Analysis of the calcite market in Turkey, Greece, Russia and Poland. 2020 year.

Analysis of the calcite market in Turkey, Greece, Russia and Poland. 2020 year.
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2020 year
Number of pages: 29, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 15
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
27400 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (product description, scope of application in the studied countries)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends in the studied countries (development dynamics, development of consumer industries, factors of influence, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of the market capacity in the studied countries in 2018-1 half. 2020 (production + import - export) - estimate
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (by type, origin)
1.5. Raw materials base, production technology (availability of production facilities)
2. State regulation of the industry. Import duties on the investigated product
3. Production and sales dynamics of ground marble in the studied countries in 2018-1 half. 2020
4. Main market operators (manufacturers and suppliers)
4.1. List of the main market operators and their description, their structuring and market volumes
5. Foreign trade
5.1. Exports of ground marble from the studied countries in 2018-1 half. 2020y. (volumes, structure, geography, assessment of the shares of exporters)
5.2. Imports of ground marble to the surveyed countries in 2018 - 1st half. 2020y. (volumes, structure, geography, assessment of the shares of importers)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Analysis of prices for the end consumer (in open sources and upon request in the company)
6.2. Analysis of producer prices (request to producers from the point of view of a potential distributor in Ukraine with EXW prices) in the studied countries
6.3. Estimation of the normal cost of the investigated products (average price for the end user)
7. Consumers and their preferences
7.1. Sectors of application in the studied countries
7.2. Analysis of development prospects in industries
8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development (by country)
8.2. Constructing hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2024
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT analysis in terms of entering the markets of the studied countries
9.2. PESTLE analysis of factors of influence on the market (in general + detailing by countries, where necessary)
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The market capacity of calcite in Greece, Poland, Turkey and Russia in 2018 is 1 half. 2020, thousand tons
2. Calcite deposits
3. Customs duties on the import of goods
4. Production of ground marble, thousand tons
5. Marble production in Turkey in 2017-2019, thousand tons
6. Marble production in Greece
7. Mining and quarry production in Poland
8. Marble production in Russia
9. Main market operators - Russia
10. Main market operators - Turkey
11. Main market operators – Greece
12. Dynamics of marble export in the studied countries
13. Dynamics of imports of calcite to the countries under study
14. Comparative selling prices of calcite in the countries studied
15. Prices for calcite treated with stearic acid
16. Normal cost for calcite in the studied countries, dollars per ton
17. SWOT analysis of the calcite market
18. PESTLE - market analysis of calcite
19. Ranking the Risks of Calcite Market Development

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market structure by types of goods
2. Distribution of active marble quarries in Greece by geographical area
3. Geography of exports of calcite from Greece
4. Geography of exports of calcite from Poland
5. Geography of export of calcite from Russia
6. Geography of exports of calcite from Turkey
7. Geography of imports of calcite to Poland
8. Geography of calcite import to Russia
9. Geography of imports of calcite to Turkey
10. Prices for raw calcite in Russia depending on the fraction, USD per ton
11. Average prices of calcite suppliers to Ukraine for 2019-1 half. 2020, dollars per ton
12. Forecast of Greek calcite market capacity, thousand tons
13. Forecast of Poland's calcite market capacity, thousand tons
14. Forecast of the capacity of the Russian calcite market, thousand tons
15. Forecast of Turkey's calcite market capacity, thousand tons

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