Market research report on investment services market in Kazakhstan, Russia, the USA and the UK. 2016 year

Market research report on investment services market in Kazakhstan, Russia, the USA and the UK. 2016 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2016 year
Number of pages: 51 Arial, 1 line spacing, 10 font size
Graphs and charts: 20
Tables: 25
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
12500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the investment services market by country
1.1 Analysis of market development trends in 2014-1H2016, market potential, peculiarities of functioning in the countries under study
1.2 General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2014-1H2016, number of registered brokerage firms in the country
1.3 Estimate the current cost of attracting a client (based on online advertising)
2. State regulation of the investment services market (licensing, regulation of activities, etc.).
3 Main competitors by market
3.1 Competitors in the markets, their brief description
3.2 Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segment, specialization and region)
3.3 Degree of competition and risks
3.4 Identify the list of products traded (oil, futures, gold, etc.)
4. Consumer preferences for services, consumer profile (B2C)
5. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of the market development in 2016-2018 in the context of the studied countries.
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry (by country)
6.1 SWOT analysis of the market direction
6.2 Risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Calculate the cost of attracting one customer through online advertising.
2. Requirements for obtaining a license in the UK stock market
3. The largest investment platforms in the UK
4. The largest brokers in the UK
5. The largest trading platforms in the UK
6. The largest investment platforms in Russia
7. The largest brokers in Russia
8. The largest mutual funds in Russia
9. The largest operators of the investment services market in Kazakhstan
10. Segmentation of the largest operators of different segments of the US investment services market
11. The largest operators of the investment services market in the UK
12. The largest operators of the investment services market in Kazakhstan
13. The main parameters for assessing the competitive environment in the market under study
14. Assessment of the competitive environment in the US investment services market
15. Assessment of the competitive environment in the investment services market of Great Britain
16. Assessment of the competitive environment in the investment services market of Russia
17. Assessment of the competitive environment in the investment services market of Kazakhstan
18. Results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the market of investment services in the context of the studied countries
19. SWOT-analysis of the market direction in the US market
20. SWOT-analysis of the market direction in the UK market
21. SWOT-analysis of the market direction in the Russian market
22. SWOT-analysis of the market direction in the market of Kazakhstan
23. Risks and barriers to entering the US investment services market
24. Risks and barriers to entering the UK investment services market
25. Risks and barriers to entering the Russian investment services market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Quarterly dynamics of the British pound sterling exchange rate against the US dollar in 2014-1st half of 2016
2. Quarterly dynamics of the exchange rate of the Russian ruble to the US dollar in 2014-1 half of 2016
3. Quarterly dynamics of the exchange rate of the Kazakhstani tenge to the US dollar in 2014-1st half of 2016
4. Dynamics of annual turnover in the US market in 2014-1 half of 2015.
5. Dynamics of annual turnover in the UK market in 2014-1 half of 2015.
6. Dynamics of annual turnover in the Russian market in 2014-1 half of 2015
7. Dynamics of annual turnover in the market of Kazakhstan in 2014-1 half of 2015
8. The list of major operators (broker-dealers and advisors) of the US investment services market.
9. List of the main online trading platforms in the USA.
10. List of the largest asset management companies in the United States as of Q1 2016.
11. The main reasons that prevent investment
12. Forecast of turnover in the US investment services market, trillion dollars.
13. Forecast of turnover in the UK investment services market, trillion dollars.
14. Forecast of turnover in the investment services market of Russia, trillion dollars.
15. Forecast of turnover in the investment services market of Kazakhstan, trillion dollars.
16. Internet penetration rate, 2015, million people.
17. Ease of doing business index in 2015
18. Gross national income per capita, 2015, USD
19. Investment attractiveness of countries (BDO International Business Compass rating), 2016
20. Share of households by income level in the United States, 2014

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