Market research report in outlet stores on Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Poland. 2023 year

Market research report in outlet stores on Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Poland. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2023 year
Number of pages: 15 Arial, 1 line spacing, 10 font size
Graphs and charts: 6
Tables: 3
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
21200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (format of outlet development in countries and availability of other formats for selling branded off-season clothing)
1.2. General market indicators
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by region by country, segment)
2. Key market operators (outlet chains and competitors) by country
2.1. List of major market operators and their structure (general information, types of activities and specialization; type of clothing, footwear, accessories, brands and assortment; regional representation)

List of Tables:

1. List of the main operators in the Ukrainian market and their structuring
2. The list of major operators in the Kazakhstan market and their structuring
3. List of the main operators in the Polish market and their structuring

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volumes of imports of used clothing in monetary terms for 2019 - Q1 2023 in Ukraine, in billion UAH
2. Import volumes of outlet goods in physical terms for 2019-2022 in Ukraine, Poland and Kazakhstan, in thousand tons
3. Segmentation by type of outlet goods for 2019-2022 in Ukraine
4. Structure of operators in the Ukrainian market
5. The structure of operators in the market of Kazakhstan
6. Structure of operators in the Polish market

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