Date of Preparation: | December 2024 year |
Number of pages: | 20, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles |
Graphs and charts: | 2 |
Tables: | 11 |
Payment method: | prepayment |
Production method: | e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form |
Report language: | ukrainian, russian, english |
1. General Market Characteristics
1.1. Market Description (Description of Research Boundaries and Classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of Market Development Trends (Factors of Market Influence at All Stages of Value Creation, Development Problems)
1.3. General Market Indicators, Calculation of Market Capacity for the Period
1.4. Risks Associated with Changing Market Structure (Shadow, Import, etc.)
2. Changes in State Regulation
3. Main Market Operators (Manufacturers and Importers)
3.1. Analysis of Main Market Operators and Their Structuring (General Information, Types of Activities and Specialization; Changes in Work over the Recent Period)
3.2. Market shares of the main operators (or change in shares)
4. Dynamics of product sales volumes (taking into account seasonality analysis)
5. Dynamics of foreign trade and foreign trade balance
6. Price and pricing on the market
6.1. Dynamics of product prices
6.2. Analysis of factors influencing price formation
7. Analysis of consumption on the market
7.1. Changes in the structure and preferences of consumers
7.2. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of state tender procurement
8. Product sales channels (description and assessment of the sales structure by channels) - or changes in sales systems
9. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
9.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
9.2. Construction of hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. PEST LE - analysis of factors influencing the market
10.2. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market. Building a map of risks in the market and assessing their dynamics during the forecast period
1. Classification of KVED for DIY products
2. Capacity of DIY products in 2021-H1 2024, in value terms, UAH billion
3. Structure of exports of DIY products from Ukraine in 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion
4. Structure of imports of DIY products to Ukraine in 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion
5. Foreign trade balance of DIY in Ukraine in 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion
6. Annual price index for key types of retail market products in specialized stores according to the SSSU classification in 2021-H1 2024, to December of the previous year, %
7. Consumption of DIY products in the B2G sector by type in Ukraine 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
8. Main organizers (buyers) of DIY public procurement in Ukraine 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
9. Main winners (sellers) of DIY public procurement in Ukraine 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
10. Sales channels of DIY segment products in Ukraine, as of November 2024
1. Share of the main DIY market operators in 2023, %
2. Dynamics of sales of DIY products in 2021-H1 2024 quarterly, in monetary terms, UAH billion
3. Dynamics of consumption of DIY products in the B2G sector in Ukraine 2021-H1 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion