Market Research Report on Disposable clothes in Ukraine. 2022

Market Research Report on Disposable clothes in Ukraine. 2022
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2022 year
Number of pages: 33
Graphs and charts: 9
Tables: 28
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian, english, ukrainian
25900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the medical and industrial clothing market in Ukraine
1.1. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity for 2021 (compared to 2020) in physical and monetary terms (production + import - export) (breakdown by segments: medical and industrial) - assessment. Brief analysis of tenders
- medical clothing
- industrial clothing
1.2. Segmentation and structuring of the market by type of product and material (emphasis on spunbond) for 2021 (quarterly) (based on foreign economic activity data)
2. Dynamics of production in the medical and industrial clothing market in Ukraine in physical and monetary terms for 2021 (compare with 2020) - estimated
3. The main operators of the medical and industrial clothing market in Ukraine
3.1. The main market operators and their description (honey: producers, importers; special: producers, importers) - have there been any changes compared to 2020
3.2. Market shares of major operators (manufacturers and importers only) - 2020
4. Foreign trade in the market of medical and industrial clothing in Ukraine
4.1. Export of products (volumes) for 2021
4.2. Imports of products for 2021 (quarterly) (volumes, prices, geography of deliveries by country) - comparison with 2020
5. Price and pricing on the medical and industrial clothing market in Ukraine
5.1. Dynamics of average import prices by types of products (hats, bathrobes, overalls, shoe covers, armlets, sets) for 2021. (quarterly)
6. Consumption of products in the medical and industrial clothing market in Ukraine (determination of the main consumers, as well as the definition of the most popular brands - based on foreign economic activity data) - TOP-5 brands in the segment of medical and special clothing
7. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of market development taking into account the multifactorial model in 2022-2024

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