictions for certain retail formats (affecting the development of the DIY segment)
8.2. Taxes and fees in the market (general business taxation; import and export duties for the DIY goods segment)
9. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
9.1. Conclusions and Forecast Trends in the Development of the DIY Trade Market in the UAE
9.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2022-2026
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. SWOT analysis of the market for the concept of the customer
10.2. PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
10.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1 Average annual income of Dubai residents, USD
2 Structure of search queries by market operators
3 Prices for the most popular products in the DIY and home improvement segment
4 Google Search Results
5 Analysis of pages in social networks
6. Structuring of consumers in the DIY segment in the UAE
7 SWOT analysis
8 PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
9 Segmentation of market risks
10 Risk map for a wholesale company

List of graphs and charts:

1 Nationality of Expats in the UAE, 2021, %
2 Spending structure of Dubai residents
3 Dubai retail market size, 2019 - 2021, billion USD
4. Consumer Preferences: Middle East and World
5 Sales volume in DIY stores in the UAE, mln USD
6 DIY (home improvement) market structure, %
7 Volume of wholesale and retail sales of DIY (home improvement) building materials in the UAE, mln USD
8 Dynamics of search queries for hardware tools and home improvement service, 2019 – 2021, %
9 Market shares of operators in the DIY and home improvement market, 2021, sales volume
10 Segmentation of consumers of DIY products by age, 2021, %
11 Segmentation of consumers of DIY products by gender, 2021, %
12 Segmentation of consumers of DIY products by income level, 2021, %
13 Average spending on DIY goods in the world, 2019-2021, %
14 Forecast indicators of market development in 2022-2026, USD mln

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