Market research of Meltblown and Spunbond in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research of Meltblown and Spunbond in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2020 year
Number of pages: 57, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 24
Tables: 28
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
21250 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the nonwovens market in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020
1.1. Basic characteristics, classes, categories and types of nonwovens. Identification of key applications for nonwovens.
1.2. Market size of nonwovens by types of fabrics and areas of application.
1.3. Segmentation of nonwovens: by product origin (domestic/imported products)
2. General characteristics of the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020
2.1. Analysis of market development trends in Ukraine and in the world as a whole (main market development trends, influencing factors and market development problems). Current market features, problems in the market (quality, availability of material) in terms of the development of consumption areas (production of masks and medical clothing)
2.2. Features of the production technology and application of spunbond and meltblown nonwovens, as well as spunlace, agrotex, etc., which can act as an alternative to spunbond and meltblown
2.3. Types of equipment for the production of spunbond and meltblown, description of the technological process of production. Application features for the production of medical masks
2.4. Raw material base for the production of spunbond and meltblown in Ukraine (polymer materials, SMS materials); types, classification of raw materials. The main Ukrainian manufacturers and suppliers of polymeric materials for the production of spunbond and meltblown.
2.5. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020 - estimated on the basis of data from the customs database of Ukraine, production volumes, fin. reporting, government statistics service of Ukraine, open sources of information.
2.6. Analysis of the consumption of SMS material in Ukraine: the dynamics of the market for medical masks, gowns, sheets, etc. in Ukraine in 2018-Q1 2020 – as one of the key factors influencing the spunbond and meltblown market – assessment based on data from the customs database of Ukraine, production volumes
3. State regulation in the market (in terms of the entry of a new player, manufacturer)
4. Dynamics of production in the market in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020 – if data is available
4.1. Dynamics of production in physical terms
4.2. Dynamics of production and sales in monetary terms
5. Main market operators in Ukraine
5.1. The main market operators (manufacturers and importers), their list, brief description, contacts, their main TM.
5.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (regionally, by assortment, by specialization)
5.3. Market shares of the main operators - according to market operators
5.4. Degree of competition and risks
6. Foreign trade in the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020
6.1. Product exports in 2018-Q1 2020 - only volumes, to calculate the market volume
6.2. Imports of products in 2018-Q1 2020: volumes, geography of supplies, import structure, import prices, largest importers and their shares in imports, main suppliers
7. Price and market pricing
7.1. Current average wholesale and retail prices on the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine, compared with import prices
7.2. Description of factors influencing price formation
8. Consumption in the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine:
8.1. Isolation and development dynamics of the main consumer areas in the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020
8.2. Total number and list of operators engaged in the production of masks in Ukraine with their contacts (based on import data, financial statements, open sources of information)
9. Channels for marketing products in the market: a list of existing channels and their brief description
10. The range of products presented on the market (on the example of TOP-5 key market players), conclusions:
- representation by types of products;
- representation by size in the context of species (napkins, rolls, etc.);
- key characteristics in the range of operators
11. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
11.1. Independent recommendations for the entry of a new manufacturer
11.2. Forecast indicators of development in the market in 2020-2022
11.3. Forecast trends in meltblown and spunbond consumption in Ukraine, the impact of the pandemic on consumption
12. Investment attractiveness of the industry
12.1. SWOT – market direction analysis,
12.2. PEST - Market Direction Analysis
12.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The volume of the market of nonwoven materials in Ukraine by type in 2018 - 1 sq. 2020, in kind, t
2. The volume of the market of nonwoven materials in Ukraine by areas of application in 2019, in real terms, t
3. Other foreign brands of polypropylene and their brief characteristics
4. The main Ukrainian manufacturers and suppliers of polymeric materials that can be used for the production of Spunbond
5. The capacity of the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine in 2018 is 1 sq. 2020, in kind, t
6. The capacity of the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine in 2018 is 1 sq. 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
7. Dynamics of the market capacity of medical clothing in 2018-2019 in kind, tons
8. Dynamics of the market capacity of medical clothing in 2018-2019 in monetary terms, million hryvnia
9. Dynamics of the industrial clothing market capacity in 2018-2019 in kind, tons
10. Dynamics of the industrial clothing market capacity in 2018-2019 in monetary terms, million hryvnia
11. Dynamics and structure of armlets imports by purpose and material in 2019 in physical terms, thousand pieces
12. Dynamics and structure of imports of bathrobes by purpose and material in 2019 in physical terms, thousand pieces
13. Dynamics and structure of imports of hats by purpose and material in 2019 in physical terms, thousand pieces
14. Dynamics and structure of imports of shoe covers by purpose and material in 2019 in physical terms, thousand pieces
15. Dynamics and structure of imports of overalls by purpose and material in 2019 in physical terms, thousand pieces
16. Dynamics of spunbond production in Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, t
17. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
18. Structuring of the main operators by region
19. Shares of enterprises in the meltblown and spunbond market. in monetary terms per 1 sq. 2020, UAH mln, %
20. Average wholesale and retail prices on the market of Ukrainian production
21. Dynamics of average prices of spunbond producers in Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, thousand UAH/ton
22. Dynamics of average prices of nonwovens producers in Ukraine in 2018 - 1st quarter 2020, thousand UAH/ton
23. The main operators of the market of personal protective equipment in Ukraine
24. Structuring the main operators by assortment
25. Wholesale and retail prices by size on the market of Ukrainian production
26. SWOT analysis of the meltblown and spunbond market
27. PEST-analysis of meltblown and spunbond market
28. Ranking the risks of meltblown and spunbond market development in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Application areas of nonwovens
2. Segmentation of the nonwovens market: by product origin (domestic/imported products)
3. Production process of spunbond and meltblown
4. Thermal bonding (cohesive bonding) of fibers
5. Mechanical connection of fibers
6. Chemical bonding of fibers
7. Daily dynamics of sales of medical masks in 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
8. Volumes of tender purchases of medical clothing in Ukraine in 2019, UAH mln.
9. The main winners in the tender purchases of medical clothing in 2019
10. Dynamics of spunbond production in Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, t
11. Dynamics of spunbond production in Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
12. Dynamics of spunbond sales in Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
13. Shares of main types of activities by main market operators (KVED), %
14. Shares of the main market operators for 1 sq.m. 2020, %
15. Dynamics of meltblown and spunbond imports to Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, t
16. Dynamics of meltblown and spunbond imports to Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in monetary terms, UAH mln
17. Geographical structure of meltblown and spunbond imports to Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, %
18. Commodity structure of meltblown and spunbond imports to Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, %
19. The largest importers of meltblown and spunbond to Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, %
20. The largest suppliers of meltblown and spunbond to Ukraine in 2018 - Q1 2020, in kind, %
21. Dynamics of production of medical and industrial clothing in Ukraine in 2018-2019, in physical terms, tons.
22. Dynamics of the production of medical and industrial clothing in Ukraine in 2018-2019, in monetary terms, mln hryvnia
23. Distribution system on the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine
24. Forecast capacity of the meltblown and spunbond market in Ukraine in 2020-2022, in physical terms, tons

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