Market research of cellular communications (Kiev and region; Kharkov and region; Donetsk and Lugansk regions). 2020 year

Market research of cellular communications (Kiev and region; Kharkov and region; Donetsk and Lugansk regions). 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2020 year
Number of pages: 69, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 28
Tables: 54
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
30500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of the studied regions
1.1. Analysis of demographic indicators of the studied regions:
- population dynamics
- gender and age structure of the population
- labor and educational (educational) migration
- assessment of the level of education in the region, the number of people with higher education
- assessment of the share of people with low, medium and high income levels by region.
1.2. The main socio-economic indicators of the development of the studied regions:
- the level of wages and pensions in the region (minimum, average and real level)
- volume of turnover in the region
- the average cost of renting / buying housing
- the level of unemployment in the region
- average expenditure per capita
- the number of juris. persons and individual entrepreneurs
- the number of checkpoints, the number of people crossing the border of Ukraine (in the East of Ukraine)
1.3. The main indicators of the real estate market:
- dynamics of residential and commercial real estate construction;
- the number of contracts for the purchase / sale of residential real estate and land plots;
1.4. The main indicators of the automobile market - in Ukraine as a whole, by regions - if information is available / based on an estimate:
- car fleet (total number, new, used cars, by car brands; type of fuel)
- the number of automobile transport purchases
2. Determination of key segments (markets) that are most actively developing in the studied regions:
- allocation to the 3 most developed segments, the dynamics of the development of these markets in physical and monetary terms
- determination of TOP-10 operators in each direction, fin. res. activities of these operators for 2017-2018
3. General characteristics of the offline and online trade market in Ukraine (highlighting of the studied regions)
3.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the offline and online trade market in the studied regions. General market indicators, calculation of offline and online trade market capacity in 2017-2019 (Q1 2020)
3.2. Analysis of the volume of sales on the retail market of mainly consumer goods of everyday demand through corporate-type trade networks (FMCG-retail) in the studied cities in 2018-1 quarter. 2020
3.3. Large operators of the market of offline and online trade mainly in food products - a number of companies in Ukraine
4. Analysis of the cellular market and distribution in the segment of the sale of mobile phones in Ukraine
4.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the cellular communication market in Ukraine: history, specifics, main factors, trends and problems of market development.
4.2. The number and characteristics of cellular operators in Ukraine (regions of coverage, features of the offer, services, price segment)
4.3. Analysis of the import of mobile phones to Ukraine: volume in physical and monetary terms, by TM of imported equipment, main importers (brief description, share in the structure of imports, TM of imported equipment)
4.4. Branded cell phone salons and multi-brand stores (total number of points in the network; allocation of the TOP-15 network operators of the market). Allocation of the share of network operators in the market, assessment of the shadow level in the market.
4.5. Competitive analysis of market operators. Construction of a multifactor model for evaluating market operators and evaluating the share of market operators based on the following criteria: (- number of points in the network; - coverage regions; - financial result / volume of equipment imports; - number of product groups in the assortment; - TM of the equipment in the assortment.)
4.6. Level of competition and risks of market development.
5. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2024.
5.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development based on the conducted research

List of Tables:

1. Age structure of the population in the studied regions on January 1, 2020, %
2. The number of migrants by gender and by region in Ukraine in 2019, persons
3. Number and share of the population with higher education (higher basic and full) in the studied regions as of January 1, 2020, %
4. The level of average and real wages in 2017-1 quarter. 2020
5. The level of average and real pension in 2017-1 quarter. 2020
6. Volume of turnover in the regions of Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter. 2020
7. The average cost of housing rent in the regions of Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter. 2020
8. The average cost of purchasing housing in the regions of Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter. 2020
9. Unemployment rate in Ukraine and regions in 2017-2019, thousands of people
10. Average expenditures per capita in 2017-2019.
11. Number of legal entities and individuals in Ukraine and in the regions in 2017-2019, units
12. The number of people who crossed the border in the East of Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, thousands of intersections
13. The number of apartments commissioned in 2017-1 sq. 2020, units
14. The total area of residential buildings put into operation in 2017 is 1 square meter. 2020
15. The number of contracts for the purchase / sale of residential real estate in 2017-2019.
16. The number of contracts for the purchase / sale of land plots in 2017-2019.
17. Automobile fleet of Ukraine in 2017-2019
18. Purchase of new cars in Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter 2020 by car brands, units
19. The number of registered cars in 2017-2019 by region of Ukraine
20. Number of cars registered for the first time in Ukraine since 2013 by type of fuel, units
21. Number of registered cars in Ukraine in 2017-2019, units
22. Indicators of the metallurgical industry in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2019 years.
23. Indicators of the main sectors of Kyiv in 2018-2019.
24. Indicators of the main industries of the Kyiv region in 2016 - 2019.
25. Indicators of the main industries of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region in 2015-2019.
26. Indicators of the main industries of the Donetsk region in 2016 - 2019.
27. Indicators of the main industries of the Luhansk region in 2016 - 2019.
28. Financial indicators of the TOP-10 operators of Kyiv in 2017 - 2018.
29. Financial indicators of the TOP-10 operators of the Kyiv region in 2017-2018.
30. Financial indicators of the TOP-10 operators of the Kharkiv region in 2017-2018.
31. Financial indicators of the TOP-10 operators of the Donetsk region in 2017-2018.
32. Financial indicators of the TOP-10 operators of the Luhansk region in 2017 - 2018.
33. General market indicators, calculation of offline and online trade market capacity in Ukraine in 2019, in value terms, billion UAH
34. The volume of sales on the retail market of mainly consumer goods of daily demand through corporate-type trade networks (FMCG-retail) in Ukraine in 2017-2019, in value terms, billion UAH.
35. Shares of FMCG retailers in revenue in Kyiv for 2016-2019, UAH billion
36. Shares of FMCG retailers in revenue in Kharkiv for 2016-2019, UAH billion.
37. Shares of FMCG retailers for insufficient points in Ukraine for 2017-2019.
38. Shares of FMCG retailers in revenue in Ukraine for 2017-2019, UAH billion.
39. List of retail chains that entered the market in the period 2016 - Q1 2020
40. Main characteristics of generations of mobile networks
41. Allocation of frequencies between Ukrainian operators as a result of the 2015 3G tender
42. Allocation of frequencies between Ukrainian operators as a result of 4G tenders in 2018
43. Mobile operators in Ukraine that are present on the market as of June 2020
44. The structure of the import of mobile phones to Ukraine in 2017-2019, in volume terms, %
45. The structure of the import of mobile phones to Ukraine in 2017-2019, in value terms, %
46. Shares of the main importers of mobile phones in Ukraine in 2017-2019, in volume terms, %
47. Shares of the main importers of mobile phones in Ukraine in 2017-2019, in value terms, %
48. TOP-15 network operators of branded communication salons in Ukraine, unit
49. The number of points of branded communication salons of the TOP-15 market network operators in Ukraine, unit
50. Financial results and volume of imports of the TOP-15 network operators of cellular communication salons in Ukraine, UAH million
51. The number of product groups and TM equipment in the assortment of the TOP-15 network operators of cellular communication salons in Ukraine, million UAH
52. Criteria for evaluating a multifactor model for the cellular market and distribution in the mobile phone sales segment in Ukraine
53. Multifactor model of the cellular market and distribution in the segment of the sale of mobile phones in Ukraine
54. Revenues of the largest electronics retail operators in Ukraine in 2018, in value terms, UAH million, %

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the population in the city of Kyiv on January 1 in 2017 - 2020, thousands of people.
2. Population dynamics in the Kyiv region as of January 1, 2017-2020, thousands of people.
3. Population dynamics in the city of Kharkiv on January 1, 2017 - 2020, thousands of people
4. Population dynamics in the Kharkiv region excluding Kharkiv as of January 1, 2017 - 2020, thousands of people.
5. Population dynamics in the Donetsk region as of January 1, 2017 - 2020, thousands of people.
6. Population dynamics in Luhansk region as of January 1, 2017 - 2020, thousands of people.
7. Gender structure of the population in the studied regions as of January 1, 2020, %
8. Structure of the population by the level of average per capita income in the studied regions in 2018, %
9. Location of entry-exit checkpoints in Eastern Ukraine
10. Dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with the allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in Ukraine in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
11. Dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with an allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in Kyiv in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
12. Dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with an allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in the Kyiv region in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
13. Dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with an allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in Kharkiv in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
14. Dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with an allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in the Kharkiv region in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
15. The dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with an allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in the Donetsk region in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
16. Dynamics of the capacity of the retail trade market with an allocation of the share of sales via the Internet in the Luhansk region in 2017-1 quarter. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
17. The area of signal propagation depending on the frequency
18. Technology distribution of the global mobile user base
19. Coverage of the 3rd generation (3G) communication in Ukraine by the operator Kyivstar
20. Coverage of 3rd generation (3G) communication in Ukraine by the Vodafone Ukraine operator
21. Coverage of 3rd generation (3G) communication in Ukraine by the Lifecell operator
22. Coverage of the 3rd generation (3G) communication in Ukraine by the Intertelecom operator
23. Coverage of the 4th generation (4G) communication in Ukraine by the Kyivstar operator
24. Coverage of 4th generation (4G) communication in Ukraine by the operator Vodafone Ukraine
25. Coverage of the 4th generation (4G) communication in Ukraine by the Lifecell operator
26. The dynamics of the import of mobile phones to Ukraine in 2017 - Q1 2020, in volume terms, million pcs.
27. Dynamics of the import of mobile phones to Ukraine in 2017 - Q1. 2020, in value terms, billion UAH
28. Estimated volume of import of mobile phones to Ukraine in 2020-2024 in volume terms, million units.

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