Market research report on the milk and dairy products market in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on the milk and dairy products market in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2022 year
Number of pages: 36, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 9
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the studied markets
1.1. Market description, identification of value chains and market influencing factors to assess the risk of directions taking into account changes in 2022
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (factors influencing the market, problems and prerequisites for development, divided into periods up to 2021 and from 2022)
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2016-2022* (production + imports - exports), including processing
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring
- By size of companies (with a breakdown of the share of MSMEs)
- By regions
- By type of product (consumption of agricultural products (milk) and processed products (butter, cheese, fermented milk products, etc.)
- By sources of raw materials (households/enterprises)
- Estimation of the shadow segment in the market and its changes in 2022
1.5. Development of interview questionnaires and focus group scenarios
1.6. Conclusions on the current state of the industry and the role of individual links in market development
2. Analysis of the competitive environment in the market (with a focus on MSMEs)
2.1. Analysis of operators' representation in the market (largest major players, representation of the MSME segment)
2.2. Structuring of operators (by product segments, specialization, sales channels, regionally); impact of martial law on them
2.3 Analysis of the main problems faced by market operators
2.3.1. Before the outbreak of a full-scale war
2.3.2. After the outbreak of war
3. Foreign trade (if available, general overview)
3.1. Share of imports in the processing segment (butter, cheese, dairy products, etc.) - analysis of opportunities for domestic producers
3.2. Analysis of exports of milk and milk products from Ukraine
- Volumes and share in the production volume according to the market structure (analysis of export dependence)
- Geography of trade partners and logistics
- Main exporters, their volumes
4. Analysis of assortment and pricing in the market
4.1 Building assortment maps with analysis of the number of companies involved in production
4.2. Average current prices for products by segments
4.3. Description of factors influencing price formation (international prices, changes in the cost of milk production components and processed products)
5. Analysis of market consumption
5.1. Consumption volumes of the researched products and processed products per capita
5.2. Factors influencing consumption
6. Influence of associations, unions, supply chain participants and experts on market development
7. Analysis of sales channels and their changes in 2022
8. Conclusions. Industry development forecasts
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
8.2. Building hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development
9. Building the structural elements of the analysis
9.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction
9.2. PESTLE-analysis of market influencing factors
10. Building a market map (identification of all participants in the value chain; the degree of interconnection between them, the level of risks, etc.)

List of Tables:

1. Market capacity of milk and dairy products in Ukraine, in physical terms, thousand tons
2. Purchase of milk by processing enterprises, thousand tons
3. Quality of milk purchased by processing enterprises by grade, thousand tons, %.
4. Key operators in the milk processing segment
5. Structuring of the main operators in the milk processing segment
6. Ranking of war consequences for the industry, in descending order of impact
7. The main problems faced by operators of the milk and dairy products market before and during the full-scale war and options for their solution
8. Structure of dairy imports to Ukraine in 2016-10 months. 2022, in physical terms, thousand tons
9. Geographical structure of dairy products exports from Ukraine in 2021, in physical terms, %.
10. The structure of the main exporters of dairy products from Ukraine in 2021, in physical terms, %.
11. Product range of the main operators of the milk and dairy products market
12. Consumption of milk and dairy products, kg per person per year per person, kg
13. Product sales channels
14. Matrix of SWOT-analysis of the milk and dairy products market
15. Matrix of PESTEL-analysis of factors influencing the market of milk and dairy products

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the number of cows in Ukraine in 2016 - 2021, as of 1.11.2022, mln. heads, %.
2. Segmentation of the dairy market in Ukraine, in physical terms, % 3.
3. Regional structure of milk production in Ukraine, 2021, in physical terms, % 4.
4. Segmentation of the market of dairy products in Ukraine in 2021, in physical terms, %.
5. Dynamics of dairy exports from Ukraine in 2016-10 months. 2022, in physical terms, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of prices for basic dairy products, December 2020 - October 2022, UAH/kg
7. Dynamics of purchase prices for milk, UAH/kg, including VAT
8. Structure of sales of milk and dairy products by producers
9. Baseline forecast of raw milk production and processing in 2022-2024, in physical terms, thousand tons

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