Market research report on sunflower and pistachio seed market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on sunflower and pistachio seed market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: January 2024 year
Number of pages: 19, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 9
Tables: 7
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
29900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity for the period from 2019 to 9/2023 for the seed market in Ukraine (including products with additives - estimation of consumption volumes with additives) - estimated in natural expression based on data on production, export, and import of the seed and pistachio segment.
2. Key players in the sunflower seed and pistachio market in Ukraine:
2.1. List of main market players and their brief description.
2.2. Structuring of operators (by segments - presence of seeds, cleaned and uncleaned with additives, regional).
2.3. Market shares of the main market operators - estimation based on production data in natural expression.
3. Sales channels - existing channels (only possible methods of distribution - without specifying companies). TOP-10 retail chains in Ukraine by the number of stores, as one of the distribution channels.
4. Development market hypotheses. Forecast indicators of seed consumption volume in Ukraine for 2023-2025 - estimation.

List of Tables:

1. Geography of the largest producers of roasted packaged sunflower seeds in Ukraine, number of companies.
2. Structure of sunflower seed producers by volumes in Ukraine in natural expression in 2021, %.
3. Structure of sunflower seed producers by volumes in Ukraine in natural expression in 2022, %.
4. Structure of pistachio imports by volumes in Ukraine in natural expression in 2021, %.
5. Structure of pistachio imports by volumes in Ukraine in natural expression in 2022, %.
6. Structure of pistachio imports by volumes in Ukraine in natural expression in 2023 (for 11 months), %.
7. Dynamics of sunflower seed production by volumes in Ukraine in natural expression in 2021-2022, thousand tons, and forecast for 2023-2025.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Calculation of the market capacity of sunflower seeds in Ukraine in natural expression for the years 2019-2022, thousand tons.
2. Calculation of the market capacity of pistachios in Ukraine in natural expression for the years 2019-2022, thousand tons.
3. List and description of the main companies in the sunflower seed market in Ukraine.
4. Segmentation of the major players in the sunflower seed market in Ukraine.
5. Location of the main producers of roasted seeds in Ukraine.
6. Dynamics of sunflower seed production volumes by the largest companies in Ukraine in natural expression in 2021-2022, thousand tons.
7. Dynamics of pistachio import volumes by the largest companies in Ukraine in natural expression in 2021-2022.
8. TOP-10 retail chains by the number of stores for the years 2019-2022.
9. Presence of market leaders' products in the TOP-10 retail chains in 2022.

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