Market research report on raw materials and their processing products in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on raw materials and their processing products in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2022 year
Number of pages: 87, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 66
Tables: 51
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (product description, scope of application in Ukraine)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (dynamics of development, development of consumer industries, factors of influence, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2017-1 half. 2021 (production (extraction) + imports - exports) - estimate
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by type, origin)
1.5. Raw material base in the mineral products market (existing and prospective deposits, their location, status - under development/not under development, whether licenses have been issued)
2. State regulation of the industry. Import duties on the products under study
3. Production and sales dynamics of minerals in Ukraine in 2017-1 half. 2021.
4. Main market operators (producers and importers) for each product separately
4.1 List of major market operators and their description
4.2. Structuring of operators (by type of activity, product, region)
4.3. Market shares of the main market operators
4.4. Analysis of competitors' market shares
5. Foreign trade
5.1. Exports of products from Ukraine in 2017-1 half. 2021 (volumes, structure, geography, share of exporters)
5.2. Imports of products to Ukraine in 2017-1 half. 2021 (volumes, structure, geography, share of importers)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Average current prices for products in Ukraine
6.2. Factors influencing the price, their structure
7. Consumers of products
7.1. Areas of application of products in Ukraine
7.2. Analysis of development prospects of consumer industries
8. Sales channels (structure assessment and description) by category
9. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
9.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
9.2. Building hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development in 2021-2031.
9.3. Recommendations for development in the markets
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. SWOT-analysis of the studied areas
10.2. PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
10.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Calculation of market capacities of raw materials and products of their processing by product groups in Ukraine in 2017-1 2021, in natural terms, thousand T
2. Calculation of market capacities of raw materials and products of their processing by product groups in Ukraine in 2017-1 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
3. Availability of special permits for extraction and geological study of the studied minerals, as of the end of 2021
4. Import duty rates
5. Volumes of extraction/production of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand T
6. Volumes of extraction/production of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
7. Top 3 limestone miners
8. Top 3 lime producers
9. Top 3 producers of mineral powder
10. Top 3 producers of gypsum (raw materials)
11. Top 3 producers of construction plaster
12. Top 2 basalt miners
13. Top-3 manufacturers of basalt fiber
14. Top 3 sand miners
15. Top 3 granite miners
16. Top 3 marble importers
17. Structure of the main market operators of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine by region
18. The shares of the largest operators of the limestone market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
19. The shares of the largest operators of the lime market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
20. The shares of the largest operators of the limestone market in Ukraine in 2020-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
21. Shares of the largest operators of the gypsum market (raw materials) in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
22. Shares of the largest operators of the building gypsum market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
23. Shares of the largest basalt market operators in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
24. The shares of the largest operators of the basalt fiber market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, t, %
25. Shares of the largest sand market operators in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
26. Shares of the largest operators of the granite market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
27. Shares of the largest operators of the marble market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, t, %
28. Factor analysis of the dynamics of production shares on the market of raw materials and products of their processing by segments in Ukraine in 2019-2020, thousand tons, %
29. Shares of the main exporters of lime from Ukraine in 2021, %
30. Shares of exporters of mineral powder from Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
31. Shares of exporters of gypsum (raw materials) from Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
32. Shares of gypsum exporters from Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
33. Shares of sand exporters from Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
34. Shares of granite exporters from Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
35. Shares of limestone importers in Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
36. Shares of the main importers of lime in 2021, %
37. Shares of the main importers of granite in 2021, %
38. Shares of the main marble importers in 2021, %
39. Shares of the main importers of mineral powder in 2021, %
40. Shares of the main importers of gypsum (raw materials) in 2021, %
41. Shares of the main gypsum importers in 2021, %
42. Shares of sand importers in Ukraine in 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
43. Average current prices in Ukraine as of December 1, 2021, UAH
44. The structure of housing construction in Ukraine for 2017 – 6 months. 2021, million m2
45. Dynamics of the construction structure of non-residential buildings in Ukraine for 2017–6 months. 2021, million m2
46. The structure of sales channels for raw materials processing products
47. SWOT analysis of the market of raw materials in Ukraine (limestone, gypsum, basalt, sand, granite, marble)
48. SWOT analysis of the market of raw materials processing products in Ukraine (lime, mineral powder, construction plaster, basalt fiber)
49. PESTLE analysis of the market of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine
50. Segmentation of market risks
51. Map of risks on the market of raw materials and their processing products in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the market capacity of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine in 2017-1 2021, in physical and monetary terms, million tons, billion UAH.
2. Market segmentation of raw materials and their processing products in Ukraine in 2020 by product groups, in natural terms, %
3. Segmentation of the market of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine in 2020 by origin in terms of product groups, in natural terms, %
4. Location of sand deposits as of 01.01.2021
5. Location of marble deposits as of 01.01.2021
6. Location of granite deposits as of 01.01.2021
7. Location of basalt deposits as of 01.01.2021
8. Location of gypsum deposits as of 01.01.2021
9. Location of limestone deposits as of January 1, 2021
10. Volumes of limestone exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
11. Volumes of limestone exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
12. Volumes of lime export from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
13. Volumes of lime export from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
14. Lime export structure by types in the first half of 2021, %
15. Export volumes of mineral powder from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
16. Export volumes of mineral powder from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
17. Geographical structure of export of mineral powder from Ukraine in 2017 – 1st half. 2021, in natural terms, %
18. Export volumes of gypsum (raw material) from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
19. Export volumes of gypsum (raw material) from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
20. Volumes of gypsum export from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
21. Volumes of gypsum export from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
22. Geographical structure of gypsum exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1st half. 2021, in natural terms, %
23. Volumes of basalt exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
24. Volumes of basalt exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
25. Export volumes of basalt fiber from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, ton
26. Export volumes of basalt fiber from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
27. The volume of sand exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
28. The volume of sand exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
29. Geographical structure of sand exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1st half. 2021, in natural terms, %
30. Export volumes of granite from Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
31. Export volumes of granite during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, million UAH
32. Geographical structure of granite exports from Ukraine in 2017 – 1st half. 2021, in natural terms, %
33. Volumes of limestone imports to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, million tons
34. Volumes of limestone imports to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
35. Geographical structure of limestone imports to Ukraine in 2017 – 1st half. 2021, in natural terms, %
36. The volume of lime import during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, thousand tons
37. The volume of lime import during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, million UAH
38. Geographical structure of lime imports, %
39. The structure of lime imports by types in the first half of 2021, %
40. Import volumes of granite to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
41. Import volumes of granite to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
42. Geographical structure of granite imports, %
43. The volume of marble imports during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, tone
44. The volume of marble imports during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, million UAH.
45. Geographical structure of marble imports, %
46. Import volumes of mineral powder in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, tone
47. Import volumes of mineral powder in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, million UAH.
48. Import volumes of gypsum (raw material) during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, thousand tons
49. Import volumes of gypsum (raw material) during 2017 – 1 half. 2021, million UAH
50. Geographical structure of gypsum import (raw materials), %
51. Gypsum import volumes in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, thousand tons
52. Gypsum import volumes in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, million UAH.
53. Geographical structure of gypsum imports, %
54. Volumes of sand imports to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
55. Volumes of sand imports to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
56. The structure of sand imports by types to Ukraine in 2017 – 1 half. 2021, in natural terms, %
57. Geographical structure of sand imports to Ukraine in 2017 – 1st half. 2021, in natural terms, %
58. The structure of construction works in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in monetary terms, %
59. Dynamics of the total volume of construction in Ukraine for 2017-2020, in monetary terms, UAH billion
60. Dynamics of production of concrete products in which basalt fiber can be used in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, million tons
61. The dynamics of the production of marble products in Ukraine in 2017-1 2021, in kind
62. Dynamics of basalt wool production in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
63. The dynamics of the volume of metallurgical products sold in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2021, in monetary terms, UAH billion.
64. Forecast capacity of the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2021-2031, in monetary terms, billion UAH.
65. Forecast market capacity of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine in 2021-2031, in monetary terms, billion UAH.
66. Basic, optimistic and pessimistic forecasts of the market capacity of raw materials and products of their processing in Ukraine in 2021-2031, in monetary terms, billion UAH.

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