Analysis of the market of commodity lending and cash lending. 2022 year

Analysis of the market of commodity lending and cash lending. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: January 2022 year
Number of pages: 28, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 8
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
24850 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Main trends in the commodity and cash lending market in Ukraine
2. Main indicators of the commodity lending and cash lending market in Ukraine
3. The volume and dynamics of the development of the commodity lending and cash lending market
4. Players in the commodity lending and cash lending market
5. Segments of the lending market (commodity)
6. Consumer behavior in the commodity lending market
7. Comparative characteristics of commodity lending programs for TOP-5 banks
8. Monitoring news on the commodity lending market in Ukraine - including 2021
9. Trends and prospects for the development of the commodity lending market in Ukraine for 2022-2023

List of Tables:

1. Major players in the commodity lending market
2. Major players in the cash lending market
3. Bank Viability Rating, 2021
4. Commodity loans from Privatbank
5. Commodity loans from Oschadbank
6. Commodity loans from FUIB
7. Commodity loans from Credit Agricole Bank
8. Commodity loans from OTP Bank

List of graphs and charts:

1. Leasing market structure by operators
2. Bank loans by types of customers, 2021
3. Loans for individuals persons for designated use, 2021
4. Interest rates on loans granted to individuals. persons, hryvnia, %
5. The share of contracts in which the RRP is indicated in the agreement coincides with the RRP calculated by analysts for loans for personal purposes
6. Dynamics of the amount of consumer loans issued, 2019-2021, UAH billion
7. Dynamics of the amount of issued consumer loans up to 1 year, 2019-2021, UAH billion
8. Transactions on financial leasing by banks, UAH bln, %
9. Banks where consumers used a credit card
10. Banks where consumers took short-term loans
11. Segments of the commodity lending market (POS)
12. Situations of shortage of funds among the population
13. Sources of borrowing
14. Criteria for selecting sources of borrowing
15. The optimal form of obtaining a loan
16. Experience with loans/credits
17. Distribution of the current total debt by different types of loans

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