Marketing Research: get analytics before you act

Marketing Research: get analytics before you act

Conducting marketing research of the market is ordered by those Pro-Consulting clients who wish to do their business on a reliable information foundation. It is known that a stable system must have at least three fulcrum points. Marketing research gives the entrepreneur much more. You will receive the following information:

  • market parameters, factors and characteristic trends acting on it;
  • place and your company’s share in the market;
  • consumer sentiment and motivation;
  • existing risks and opportunities for the further development of the enterprise.

Learn more about exports analysis as a part of marketing research

Successful managers are well aware that the development of an effective marketing strategy must be preceded by quality marketing research.

Marketing research by Pro-Consulting: opportunities and varieties

Pro-Consulting has been carrying out marketing research for over fifteen years. We joined the Ukrainian Marketing Association in 2005 and since then marketing research has been one of the main activities of our team. Usually people come to us to order marketing research in the following categories:

marketing research of the market;

Marketing research of the market is the most versatile type of marketing research. It is complex in nature and may include, as sections, other types of marketing research listed below.

We recommend you to learn more about desk marketing research as a fast and reliable way to get analytics of your market

Market research will allow you to obtain information about:

  • capacity and structure of the market;
  • activities of the major operators;
  • consumer behavior;
  • opportunities for launching new products to the market or occupying profitable niches;
  • risks and barriers.

Ordering market research means getting information about almost all relevant aspects of doing business, which is a critical prerequisite for effective enterprise management.

Get acquainted with the examples of structures and annotations to published marketing research by Pro-Consulting in the published market research reports catalog

∙ consumer market research;

This marketing research, like all subsequent ones, refers to specialized types of research. It is advisable to order consumer market research when it is necessary to obtain as much detailed information as possible about the consumer sphere of market.

The development of consumer market research is aimed at obtaining and systematizing data on:

  • the structure of demand and factors influencing it;
  • characteristics of the consumer audience;
  • the attitude of consumers to a specific brand and product;
  • consumer needs and expectations.

Any customer-oriented business must know the consumers’ interests and try to satisfy them as fully as possible with their products.

  • marketing research of the competitive environment;

Knowing as much as possible about your competitors, responding on time to their attempts to push you out of the market and conducting offensive campaigns is unthinkable without preliminary intelligence, which is a marketing research of the competitive environment.

Marketing research of competitors is ordered for purpose of obtaining information about:

  • assortment of competing products;
  • the actions of competitors to promote;
  • strengths and weaknesses of competitors' marketing strategies;
  • motivation of consumers when choosing products.

Ordering a marketing research of the competitive environment ahead of your competitors means getting a tangible advantage over them and protecting your market share.

If you intend to research the competitive environment, we recommend the material about the competitors analysis as part of the market research

  • marketing research of product promotion opportunities;

Companies operating in mass consumer markets are forced to allocate significant budgets to advertise their products. Conducting a marketing research of the possibilities of promoting it will allow you to spend these funds with maximum return. The development of a product promotion marketing research of opportunities includes:

  • research on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in the media;
  • research the power of a positive influence on the consumer audience by various marketing tools: promotions, discounts, lotteries, gifts and so on.

Get acquainted with the resource on marketing strategy: what it is and is it worth spending time and money on it

It is advisable to order a marketing research of product promotion opportunities for those who want their advertising to hit right on target and bring the expected results.

∙ marketing research of retail;

Retail sales are the most sensitive to changes in economic conditions of the country. Retail marketing research involves analyzing:

  • product range;
  • price categories;
  • representation of customer and competitors goods in retail outlets;
  • factors influencing the behavior of buyers.

Marketing research of retail will allow you to adjust the work with retail chains, pricing policy and make changes to the assortment of offered products.

The final structure of marketing research is formed in the process of interaction with the customer and depends on the goals and objectives pursued by him. For more details on the basic structure of market research, we recommend that you to visit this link.

If you realized the need for analytics of your market, contact us – we will guide you with the terms and cost of research

Date of placement: 30.09.2020

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