Market research report on investment funds in the world. 2022 year

Market research report on investment funds in the world. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2022 year
Number of pages: 57, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 8
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
85050 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Classification and glossary
1.1 Terms
1.2 General characteristics of types of investment funds, market volumes
1.3 Brief description of stock market sectors, definitions of individual industries
2. Comparison of indicators of the studied types of funds in terms of volume (capitalization) and development rates in 2017-2022
3. Analysis of the work of Mutual Equity Funds and their strategies
3.1 Mutual Equity Fund Development Trends
3.2 The general structure of investments by industry in 2017-2022, building a forecast of investment volumes in the industry until 2030
3.3 Characteristics of the largest Mutual Equity Funds
3.4 Conclusions on the work of Mutual Equity Funds
4. Analysis of Equity Hedge Funds and their strategies
4.1 Hedge Funds Industry History and Development Trends
4.2 General investment structure by industry
4.3 Characteristics of the largest Equity Hedge Funds
4.4 Analysis of unsuccessful cases of Hedge Funds
4.5 Conclusions about Equity Hedge Funds
5. Analysis of the work of Venture Funds and their strategies
5.1 Trends in the development of Venture Funds
5.3 Characteristics of the largest Venture Funds
5.4 Analysis of unsuccessful cases of Venture Funds
5.5 Conclusions on the work of Venture Funds
6. Analysis of the industries in which the funds invest
6.1 Formation of maps of industries in which the most funds invest (for each group of funds, the construction of a map measuring the level of risk, profitability and size of the industry) as of 2022.
6.2 Ranking of industries, highlighting key industries for investment
6.3 Construction of industry maps for each type of funds as of 2030.
7. Forecast for the development of the studied types of funds until 2030, comparison, correlation with the development of industries

List of Tables:

1. Conclusions from the laws of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), regulating the activities of investment funds
2. Comparative characteristics of investment funds in terms of their types and investment goals (and strategies for Hedge Funds)
3. Sectors and industries of the stock market according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), their capitalization, market share and main companies, 2021
4. Main indicators of TOP-10 largest Mutual Equity Funds
5. List of TOP 10 largest companies managing Hedge Funds
6. Main indicators of TOP-10 largest Equity Hedge Funds
7. Main indicators of the largest Venture Funds
8. Ranking of industries, highlighting key industries for investment

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of the investment fund market by type of fund and investment goal
2. Distribution of types of investment funds (investment goals) by the ratio of return to risk
3. The structure of the stock market by capitalization by sector in 2022
4. Ranking of the main stock market industries by capitalization in 2022, $ billion
5. Dynamics of capitalization volumes (Total AUM) of the studied types of funds (investment goals) in 2017-2022, billion $
6. Growth rate of capitalization of the studied types of funds (investment goals) in 2018-2022, %
7. Hedge Fund Investment Structure
8. The structure of industries financing by Equity Funds in the world in 2021
9. The structure of industries financing by Venture Funds in the world in 2021
10. Map of investment industries
11. Forecast for the development of the studied types of funds until 2030, Total AUM, billion $

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