Market research report on pellets and sunflower oil in Austria. 2022 year

Market research report on pellets and sunflower oil in Austria. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2022 year
Number of pages: 29, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 29
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
42100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the markets of vegetable oil and pellets from agricultural crops processing products
1.1. Analysis of market development trends (description of product application, application, influencing factors, development problems)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of the capacity of the studied markets in Austria in 2019-2022 (production + import - export)
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by types, origin), dependence on imports, the share of exports and domestic consumption
1.4. Raw material base, production technology (state of the market for cultivation and processing of agricultural crops)
2. State regulation of the industry. Import duty upon import from Ukraine
3. Production of the studied products in Austria in 2019-2022 in volume
4. Main market operators (manufacturers and distributors)
5. Foreign trade
5.1. Export of crude oil and pellets from Austria in 2019-2021 (volumes, geography)
5.2. Import of crude oil and pellets to Austria in 2019-2021 (volumes, structure, geography)
6. Assortment and pricing on the market
6.1. Dynamics of oil and pellet prices (prices of local suppliers, foreign trade prices)
6.2. Description of factors affecting price formation
7. Analysis of consumption of oils and pellets on the market
7.1. The structure of consumption of oils and pellets by fields of application (for oil – food industry / biodiesel production, for pellets – fuel / fodder / others (fillers, bedding) and the volume of consumption by each sector
7.1.1 Largest enterprises in industries
7.1.2 Number of companies
7.1.3 Database of companies
7.2. Analysis of energy consumption by industry (consumption characteristics and volumes to assess the market potential of biodiesel and fuel pellets)
7.3. Analysis of livestock market indicators, breeding of domestic animals (for the segment of using pellets as bedding for livestock and as raw materials for compound feed, as well as toilet fillers for domestic animals)
7.4. Features of consumption in the studied industries (presence of large players with their own raw material base (closed-loop production), peculiarities of purchases in industries)
7.5. Demand for goods/services (consumption of substitute goods, supply and demand balance)
8. Conclusions. Predictive indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the development of oil and pellet markets in Austria
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2022-2027
8.3. Recommendations for market development
8.3.1 Analysis of potential sales of the studied countries
8.3.2 Prospective consumer segments
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction (from the point of view of the supply of oil for the food industry, for the production of biodiesel, pellets for fuel, compound feed)
9.2. PESTLE analysis of factors influencing the work of the customer (Ukrainian enterprise-supplier to the studied countries)
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Austria's import dependency ratio for the studied goods, 2021
2. The main operators of the oil market in Austria
3. Geography of oil exports from Austria in value for 2019-2021, %
4. Geography of pellet exports from Austria in value for 2019-2021, %
5. Geography of oil imports to Austria value for 2019-2021, %
6. Geography of pellet imports to Austria in value for 2019-2021, %
7. Dynamics of foreign trade prices for oil and pellets, USD USA per kg
8. Prices of local suppliers for vegetable oils, euros for 500 ml
9. Top 10 enterprises
10. Number of companies from industries
11. Consumption of biofuel for transport in Austria in 2018-2020, thousand tons
12. Consumption of biofuel for transport in Austria in 2018-2020, thousand tons
13. SWOT analysis of the market direction (food industry, biodiesel, pellets for fuel, compound feed)
14. PESTLE analysis of the market
15. Risk map for entering the supply market for the production needs of vegetable oils and pellets in Austria

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of sunflower oil market capacity in Austria in 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
2. Dynamics of soybean oil market capacity in Austria in 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
3. Dynamics of rapeseed oil market capacity in Austria in 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
4. Market capacity dynamics of solid sunflower residue pellets in Austria in 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
5. Dynamics of the market capacity of pellets from solid soybean residues in Austria in 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
6. Structure of the vegetable oil market by types in 2021, in volume, %
7. Structure of the vegetable oil market by origin in 2021, in volume, %
8. The share of export and domestic consumption in the market of vegetable oil in 2021, in volume, %
9. Pellet market structure by types in 2021, in volume, %
10. Pellet market structure by origin in 2021, in volume, %
11. The share of export and domestic consumption in the market of pellets in 2021, in volume, %
12. Dynamics of production volumes of raw materials for oils and pellets in Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
13. Dynamics of sunflower oil production in Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
14. Dynamics of soybean oil production in Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
15. Dynamics of rapeseed oil production in Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
16. Production dynamics of pellets from solid sunflower residues in Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
17. Production dynamics of pellets from solid soybean residues in Austria for 2019-202 in volume, thousand tons
18. Dynamics of oil exports from Austria for 2019-2021 in value, million dollars
19. Dynamics of oil exports from Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
20. Dynamics of pellet exports from Austria for 2019-2021 in value, million dollars
21. Dynamics of export of pellets from Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
22. Dynamics of import of vegetable oil to Austria for 2019-2021 in value, million dollars
23. Dynamics of import of vegetable oil to Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
24. The structure of oil imports from Austria in 2021 in volume, %
25. Dynamics of pellet imports to Austria for 2019-2021 in value, million dollars
26. Dynamics of pellet imports from Austria for 2019-2021 in volume, thousand tons
27. The structure of the import of pellets from Austria in 2021 in volume, %
28. Dynamics of sunflower oil market capacity in Austria in 2022-2027 in volume, thousand tons
29. Market capacity dynamics of pellets from solid agricultural residues in Austria in 2022-2027 in volume, thousand tons

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