Market research report on soft cheese market in Kyiv and the region. 2024 year

 Market research report on soft cheese market in Kyiv and the region. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2024 year
Number of pages: 13, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 3
Tables: 6
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
26500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market.
1.1 Analysis of trends in the development of the HoReKa market, including from the point of view of consumption of soft cheese dishes.
1.2 General market indicators.
1.3 Assessment of the shadow segment on the market (estimation of the share of operators who make soft cheese themselves).
1.4 Market segmentation and structuring (by types of cheeses, types of establishments).
2. The main suppliers of soft cheeses in bulk packaging.
2.1 List of the main market operators and their structuring (general information; product groups, trademarks and assortment; prices)
2.2 Assessment of producer shares in networks.
2.3 The range of products presented on the market of the studied soft cheeses in bulk packaging.
3. Price and pricing in the market. Average current prices for products.
4. Market consumption analysis.
4.1 The number and structure of catering establishments using the researched cheeses.
5. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators.
5.1 Conclusions and forecast trends of market development.
5.2 Recommendations on the expediency and optimal format of market development.

List of Tables:

1. Import of soft cheeses ("Philadelphia", "Mascarpone", "Cremetta") in Ukraine in 2023 in natural and value terms, tons, thousand UAH.
2. Import of soft cheeses ("Philadelphia", "Mascarpone", "Kremetta") in Kyiv and the region in 2023, in natural and value terms, tons, thousand UAH.
3. Number of hospitality establishments in Ukraine by type in 2023, units
4. The most popular formats of public catering establishments in Kyiv in 2022-2023, unit
5. Assortment of soft cheeses ("Philadelphia", "Mascarpone", "Cremetta") in wholesale packaging of the main manufacturers.
6. Current average prices for soft cheese ("Philadelphia", "Mascarpone", "Cremetta") in wholesale packaging of various manufacturers on marketplaces and online stores, as of 06/05/2024, UAH. for packaging and hryvnias/kg, including VAT.

List of graphs and charts:

1. The share of active enterprises in the field of catering as of 2023 by region of Ukraine, %.
2. Dynamics of opening new public catering establishments in Kyiv in 2021-2023, units, %.
3. Segmentation of the market of soft cheeses by types, according to data on imports to Ukraine in 2023, in natural terms, %.

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